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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. @SQUAD send every astronaut a Val plushie. Let's get her into orbit.
  2. Ohh.. So colourful! Keep getting better. Peace.
  3. So is that a good thing? Not sure. I want to know why it was requested now! I have yet to see if this affected the TETRIX or SIMPLEX TechTree mods as I haven't had time since the update. Can anyone tell me if that's the case please? Peace.
  4. Hope you get better soon. It is an unfortunate time to be sick anywhere in the world. Peace.
  5. I quite like funds - but it does distract from gameplay a little I guess, managing getting to the new place. But what is the point of reusable rockets and SSTO space planes if there are no cost?. I reckon the first DLC for KSP 2 (as Take2's model for games is new release, two DLCs and then a new release) will be returning the Career Mode with funding. Peace.
  6. Just found this What would the ISP be during the burst mode on the stock nuke?
  7. Try hard not to use :FINAL in your MM patches unless it is only for you. if you want a list of mods and parts look at the file in the TETRIX Tech Tree as it has an extensive list. Use also the Part Info mod to work out exactly which parts you are need to patch. It saves so many headaches! Peace
  8. I really appreciate that my KER HUDs stay in place while I'm doing as IVA. It provides additional challenge in that I can't look around my environment. When I play this way I also use HullCamVDS to have external shots and to right click on parts and set it so that I don't return to a flight mode camera. What I am missing in IVA though is a decent navball - this is to do with issues of resolution and size. Would it be possible to have a 2D navball HUD from KER? Please? Peace.
  9. Hi modders, I've always wanted to do an career that was no flight view, only cameras from say HullCamVDS, IVA and 1st Person kerbals. Perhaps using Probe Control. The issue I have with the IVA part is that some command pods have terribly rendered Navballs that make it hard on low resolution or small screens. I also use the KER HUDs readouts when in IVA too. Would it be possible please to have a mod that includes a navball part in an IVA? Peace.
  10. I always figured Iron Man mode was IVA only. A decent way to have IVA but with KER style HUDs and navball up as well. Peace.
  11. Can you please repost this screenshot? Edit. I must have run low on data. Sorry!
  12. You need additional props - such as NF props or Asset? Alternatively, you could copy all the prop info out of the stock IVA cfg and paste it into the IVA cfg for this. I think I have done that before. Not sure about MM patching it though, it is probably possible. Peace
  13. Hi all, SIMPLEX got a small update. This is all. CHANGELOG 1.15 25 May 2020 1.15 Added Kerbal Attachment System and Kerbal Inventory System Moved smallest wing, elevon, to stability Moved advance canard to specialized Control Adjusted ReStockPlus science box to basicScience Peace.
  14. Expanse style is it actually 1g? You could probably get away with .3 Mars with strong exercise. But the ISP is going to have to be INSANE to do expanse style. Has anyone worked out the how much fuel you'd have and store for a week's burn at 1gee for a particular tonnage? INSANE I'm throwing a number out there and suggesting in the 50000 ISP range. Happy to be wrong. Peace. Edit: reread of your quote and realised you mentioned unicorns. My mistake. Maybe we could have a rainbow beong vomitted out the back as the rocket plume.
  15. #shamelessplug... give a new tech tree a try. Maybe simplex resources as well, but that needs an update. But in more serious notes are you going stock system without kopernicus? In that case it looks like you are keen for limited extra part mods so a stockish playthrough. I'd hit ReStock and RestockPlus in that case, and only add Near Future Spacecraft and maybe the NF mod with solar panels if you are wanting a few more options for sending kerbals beyond Duna.
  16. I've always wanted a 3rd person EVA POV like a shoulder follow cam for kerbals which doesn't flitter about so much with their walking. But I now wonder if that can be set up using the regular camera modes.
  17. Very similar and not compatible AFAIK. Peace.
  18. I, for one, am looking forward to welcoming these Far Future Overlord's into the Tetrix Tech tree, and using them in JNSQ. Thank you Nertea. Peace.
  19. I feel for your Unity woes, but I'm so very excited at this post.
  20. The reason is that TETRIX is designed to be used with mods including (especially) mods that make the launch from home world harder. Take JNSQ as an example. That effectively balances the stock engine profiles by changing the size of the planets. Actually any scaled system by 2.5 would be much harder if the nerf in place as the efficiency and TWR would allow for you to get off the ground. If you are using JNSQ then you probably want part mods that benefit from an extended tree such as this or CTT so I took it out. There is another Simplex mod called Simplex Propulsion which includes the same nerf and is complimentary to either SIMPLEX or TETRIX TechTrees. This includes part upgrades on launch engines that reduce the nerf. Dont worry as it doesnt double thd netf when used with the SIMPLEX techtree but I probably need to update it soon. You could copy the nerf file to use in the TETRIX tech tree from the SIMPLEX one if you want.
  21. One of these days I'll post a screen shot. It requires some thinking outside the box. And by box I mean the girder and moving it around using the placement arrows. This can be surface mounted which means you can attach two parachutes to your craft. Peace.
  22. No. But I shall make it so this weekend (possibly as that tends to be more of a soon). Thanks for pointing this out. Peace.
  23. Okay. So the END of next year? That's when Fall is? If I'm wrong please tell me as I have a hot summer Christmas here in NZ. Good release date actually when it is cold in the northern hemisphere and everyone is indoors anyway to focus on this. Stay safe all you devs - and thank you for the upcoming updates to KSP 1 from @SQUAD Peace.
  24. If there is a new command pod with windows, from the ESA update would it be called EuroVision? I'll see myself out.
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