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Everything posted by tg626

  1. The pertinent question is which engine, if any, handles floating point calculations best. As far as graphics go, look at paralax, EVE and other enhancements - Unity can do quite well. KSP had a certain art style and that's an artistic choices thing. Animations? Personally I think KSP1 kerbals look like cute little green orangatan toddlers full of exuberance. I think KSP2 kerbals look like cursed muppets, and thats not a game engine thing, that's an artistic choices thing.
  2. Is this a bug? A setting in Scatterer? A setting on my nVidia control panel? If I removed Scatterer it goes away. If I zoom super close (only really possible in flight scenes, not space center) it stops flickering. When I do zoom in super close the "event horizon" of solid/flickering sweeps across the texture, so it's definitely a "distance from the camera" thing. That's Tundra Space Center's Launch Pad 34 if that helps. It seems to have a plane above the visible "asphalt" which has a "blast" texture on it. It's a dds file, and has alpha transparency.
  3. Advance-4 (Progress) prepositions to the Nadir port of Star (Zvesda) while the Shuttle stands by for docking - KSS (ISS)
  4. Someone couldn't be bothered to lay the paper down straight...
  5. Fine by me. I love the pads! Absolutely essential to have 39A/B for Modular Launchpads and my shuttle!
  6. I know this is old but it is also unanswered. Mobile Launchpad appears to be what Squad calls the square pad with a ramp on one side which is used as a launch pad everywhere that isn't KSC. These are all on Kerbin. Originally it was used for the additional launch sites added by Making History, and later for all the discoverable ones added in v1.12 The "mobile" part of the name simply refers to its cosmetic appearance, it is in fact very stationary and unmovable.
  7. I got it wrong. This being called "Tundra Space Center" and the place in game being called "Tundra Space Center" created the mix up in my brain. This is just a pack of launch pad models that can be used in Kerbal Konstructs. KSCExtended is an example of that use - and the author took the smaller pads and created a new space center in the game as well as enlarging KSC. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. How long are the parallel runways in KSP2? In 1 it was 2.5km long, but all these "land speed" videos make it look WAY longer in KSP2.
  9. As a member of the Trainz community (and if you dear reader are as well, I'm sure you'll agree) mixing content for different versions on a wiki is a VERY bad idea. However it's segregated, the content needs to be partitioned one version from another.
  10. TSC does ALSO add a new site with a runway and variety of pads, but it's far away from KSC. So TSC is a new space port and its models were used in making KSC Extended
  11. Questionable behavior aside, THIS is a VERY good question. As far as I have been able to tell, NO. I've always felt this mod cried out for a "spacedock"-like site or post that listed both Scenes (Instances) and Models (Statics) for KK. You have to hunt around for various KK posts, or posts mentioning KK, and then see if you can hunt down the latest of them to see if they are new enough....
  12. 16GB RAM, 8GB VRAM, and for percentage, how are you checking that? So we use the same metric.
  13. Your skepticism may be appropriate? Heres how I solved it (I think): TL:DR; Doing the KSP equivlent of a factory reset and reinstall of all Apps seems to have fixed it. I use a bespoke bulk file mover called "Generic Mod Enabler" to manage my mods. So, I saved a profile of my currently installed ones. Then I uninstalled all of them. This of course left some folders in which various mods had saved files - settings and such. I bulk deleted them all, except Squad, Squad Expansion, and my own TG626 folder that holds a few flags and minor part tweaks. I also deleted all ModuleManager cache files. I then reinstalled everything using Generic Mod Enabler, including the latest .3 release of KSPCF. After passing thru the gauntlet of intro screens for various mods, I loaded up a craft and launched it. At which point I found my toolbar was normal, and my sounds were working. I'll be back if the problems return.
  14. I discovered it awhile back when I decided "a black band would look cool on the external tank" of my barely working shuttle and then it started flipping out (and over) during ascent.
  15. Which is why i said you cant just turn it off and on, by which I meant like a normal LFO engine or light bulb. It's ON / It's OFF. Using the light bulb analogy, it's a light bulb that takes 40 days to slowly dim to dark. This predicated on the reader not necessarily understanding the finer points of nuclear fission. One of which being neutron poisoning of the fuel mass if you DO attempt to just halt the reaction immediately (SCRAM the reactor) and then you still have decay heat to contend with.
  16. Neither do I, don't know why you think I do. KSPCF installed, no rocket motor sounds KSRPC uninstalled, normal sound The toolbar issue however is more cercumstantial, so I'm not "reporting" that at this time. Only noting to the public at large that I saw thw "Green Clipboard of Doom " for the first time ever - and KSRPC happened to be installed at the time. Perhaps this isn't the place for that, sorry. In the event it proves useful, know that I was launching from Tundra Space Center (a Kerbal Konstructs addon) and not KSC - as this means I was in places that KSP wasn't made for, it may be of importance. Maybe the code makes some assumptions about spawn location when launching? Having slept on it, I think I'll do some more checks to make sure I installed correctly and maybe see if I can turn off you sound fix as I suspect it may be what muted my rockets.
  17. > *three GCoD I did, and it didn't seem to return. However, I noticed then and later that my engines are silent. I removed the bugfix mod and they returned. Shame, I'm going to miss having the PAW menu collapsed. I might roll back to .1 it didn't seem to have these problems.
  18. The reactor provides heat for propulsion, heating the hydrogeny fuel. Reactor heat isn't something you just turn on and off, so its going to be sitting there radiating heat that would otherwise be waste, so you could harness that to do other things - at least when you aren't using it for propulsion - but then the question would become if it's worth its weight to do it vs other methods which could be presumably used at all times.
  19. Turn on Aero forces overlay, I think the flag drag will surprise you. It's a bit crazy.
  20. Feeling Nostalgic... All Stock ( Making History DLC ) save for the Near Future Solar panels - BC the stock selection is rather limited - and Shrouded Decouplers. Same as above, except I made a 1.875m cargo can because I can't for the life of me figure out why Squad didn't...
  21. So EVE and Scatterer(?) Have lots o' settings, is there a document somewhere I missed that explains them (and hopefully dossnt "read like stereo instructions")?
  22. Still like to drop things here when I discover them. A little QOL fix to keep those heat-shields and Making History pods from returning all shiny after reentry. // Tweak ablator effects so they always go dark at 99.75% ablator remaining // TG626 @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleAblator]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleAblator] { %charMin = 0.0 %charMax = 1.0 } @MODULE[ModuleColorChanger]:HAS[#moduleID[shieldChar]] { @shaderProperty = _BurnColor @redCurve { @key,0 = 0.9975 .4 } @greenCurve { @key,0 = 0.9975 .4 } @blueCurve { @key,0 = 0.9975 .4 } } } Major credit to @sumghai and by extension @JPLRepo for their diligent research!
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