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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. All I can say is, try and figure out simpler shapes that communicate the idea for that node. A simple silhouette is usually enough.
  2. Yes, stretched are planned. I don't know if I can make a 6x S-1C - the side counts of the models might make that a bit of a bear to pull off. The 7x S-II mount is already modeled, it just needs some extra textures made for the areas where the AO doesn't match up. Not off the top of my head, but, uh, trust us there's a lot of stuff left to make. We're not running out of ideas any time soon. Yeah I always hesitate to check off stuff from those lists - for instance the S-1C mount *just* got switching last night. The what? None at the moment, still a good bit of stuff to do (Eyes parts, AJ-260, can't remember what else). I know I'd like to get a release out before we start getting too crazy with adding new-new stuff (not just revamps).
  3. Yeah, we're more going to focus on Apollo/Saturn "what-ifs" moving forward. But no plans to stop. We'll probably port everything to KSP2 at some point and keep working there.
  4. Yes, I was actually thinking about that after Zorg's image. I'm fairly sure I have the texture space to do 5x, 4x, 3x, and 2x. There will also be a proper LRB mount that I suppose would be useful for Saturn C-3, though the diameter would be much too small. And I'm sure the S-1C will have some other engine mounting options as well..
  5. To be honest, this is the part where the update starts getting difficult, since there isn't a lot to go off of for a lot of the upcoming stuff. The ETS renders for stuff like the Apollo and AARDV are fairly primitive and not good representations of the hardware, IMO. But yeah, idk, I'll sleep on it a bit and see if I come up with something better. I did rather like the old AARDV's vibe though, with those rectangular panels. I want to avoid making it too close to Cygnus or ATV - I really want it to feel like something from the 70s. For what it's worth, I want the AARDV to be made out of the same material as the service module. The Block 2's cargo can more resembles an ISS module, and indeed, Benjee has sent me some HabTech2 .psd files to use as reference for that. What glitch? I have no idea what you're talking about unless you post a picture or describe it more! I honestly have no idea about the first thing, I've hardly played KSP at all since that stuff was added and I've personally never touched it. Does anyone have some insight? Are our cfgs broken somehow? The LM needs to be looked at, right now I'm not sure if the orientation of the external is correct. After that the IVA can be fixed. Though, I don't think it should move at all in game..? That doesn't make sense? Do you mean stock tanks? The mod shouldn't touch those whatsoever.
  6. Yeah probably just an adapter. There might be some alternative options when Zorg gets in with the SAF stuff. Going to focus on getting back up to parity with the stuff currently included in the mod. So stuff like the ETS parts and AJ-260 have priority. And then there's stuff that falls more under improving the customization and variants in the parts, so there will be a lot in the form of B9 switches and the like, a lot of that's getting added. A handful of parts that are kind of necessary, like a proper 4.25m (so, AJ-260 and Saturn 1 diameter) radial decoupler, are also getting added. There will probably be a couple surprises though In general we'd like to get a release out before we get too crazy.
  7. I think there's definitely a need for some other options on the S-IV mount, but it won't be that easy. At a minimum I'd like to make sure there is a 1x mount, yes. Will likely be based out of the S-IVB mount moreso than the S-IV; there's absolutely zero space left on those sheets, unfortunately.
  8. I think I can change the PAW buttons for the decouplers, I'll see if I can set it so it's like, "Jettison Docking Port" or something. S-1 will probably get at least one paint variant. I'm waiting to finish the sheet - there's room left that I'll probably use for the remaining fins and such. I'll look into the SLA panels, several people have mentioned that they're not quite up to snuff. It doesn't take any special skills, no. It's just editing text files and making a pull request on GitHub (which is quite simple). But you're better off asking on their Discord if you need help. A lot of it is just looking at existing configs to figure out the process and syntax. Since I didn't respond to this last night... yeah, right? Exciting to see it again. We're almost done with the historical stuff, at least for my end of the update. Off the top of my head, have to do the S-1 Block II fins, retro motors, and a switch for the S-1B mount that adds some extra stuff (engine fairings and the inboard engine exhaust dumps).
  9. S-IV made it in game, with some fun tweakable options. Still need to do the first stage components for the Saturn 1 Block II.
  10. The node needed to be adjusted, thank you. Not sure on the ALSS. You do make an interesting point about it though... maybe worth looking at once we have the LM-Truck.
  11. My 2c/word of god on this. I'm interested in the Apollo and Saturn variants from Eyes because they're derivatives of existing stuff, just a couple new parts each. I'm less interested in making things that would be entirely from scratch, like Artemis, the Biconic, etc Yeah I broke the LM again. You need to connect the bottom of the descent stage to the SLAM, not the bottom of the engine. This was done to make it more agnostic to which engine you choose.
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