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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. I don't really understand the use. You can balance with the thrust limiter option.
  2. No, KSP (or Unity) does not use .NET as it's CLI. I think it uses Mono if I am not mistaken. In any case Unity programming is mostly limited to C#. Though it can also use JavaScript and Boo, KSP doesn't.
  3. Hmm, I never thought of that but you are right. That would give you the orbital period. The problem is trying to synchronize 3 satellites calculating that way to 5 100ths of a second would be quite difficult.
  4. Jet engines take fuel from all tanks in a stage equally. All you can do is disable the tanks you don't want to pull fuel from until you need them.
  5. In our defense, we were advocating for a tweakable to hide the turbine. Squad chose to just remove them entirely. You can turn them on with a Module Manager patch, they are in the game.
  6. @tater You both have totally and completely missed the point. I'm sorry but I can't dumb down the explanation any further.
  7. @tater You do realize the launchpad is not outside Kerbin's atmosphere... right? It's also not considered 'spaceflight'. Even if you do send them into space for a few missions, the point of what I said was you don't need them once the time you unlock the second probe core.
  8. Nope, not really any more time consuming, and probes are cheap and low mass making your overall costs cheap.
  9. No, your first spaceflight does not have to be manned. You can easily get unmanned probes without leaving Kerbin's atmosphere. Their science is low value and irrelevant when there is quite literally enough science in the stock game, not counting the lab, to complete the tech tree 23.5 times.
  10. Lol, I meant how much game time? Did it take you all 6 years the clock shows or was it less.
  11. @GoSlash27 That's pretty impressive. However, it looks as though one side of that swings awful close to Duna. How long did it take you to set that up?
  12. @ddavis425 When they connect (I eyeballed it this time). It doesn't have to be a perfect triangle, they just have to connect with each other and have the same orbital period. Though it is possible and not that hard to make a perfect triangle if you use a tool like this. Now, that is for RT so much of the data won't apply, but the Multiple Launch View (meaning launch all the satellites in a single vessel) tells you where your high and low period are where you will put your Ap/Pe to allow a satellite to separate from the last perfectly in a single orbit. That is only dependent on intended orbit and number of satellites, regardless of range, etc. So that part can be used with stock. 1. Put your launch vehicle into the proper orbit 2. release the first unit 3. On the launch vehicle lower or raise your Pe as shown in the periods for Multiple Launch View (it doesn't matter which, higher or lower will work) 4. orbit once 5. release a satellite and circularize it 6. orbit again and circularize the final satellite You should be pretty close to a perfect equilateral triangle. All you need to do is even up the orbital periods so there is little drift. Now, Regarding orbital period, the stock game won't tell you that, you need KER. The network I did above is not final, it's in stock and will likely drift heavily. However if you build your units properly you can get an incredibly accurate orbital period that won't drift substantially for hundreds of years. The trick is to not overpower your satellite. Imagine an Octo core with 2 oscar B, the small inline battery and an antenna and a few solar panels. You could put a spark on that but it is going to have so much thrust it will actually make things harder, instead go with the Ant. You see you want as little thrust as possible to fine tune the orbital period. The slower you can make it change, the easier it will be to get within 500ths of a second accuracy (sometimes better). In fact, in addition to the ant, once you get really close to your orbital period, throw the thrust limiter down as far as you can make it go and fine tune it some more! So, long story short.. do not over build your satellite with engines. In the end you want all 3 satellites to have an orbital period as close as humanly possible. If you do it right, they will not drift far, and not enough to matter for a very very long time even through long time warps. The actual value of Orbital period only really matters if you want synchronous, otherwise it can be anything as long as they are the same. However, this can be difficult on low gravity bodies like Minmus or Gilly, the orbits tend to get much more shaky making life difficult. It can still be done, but alternative methods may be preferable to the triad.
  13. I remember them, from the stories my Grandfather told me Seriously, my father was still a child when they landed on the Moon. My Grandfather tells me he built the computer cabinets in Mission Control though. He didn't know what he was building when he welded them, but later he saw them on TV and recognized his work.
  14. Pre-release patch came out today with a special surprise. Hype it up guys, we have plane and relay filter categories in map mode and the tracking station!
  15. This does seem to be the only configuration option missing. The feature is otherwise very configurable.
  16. @Magzimum I would definitely hold off then. The biggest problem you face with a test version is that there is a patch almost every day with a few fixes. That means whatever we tell you now is obsolete tomorrow. They could patch a bug intending to fix it and find out it actually permanently corrupts everyone's save file. Those of us participating understand that.
  17. It's possible I suppose, but I don't think it is likely mods. It's worth a shot, I'm out of ideas.
  18. @ZooNamedGames I tried it, I guess it does treat it as an Axis for mine too. I could of sworn it was a button. However it does remember it for me once I assign it. I don't really use the hat on mine because it is meant for Trim and KSP is too dumb to let us map that.
  19. That is so strange. Ok, forget KSP for a moment. Do a Windows search for Setup USB Game Controllers. Select your flight stick and click Properties. You should have something like this (I believe Windows 10 still has this) The question is, does it actually detect as a PoV Hat, or is it detecting as an Axis?
  20. Depenmd The answer to these questions are irrelevant. If you feel the need to ask them, the answer is "no", do not upgrade. If you at all care about your existing stuff, do not upgrade to a test version (ever). You can copy the entire folder elsewhere though and still try the test with a new save game or with a duplicate of your existing stuff. The game is not tied to Steam's DRM or any other DRM so you can have as many copies as you like on your hard drive. Answers 1. It should, theoretically 2. Yes. Though some parts have changed size, like the Puff engine. 3. Yes. Assuming no mods.
  21. The hat stick is a button, not an axis (at least it is on my Thrustmaster).
  22. @ZooNamedGames Sounds like you aren't mapping it right. In the input settings, buttons/keypresses are on the left of the screen, analogs on the right. There are duplicates. They are not mapped by default like some games, you have to go map them manually. I have a Thrustmaster now, but before that I had my Dad's 10 year old Saitek that was basically an earlier model of yours and it worked fine. EDIT: oops, I meant earlier version of razarks. I read the wrong post. What OS are you on?
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