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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Ah. I haven't updated this for 3.6. Nor kerbalism 3.5. Been busy. I'll see how I get on in the morning. But I'd like to the tech trees done first. Peace.
  2. Are you sure about that? Actually maybe Elon could make more moolah by packaging up SpaceX design simulator with green people
  3. Welcome! Tanks are in the branch which is aerodynamics. (Fourth down) and they split into the top strand of tanks and bottom of wings,cones, fairings etc. Currently some restock plus hemisphere tanks are mixed into the rocket engine nodes.
  4. Hi everyone. An update in the next couple of days coming since kerbalism introduced new containers this morning and some RestockPlus hemisphere tanks in the wrong places. I'll check the balance of the MH engines too. Peace.
  5. Just downloaded @MacLuky, and the issue @vardicd is having I think is because you have a two cfg files that contain respectively a PART and a +PART that are named the same, in the same tech tree node. I'm assuming the old.cfg is for existing craft in saves? If so, i think it could be deleted for new saves. Peace.
  6. I realise. This mod duplicate's the mk1 lander can part model and provides a new IVA. It would be a case for the IVA to be edited to remove one of extra seat's but although I've tried installed unity and blender and messing about I have literally no idea what or how I am doing, hence my request.
  7. This is awesome! Thanks for update. Many Muns ago I wondered if it was possible to get a two seat version. Whilst I realise that I can edit the cfg file to 'remove' the possibility, I've never had success at editing the IVA. Would it be possible to have two models in the download please? Peace.
  8. Pumped... although these don't really worry me too much. It's like MH without the faf. The only things I would miss from MH if I went pure Restock Plus only are the engine plates. Would you consider looking to add something similar to ReStockPlus as well? Peace.
  9. @Nertea, I am so grateful to you for this mod. My current playthrough on 1.8.1 is ReStock Plus with my simplex mods and kerbalism only (and KER, KAC etc). I really appreciate the possibility of updating to 1.9, making sure that none of my craft have the 'Plus parts' on and then inserting ReStock back in. So, thank you.
  10. Oh. okay. When I put the engines in, I placed them more in line with how they balanced against the vanilla engines rather than size - the Vector is a 1.25m engine but I wouldn't place it the first few nodes of the tech tree as an example. I'll have to have another look when I get the chance, maybe over the weekend. Probably due for an update anyway with a few tweaks I've found on a more productive career play though. Peace.
  11. Are the MH Bobcat and the Cheetah the same or thereabouts? Can you please give some guidance. If so, then where would you recommend they sit for balance?
  12. Ah... well I guess the suits have transmitters so this also kinda makes sense. Okay. I'll relook when I next get a chance. Thanks for the suggestion! Peace.
  13. If it is where the unlocking happens then I'm interested - I'm not sure Remote Tech and Kerbalism work well together though. Any suggestions would help.
  14. Agreed. I do something similar. Hopefully what @linuxgurugameris working on will inspire using top tier nodes and parts to do moar!
  15. Sounds good on the hiding of trival details. I is not coder. No idea what is possible or straight forward to do. Thank you for doing this! Peace.
  16. I have an idea in my head to show what I mean. If I get a chance I'll whip it up in sometime tonight. Peace.
  17. @linuxgurugamer maybe add a date accomplished. Then people can gloat how how quick they achieved what. Also, a name of the save game and game type so that a screenshot can not only show progression of what.
  18. I think it should be a mainly visual. There are mods that already list (Kaptains Log?) All the achievement's but it doesnt display as a visual checklist. Also maybe the pinnacle and limited progressive nature of these. So instead of orbit then maybe flyby but orbit is more of an achievement by itself but not SOI as it is obvious with flyby or orbit. But then landing as and you need to be suborbital to land so there is no point to both being achievements. If you take the science out as well the flag plant is there to say I've been. The science is irrelevant methinks. Could this be it's own KSC scene like a museum building or an overlay in the RandD or astronaut complex?
  19. At the most simplest ... List of bodies... pulled from where ever bodies are located I a table then with three icons for each name: Orbit Landing Flag These could be done by altogether by one crewd mission or proessively with a crewed mission to plant flag. Stock icons might suffice as placeholders for now. Grey out and then green to complete.
  20. Do you have a link for Moar Kerbals please?
  21. Also try kerbalism. No ullage, but parts breakdown and engine's have limited burn time and ignitions instead but don't deal with an extra resource. Designed to be a simple alternative (if you call kerblaism simple)
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