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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. If we have missions in science mode, can we also get upgrades to the buildings in science mode? Actually, here is a mod idea - cost of everything becomes 0 - no funds from contracts - no cost to build anything. Instead, to get funds to upgrade facilities you need to convert your Rep, or Sci, or both! to funds. Or, world firsts are the only contracts to get funds.
  2. I hesitate to ask... will release be 1.10.1 too? Mainly asking becuae as soon as you do there will be a stock KSP 1.10.2
  3. I hear you. As Tetrix introduced more substantive changes it became more important to support more mods. The original simplex only moved about half the parts. Tetrix does alter a little with some mods but it isn’t great. Upgrades are supposed to be this way. Also Near Future construction adjusts some connections and KSPIE will have a tenth tier.
  4. There is an interesting balance that you'll want to think about. There are many people that like the unmanned start option i.e. stayputnik first, or a probe that you can put a parachute on. They'll try and use Unmanned Start or like mods to that effect. Sounding rockets (probe core with an SRB) is not the end of the world for a first launch if it will open up an option for crewed flights IF people want it. So having you first crew capsule in your first tier (Start being tier 0) will alleviate this.
  5. This looks good and similar to Simplex or Tetrix Tech trees. if you want you could use my configs as a way of finding the part names. The dlcs are under the stock parts. Peace.
  6. Kattobos hasnt looked at my mods? Either or both the tech trees sould make a good couple of episodes. Simplex Resources too. Also, i have a list of ideas that I've requested over the years, but noone was willing to pick them up or they eventually got made. Modding is a combination of skills, time, percieved need and desire. These have to come together quite specifically.
  7. @Stone Blue I don't have a preference for the way the 3 seater is configured. Perhaps front ways is better as it is less an office and more a taxi. Peace.
  8. Haven't had a have to get in front of my pc. Too much stuff in NZ going down IRL.
  9. Maybe. But you could always ask. What parts were you after?
  10. @Stone Blue, looking at @Gfurst's post above, and even though I requested a 2 seat version in a PM to you, are you still going to hand back a three seater? Some people may be upset at that loss (I won't, but that's just me) <feeling sheepish> Peace.
  11. I'm salivating. mainly as I can smell food cooking... but this also looks awesome. Peace.
  12. Okay. When i get the chance I'll post it on here. The 1.25m heat shield is at tier 1 with the mk1 command pod. All 0.625m parts are tier 3? As they are a miniaturisation.
  13. I think you will be able to harvest it in space, maybe in upper atmosphere too?. Rational Resources certainly has setups for this. No need to ISRU i think. Just drill it out of the vacuum in low orbit. This is described in Stephen Baxter's Flood and Ark books around Jupiter. Both excellent reads. Peace.
  14. I don't disagree about the Blackbird from the design aesthetic - that's another reason why it i had them initially around the other way on first release. But you wouldn't necessarily take the Blackbird into orbit? The Mk2 on the other hand... the mk1 also. The Mk4 spaceplane parts should all be in tier 7 or 8 (I can't remember which) so this is an issue. Thanks for pointing it out. Not sure why this has gone wrong. I'm having a look... - I never included it! Okay. I'll have a look at some point when I have time (maybe tomorrow?) I can send you an DM to create a CFG to put this in place There is a derth of mods for colonization. SSPX will provide centrifuges for tier 7, and Deep Freeze should is will give a tier 8 and tier 9 options as well. Hoevere, in looking this up for you, I've discovered an incorrect reference in the DeepFreeze patch which reads colonialSupport, not populationManagement. This will be corrected in the next update ( you can correct it yourself if you install DeepFreeze). I do dream of someone creating a simple population mechanic to be similar to KSP2, with a part (parts) that I'd put into tier 8 for kerbals to spawn from. Possibly it could happen with Contract Configurator but I struggle with the contract settings. I guess I could put Civilian Population there, but that mod feels as though it should be earlier like tier 7. So, next update is planned for when Restock updates. Peace!
  15. Congratulations, as you are the first person to query this! The reason was in terms of progression really. Space planes *still* don't truly exist in real life. The shuttle was developed yes, but that is Mk3 analogy. The Mk3 is a craft that feels like it fits with the J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine, an engine that in the real world is like any Boeing or Airbus long haul engine and we've had these from the 1970's? The Mk2 IMHO fits better with the end game (for stock anyway) Rapier - which IRL is still in development. It was a change from what it I had originally, hence the note in the changelog, but when I sat down to rethink progression for Tetrix, I realised that the only reason I have Mk2 before Mk3 was because of the naming - and that didn't hold enough weight for me. As am I, although more recently I have slowed this down with some goals in mind. And I like being closely allied to a stock part playthrough, although once my duna expedition with kerbalism returns, I'll probably retire my save to enjoy 1.10.1 goodness, and allow myself the joy of propeller planes at the start and use more plane parts. Also the Mk2 parts fit better higher up the tree tiers with the drone core's abilities. If you think that it is being unfairly penalised, then I'm happy to reconsider, or I could offer you an MM patch if you want to change them for yourself. Peace.
  16. Asni understand it - you have the MPL in orbit somewhere - say Minmus. Send a craft down with a goo/ material bay. Hit a bit biome and return to orbit and dock with the MPL to have it process the data on those experiements. Once the data is all analysed you send the experients down again, redo them at the same biomes and return again to the orbiting MPL. Rinse, repeat forever as long as you never return those particular specific experiements to kerbin or transmit them back.
  17. Science Labs in Stock can be gamed for infinite science.
  18. What happens if you start a new save? Do you loose all the other settings and craft setups of the first save?
  19. It is a valid point - I think I added extra EC capacity to probe cores to compensate? You may need a couple of sounding rockets to get the low atmo science.
  20. I don't normally play with contract packs but turn off a number of stock ones for personal taste. So mix and and see what happens! I normally play 50% science, 100% funds and 100% rep. Then only have world firsts, bases, satellites, flags. No rescueing/recovery, isru, grandtours or tourists, survey or part testing. (That is off the top of my head). I pay for my kerbals which is how I balance the money game play.
  21. I really wanted to like every post in this thread. Thank you! This has amazing possibilities, and one of the issues I also didn't want t deal with KSPIE is the directionality. So THANKYOU! I'm going to suggest Kerbalism support in Kerbalism's discord and link here. Would your module work in the background - i.e. both craft on rails? Peace.
  22. SpaceX colaboration would be two mechanics and some parts. One would be acolonisation mechanic The other is a mechanic for either automatic landing or ability for return to base for rockets. So these plus parts
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