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Everything posted by Tellion

  1. That might be your problem. Many mods disable themselves when run on the windows 64bit version because it is deemed inherently unstable and nobody wants to debug issues that they have no control over. If you want to play with it, that's totally chill - but unless you can reproduce your issue on the 32bit version, modders will react somewhat frosty to your pleas for support. On another note, there is one stable 64bit version of KSP that nobody has difficulties with to support and that is the linux version. If you really need all those mods (I can relate), you might want to look into that.
  2. Well, "quite focused" can still mean that you could line up several solar systems in the diameter of the cone. The relationship between opening angle θ and base radius r of a right circular cone can be plotted as a function like this, with r assumed to be ~4.791 AU or 7.1672e+11 meters, half of Saturn's semi-major axis, and θ plotted for 0.0001-90°. Assuming θ to be only 0.0001° and dividing the result by 1 ly or 9.4605284e+15 meters results in a distance of only ~43.4 lightyears. 0.0001° is chosen rather optimistically though, Wikipedia puts it between 2 and 20°. The reason we have not gone extinct already due to one of those is less that the cones are so narrow (though that certainly plays into the statistic) and more that there do not seem to be that many candidates in the milky way that are capable of producing outbursts that energetic. Oh, and sorry for the OT
  3. Sigma, you might want to clear your inbox I don't think that the texture contains much distortion per se, so it *should* be possible to remap it without introducing additional artifacts, but I have lots of trouble visualizing the process... Apart from that a forum dedicated to mapping or image editing might be of more help to you. I found a good deal of interesting info here, so maybe ask those guys.
  4. I had some fun with Scatterer today and thought I would share: It is the first planet I made pretty much from the ground up so I hurried through the scatterer config a bit, but I am really fond of it anyways. Thanks for this amazing mod, blackrack! I can't even begin to imagine how great this game will look once we have support for multiple planets
  5. It's current state does not reflect that, but I will be all the more happy if it is^^
  6. Thanks! Oh and: We should really try to collect all that information in some place, don't you think? Right most attempts at planetmaking do not go much further than a SE export and that really is a shame given all the potential of Kopernicus...
  7. A GRB would probably not be *that* focused though. Even if the jet has a very small initial cross section, I believe it would cover a very large area after a few hundred lightyears.
  8. The fix for the ground was setting maxLevel to 6 from 12, right? Do you know what this does exactly? The Material section looks like it contains ground textures, but I am not sure here either... Mind pointing me to a description of that (if it exisits)? Thanks in advance
  9. This is absolutely, stunningly amazing, I can't believe I just noticed this now! This reminds me of the (sadly now defunct) Orbit Manipulator... I will try to test this asap A few questions if you don't mind: Is it currently possible to specify the engines that can employ the plugin with MM? I would love to use all those Near Future Propulsion engines with realistic thrust. Are there any limitations with regards to the engines that could be used currently? Thinking of more complicated things like VASIMRs for example... How far is this capable of operating in a planetary reference frame at the moment? Could it be used for an orbital insertion around a gas giant? Could any issues crop up with rescaled solar systems/RSS? If it is functional to a sufficient degree, the RO crowd should love this a lot as well.
  10. Interesting. Maybe my eyes betray me, but I don't think that is a generic SE export. Any specific process to make it? I am entertaining the thought of creating a few planets myself and am currently trying to suck up all the information I can regarding that topic
  11. No need for that tone, he just asked a question. There is even less need to be so snappy about it as you are not even the mod author.
  12. Yeah, I imagine accurately plotting multiple gravity assists would require something a little above the scope of Transfer Window Planner and such. The other option that comes to mind is the Trajectory Optimization Tool, but I doubt it takes in custom solar systems. If it did, that would be awesome of course.
  13. There is a RemoteTech config included in the download, but I imagine that RO might have it's own set of tweaks regarding launch sites and ground stations. I would try 64K on a clean install to rule out any specific bugs and then look for whatever could interfere with it.
  14. RVE might be your best bet, but if you do not find anything, the general procedure of adapting EVE packs to rescales is to look for clipping or otherwise displaced layers, adjust their height to a decent level via EVE's ingame gui (alt+n) and then edit those values in the respective .cfgs in /BoulderCo. When using a downscaled RSS, you will aditionally have to tweak the body names in those .cfgs - also some cloud layers might not fit with their planets (eve-venus, titan-laythe).
  15. RF uses all kinds of propellants for RCS, from Hydrazine, its derivatives like MMH, UDMH, AZ50 to things like Nitrogen. For stockalike engines, each RCS thruster can be configured individually. Oh, and great mod!
  16. CaptRobau, OPM atmospheres currently do not work with FAR. Try using the RSS values for adiabaticIndex, if I did not overlook anything that will fix it.
  17. From installing Ubuntu over and over again, I also found it to play very nice with Windows installed on the same drives, provided Ubuntu comes after the other operating systems. Not so much for the other way around^^ No experience with OS X though.
  18. Have you made certain that you are on the latest version? There was an issue like that for a while, but it was already fixed a few Kopernicus versions ago. Reinstall both OPM and Kopernicus, that will most likely help.
  19. This. Also, A dualboot install is not hard to set up at all and very much worth the effort.
  20. Lol, good choice Next thing you will find yourself shopping for delicious new RAM sticks^^
  21. Depends on the environment the vessel is used in I think. For Stock KSP, 7 meters is not really necessary - you will have to push dry masses through the roof (as stock does) to keep it balanced. If we are talking 10x or RSS on the other hand, 7m is your average moderately-ambitious moon mission.
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