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Everything posted by Mutex

  1. What are you hoping the volunteer moderators of this forum, who do not work for IG, PD or T2, will keep you informed about?
  2. Hmm, I didn't have any particular issues with my 6800XT. Apart from those black glitchy artefacts on the clouds at one point. Performance wasn't bad though, compared to what everyone else was getting anyway.
  3. Direct link to Quinn Duffy's post on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/quinn-duffy_well-here-we-go-again-the-team-at-intercept-activity-7201280703215394816-uyzd/
  4. What do you mean about them cutting their losses? CS2 is still under active development as far as I know, they're very much working on making the game work.
  5. In "q4 2024 prepared remarks" there's some potentially relevant comments, which I can't easily copy on my phone. But on page 4 Karl Slatoff mentions their recent cost reduction program, through which they cancelled several titles. I guess they cancel titles every year, but I'm not sure we'd heard about the "recent" cost reduction program.
  6. I see KSP2 listed in the document "investor presentation - may 2024" on page 19. Still looking through the other documents.
  7. That's caught me out sometimes, but there have definitely been times when I couldn't deploy the parachute and I definitely wasn't time-warping.
  8. From what I heard in interviews, they had about 50 people in the whole of IG. Not developers, people. Including admin, HR, accounts, etc. The number of developers was possibly less than 20, from what Nate said to ShadowZone in an interview in 2023.
  9. I mean, I can easily imagine a standard contract in this situation stating ST were obliged to hand over the work they'd done or get sued into oblivion, but I don't work in the industry so I'm asking people who actually know.
  10. Yes IG were initially a subset of the people who worked at ST, doesn't mean the code actually got transferred from ST to IG, which were different companies.
  11. I've always wondered if any of the code actually made it across from ST to IG. There was no official transfer of the project from what I understand, PD just told ST they're not doing the project anymore and started head-hunting their staff while ST went bankrupt. Would PD have legally owned the work that was done? I'm guessing the contract would almost certainly have specified they did. But at that point PD basically tore up the contract. Is there any chance the work just got deleted by ST rather than handed over to the very people screwing them over?
  12. His wording was more like "I'm very much looking forward to talking when I can", quoted from memory. Reading between the lines, maybe he's saying he has good news to share?
  13. This is kinda interesting: https://old.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1chgbzl/2024_take_2_layoffs_megathread/l23nani/?context=3 Seems like Dean Hall was talking to someone who he realised was a KSP2 developer (or worked at IG), and after saying so the person deleted their posts.
  14. Personally I'd be happy if it was just a regular, consistent monthly update. First Friday of the month (for example), we get all the development news, bug fixing progress, screenshots of upcoming stuff. I know some people would prefer more frequent than that, but I think if it was regular and predictable enough people would complain about communication less, because there'd be less uncertainty about when we're going to hear anything next. I think the uncertainty and unpredictability is making the situation worse.
  15. I think you can adjust the spring settings and increase the dampening? Shame the default settings aren't great though.
  16. They really need to decide whether field names start with a capital letter or not.
  17. You seem to be suggesting a mode or screen where you can freely place maneuver nodes, with whatever dV and thrust, to plan out a journey? That would be very useful. I've done missions to Jool recently and, despite being a KSP player for over a decade, been caught out by the dV requirements. A place you could freely plan your maneuvers and see the dV required would help a lot.
  18. You'll want to do "git reset --hard <BRANCH>", or however you'd do that with the VS plugin.
  19. That's how I do it. And then use fuel-lines to join the tanks together (don't bother trying to enable fuel-crossfeed in the decoupler, it doesn't work well).
  20. The only workaround I've found for this issue is to manually make a new stage in your staging, move the engines to it, and then press spacebar to "re-stage" the engines. This makes the game recognise them as in-use engines, and use them to calculate dV.
  21. You're not missing anything, it's currently extremely badly designed for interplanetary transfers. Nate said on the recent stream they're planning to resign it. EDIT: Redesign it, I meant.
  22. That's interesting, because right now if you don't happen to know what phase angle you need for interplanetary transfer, and you don't use an online tool / mod, then this is pretty much the only way to actually go to another planet right now. I remember doing this in KSP1 when I'd just started playing it.
  23. Imminent? Have I missed something recently? I thought that was still quite far away.
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