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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Product is finished, the result can be found in the Orbital Utility Vehicle thread.
  2. Orbital Tug IVA Inbefore while we wait when the awesome internal from nli2work comes online I made a quick patch for the IVA lovers. Remade the cupola internal to fit the cabin, removed cupola windows from the model Placed the portrait cam at a new angle Made internal lights more subtle and less distractive The front window is clickable to zoom-in the view RPM support with autodetection patch All textures are referenced from the Squad folder DOWNLOAD from DROPBOX
  3. @nli2work Thank you so much, moving "Kerbals" to layer 16 did the trick, cool! These are little things very few people know. I tried to search forums for "Unity layers" but this request crashes the search engine of this site, haha By the way, if I don't add camera attribute to the transform the game can't find it and sets camera to default generic position in front of Kerbal's upper body. The log says "can't find pilot_camera ..." What other layer numbers are used in the game? I know Part Triggers should be layer 21. What about Internal Space layer? Meanwhile, I was making this quick and dirty IVA for your Orbital Tug pod. Ported it from cupola, textures are referenced to squad spaces folder. May I post it as a temporary IVA patch in your tug mod thread until your cool IVA comes online? :3
  4. I set up a Portrait Camera transform in Unity and assigned a unity camera parameter to it. But in game I have an issue where only my Kerbal is shown in the portrait, the camera angle I set is right but the background is black, no internals show up. I put all the objects onto the "Kerbals" layer but that didn't help.
  5. @hypervelocity Do you use the RealHeat mod? In RSS reentry temps are a bit weird, this mod probably should fix that. I don't play RSS so I don't have capable crafts to share, but I've been playing with temperatures for quite some time to get Inline Ballutes mod right, so I might know where to look.
  6. @hypervelocity Have you tried the high BC reentry? Parts in KSP have two temperature maximums, one is internal temp the other is surface temp, if one of those reaches maximum then the part explodes. I suppose in RSS very low BC reentry takes too much time so the internal temp has enough time to reach its maximum. High BC reentry should give stress test to the surface temperature tolerance of the part and cut time for internal temperature build up. If high BC reentry makes your plane explode then you should go and edit your savegame persistent.sfs Scroll a bit down to find this line DIFFICULTY { AutoHireCrews = False MissingCrewsRespawn = True BypassEntryPurchaseAfterResearch = True AllowStockVessels = False IndestructibleFacilities = False ResourceAbundance = 1 ReentryHeatScale = 1 // play with this number to get the desired result (1 = 100% reentry heat, 0.8 = 80%) }
  7. Your Blender export settings and Unity import settings will give us the clue.
  8. I think his mipmaps were messed up, regenerating them solved the issue.
  9. Sorry to bother you, but these are the contents of the archive I got from SpaceDock, I see no plugin there:
  10. I'm using the push adapter as a nice extension to tow an extra fuel tank for moar dV. (tank from the USI Kontainers pack)
  11. Are you sure? I see the plugin neither in your Github nor in Spacedock archives. Only config pathces.
  12. I think he means the model itself, not the module. He wants to get rid of the winch visually. EDIT: I see the widgets patch which adds the winch to the pod. Strange that it activates without KAS.
  13. I have a strange issue in VAB with this mod enabled. If the context menu in VAB was dragged or pushed by the screen's edge the contents of the menu freeze and become unclickable. The issue is not present in flight.
  14. Those who seek immersion, IVA experience, realism would love this little feature of walking kerbals to a building to recover. P.S. I'm also getting a NullReferenceException spam by your mod when in flight. Do you need a log?
  15. @Nereid Came here to tank you again. This mod saved me from save corruptions and accidents so many times. Just love it!
  16. @nli2work it so good to see you back in business! ) I wanted put my hands on your orbital tug since the day you posted your first pictures, it's been a while and finally, ah. I pray God this cute wonder gets an IVA sometime in the future, I know you're awesome at makng them. P.S. @nli2work you know, you're the one who inspired me to learn modelling and textureing. Loved your vids.
  17. @Andem nice idea, it's very convenient to have nodes when playing with KIS, cause I just can't make things symmetrical on EVA. If you're planning to make it a big patch for solar panels out there, it would be awesome if you added support for Near Future Solar it's probably the most famous solar panels pack on the forums.
  18. @Olympic1 Writing a Module Manager patch was the first idea that popped in my mind after seeing this mod on SpaceDock. I'm glad I came here ) thank you for the config.
  19. @AlbertKermin Dude, I really love what your mod grew up to be! It was a long road and what a result, just lovely! You really have stepped up your modelling skills. I literally was surprised to see these cool models on Kottabos channel. I was like: is it really AlbertKermin? o.o Your mod makes science so special ) It's not something you can do with probes. Great job! P.S. Thanks for the heartwarming credits
  20. I was looking everywhere on the forums and on interntet for the original EngineThrustController mod, cause its Github repo only has uncompiled cs project files and Kerbalstuff is long dead. Finally found it in the Odyssey Project repo by Bob Fitch, if anyone's looking for the mod here's the link: Engine Thrust Controller: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hb51rhkgdz814nl/Engine%20Thrust%20Controll%20V2.zip
  21. I haven't tested, but does this mean that SRB thrust curves are not working currently without EngineThrustController installed?
  22. What a lovely plugin! Especially when playing with Kerbal Construction Time, its a pain in the ass to get a kerbal out there. Thank you so much @Antipodes. Now I can make a full use of the awesome FASA Launch tower. Have you thought about a backwards process? Make building doors enterable (boardable) to recover Kerbals. That would bring so much to the immersion of the game. I always wanted to park a plane and walk my Kerbal to the offices to end the mission.
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