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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. those are custom colors, because we like colors for the color coding look at the version number (both are green so you are on the latest release)
  2. no problem, glad you sorted it out!
  3. everybody, plese stop asking questions about planet packs here this is a forum thread for kopernicus, if you have issues with a specific planet pack go bother who is maintaining that planet pack otherwise we flood this thread with a bunch of useless crap yup, like pood said it's maxZoom under Properties the number describes the amount of meters that fit vertically in the screen when max zoomed so basically, if you want kerbin's poles to touch the top and bottom of the screen at maxZoom you need to use 1200000
  4. changing the numbers should be fine if it doesn't work I need some files to understand what's going on if you click the nyan cat in my sig you will find a list with everything I need
  5. yeah I don't have the free time required to make any kind of graphical enhancement mod compatible with GN, and any of those mods will definitely require at least some custom cfgs to work on GN. but if someone wants to tackle that I'll be happy to put a link to their thread in GN's OP
  6. you should report this to the CKAN devs in the CKAN thread or open an issue on the CKAN github repo. (and not on this thread)
  7. I can take a look but I need some files: click on the nyan cat in my sig and provide the files requested there
  8. the system is working this way to allow the use on modified kerbins (like Gael) of bases that are designed for stock kerbin if you are using custom cfgs that puts statics in places that are specifically designed for the GPP system, you can't group them with the KSC if you are using standard cfgs from KerbinSide (that are designed with stock kerbin in mind) then you just need to group them with the KSC and SD will do the rest I have no idea what you mean with this
  9. this is probably caused by kopernicus version 5, go back to 4 and it should work. but keep in mind that the spacecenter scene will always be broken because when you reparent kerbin the game doesn't like it very much
  10. I tested it and it seems to work just fine this is an install with: KSP 1.3.0 ModuleManager 2.8.1 Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 ModularFlightIntegrator (From Kopernicus 1.3.0-4) SigmaDimensions v0.8.2 KKtoSD v0.1.0 KerbalKonstructs (pre-release) Kerbin-Side_Complete_continued-1.2 (I've removed all bases except for KSCUpgrades) this custom cfg are you sure there's nothing extra interfering with SD in GPP ? I know GPP used to have custom statics, those will not work with SD groups, when SD groups stuff with the KSC it assumes the original group was positioned around the original position of KSC
  11. @Poodmund I'm not sure how this plugin interacts with cbnamelater I'll take a look to see what's going on
  12. I believe this was solved on IRC (if you are the same guy) otherwise if you are still having this issue click on the nyan cat in my sig and link here the files requested I'll take a look when I return from my vacation
  13. Do you have an example? I don't see why the space should be an issue
  14. I haven't looked ad galileo's configs but if he is using sd correctly (and I think he is) then your planet pack will be compatible as long as it is written properly If it doesn't work it's either a sd bug (not likely) or a bug in your mod. (Or possibly a missing feature in sd)
  15. @Gordon Dry you're right I managed to miss the link I'll take a look as soon as I have some time
  16. I don't think you can use "and" plus "or" in the same statement Try with a simpler one and work your way to the more complex one Also, there is no point in posting your cfg if you don't post the mm configcache as well. And I would have suggested you to use only a few mods, but I'm aware that the suggestion would fall on deaf ears
  17. Very nice. I'll make sure to add a link to this thread on the SD OP as soon as I get back in the country
  18. no and yes no you can't check the position of CCC yes you can get to the result you want, what you need to do is check if the first element is CCC if not, move the first element from each list at the end and loop the patch when the first element is CCC you edit the value on the second list then you keep moving elements at the end untill you have done a full "lap" it's a lot complicated, so unless you know what you're doing with MM I'd advise against it
  19. Did you try with only mm installed or did you dump a gazilion mods in gamedata and then picked one at random to blame?
  20. @ProtoJeb21 why are you using 1.3.0-2 instead of the latest release? also, the error is in the pressure curve [LOG 17:40:30]: Parsing Target pressureCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.FloatCurveParser) [LOG 17:40:30]: Exception Was Recorded: Unknown char: - also, please don't post logs directly into the forum comments, it breaks the forums you lost a space in the pressure curve key = 12000 2.375-0.000223 -0.000223
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