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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. It will be a B9 switch in the main mod. Yeah, it was a fairly half-baked part made without a real use in mind. It deserves to be redone. Something like that. I'm planning on trying to expand the LM parts once the historical parts are out. And a small update on my end - I haven't been able to work on BDB much the last couple weeks, probably won't for the next week or so. Been taking on a bunch of new projects at work, mostly video production, which has taken a lot of my creative energies. Laying in bed thinking about that instead of BDB, etc. Right now my plan is to try and get the CSM over the line as a first priority - that way there's something new to start fiddling with Also, no need for platitudes about "real life takes priority" or whatever, just wanted to keep everyone in the loop.
  2. Yeah the Apollo SM/decoupler has running lights. Oh, I should clarify, that's a flag I made to use as a placeholder. I mean, I'll probably make it available in the mod but it's not part of the texture.
  3. If I remember, the ETS Deltas use 3x H-1s for their first stage as well (which is why they're capable of boosterless missions) - that would require a custom mount and even then being able to fit them is, ah, dubious. One thing worth remembering with Eyes is for the longest time, the designs really only existed on a spreadsheet. So the details aren't very fleshed out except for a handful of the later rockets that had a lot of art done of them.
  4. I don't think the mechanism was designed to be retractable at all? Yeah let me just put down all the other stuff I'm doing and jump on that...
  5. I legitimately have no ill will or opinion of @TaintedLion, just thought it was a funny nudge I'm not, like, a huge fan of Gemini Direct for ergonomic reasons (really hard to pilot a landing on your back, using a mirror to see below you) but it's probably coming eventually. The biggest driver is that both the Gemini Direct and the conical Big G service module are scaled to the S-IVB diameter. Since that's changing in the Saturn update, I've held off on doing them. Also, 'fun fact' (and the reason I'd still want to do Gemini Direct) - one of the alternate configurations for the Lunar Recon Gemini used the Ascent stage as a service module. Also - no stream today, in the middle of deep cleaning my apartment. I want to try and work a bit this afternoon but I'll probably just, like, put on Youtube and chill while I do that.
  6. Making the existing IVA shells was already a big favor from Beale and I don't want to ask more of him - he has plenty of his own projects. Also, Zorg found a cool video on Youtube. Someone here, maybe?
  7. I have no plans to do Pegasus right now; work will indeed focus on stuff already in the mod for the time being. Unfortunately you can't kitbash a Pegasus out of S-IV parts, since they'll be a different diameter after the update I think? I'm also definitely not doing Artemis, btw - I'd rather focus on expanding the LM parts if possible. I think top priority once we're caught up is probably the S-1D; I know it's very requested. To be clear, Beale isn't being asked to do any more IVA work for us. He was making TKS parts, I asked if he could adapt the meshes for the MOL parts, he very kindly obliged.
  8. I'm in the process of remaking all the Apollo parts, but none of the new ones are in game yet. Still a lot of work to do before getting there. Speaking of which...
  9. I think I was less dedicated to getting the difficult parts right It made less sense back then since our Gemini's door didn't match the real one anyways. I definitely knew about it being a Gemini hatch - it's one of the more well known 'trivia' bits - just didn't bother.
  10. I haven't even figured out what chutes are on the Apollo yet Probably. It already does? (and if it doesn't, well, y'all have 5 years to complain I'm not fixing it now)
  11. So far I've been working on the ETS strategy of "why would you change the docking port? That changes the outer mold line!"
  12. We're in discussions with a subcontractor. Plan right now is to just have the SIM bay door fixed for the alpha and then sort it out later. EDIT: I guess I shouldn't leave this post empty. Here, have uh... the start of the parachute bay.
  13. 3 variants of the Apollo Scimitar antenna coming in the update. The round flight model, one inspired by the unshielded version on the Apollo 9 LM, and a squared one inspired by (I believe) a mockup.
  14. My general policy for fictional stuff like that is they're meant to be a prop, and usually not plausible enough design-wise to do. That's what the AARDV is for Unless you needed the return capability...
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