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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Maybe. There are a lot of strange extras in the variant module I hadn't seen before. Could there be some parallel name calling? I agree with the ant analogy though. I should say that it's affecting the right mouse click. And it happens when MM isn't loading any patches. Peace.
  2. Last night it was happening with me on 3.1.0 all of a sudden. I went into the landercan cfg file and // out the varient module. Without doing anything else like verification or deleting files there was never any issue but the variant obviously wasnt available. S o maybe a conflict with MM and how the variant is enabled with this particular part?
  3. My test with KER and MM no longer works. I have uninstalled and reininstalled, tried different verisons of MM after it started again whilst adding in my own MM patches. Couldnt seem to fix it. I think it may be a conflict between the variant and MM. As when it was happening I removed the variant modules from the landercan cfg file and the part loaded okay (but not with the variant option obviously). Does @sarbian have any ideas?
  4. Thought this was semi solved. It's not for me. However, in editing the file, removing the whole ModulePartVariants resolved it. I'll keep playing. and editing this post. Edit - I tried knocking out each variant, but this did not resolve the issue. Only removing the module altogether (which keeps the lander variant only)
  5. MM 3.1.0 (15 Oct 2018 on the MM Jenkins server) with KER works okay. @djr5899 try those. the KER is only a version bump as well. https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/143/
  6. Last I'll post on this in case people are looking at it. MM 3.1.0 (15 Oct 2018 on the MM Jenkins server) with KER works okay. Peace.
  7. Yup. But it occurs as I've indicated above - a conflict between MM and KER maybe? Are you running both? Once it starts working for you, does it stay working?
  8. No other mods - in regards with the landercan variant issue... basically, have one or the other but not both! with MM 3.1.2. and no KER it works. with MM 3.1.2 with KER it doesn't work with no MM 3.1.2 but with KER it works
  9. I'm having this problem, only with Module Manager is installed - no other mods present. KER (which doesn't use MM, is fine regardless). I'm verifying the files in Steam and all that. This occurs with MM 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 available on the Jenkins server. @Vandarren, @djr5899 Actually: with MM 3.1.2. and no KER it works. with MM 3.1.2 with KER it doesn't work with no MM 3.1.2 but with KER is works
  10. I believe this must be mod conflict as I was have the same issue, but not with a fresh install. Can you try removing all mods and then adding one back at a time to see if the problem persists? Peace.
  11. Hi all, Updated to KSP 1.6 - including the stock part name changes, EPL, Keridian Dynamics and Baha EPL Redrilled. Peace.
  12. Thanks @Eskandare for updating this (and reminding me it exists!) I found a bug though! The attach node for the LaunchPad is inverted, as are the 3D printer. Is this on purpose? To fix them, change the 1.0 in node stack bottom to -1.0. The Launchpad should read: node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.762755, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 The same for the 3D printer. node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2942, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 I'll be adding support for this in Simplex TechTree when the next version drops in about 20 minutes or so :). And the upcoming Simplex Resources mod. With Simplex Resources, I'm not supporting Interstellar Fuel Switch at this stage - maybe later in 2019, but the tanks still fill, even if they don't expand :). Peace.
  13. Hi Gojira, It's quite simple. The Start tech node doesn't have a command pod in it (1.6 just dropped I have to check - update soon though!) It starts with a Stayputnik. You then have the choice - either unlock Survivability with the Mk1 CommandPod, or Basic Science with the OKTO. You can then follow the branches up quite separately. The only then you'll miss from the Survivability branch if you want to do all unmanned are the heat shields and landing legs and wheels. If you have suggestions on moving these I'm happy to hear them. Peace.
  14. The parts should already be in the stock techtree. If you open the part .cfg files in a text editor you'll find which node they are. The next version if the Simplex TechTree will support EPL. Peace.
  15. Thanks for the heads up! Very useful but I have a point of confusion. Keridian Dynamics (KD) has a single texture for all tanks (plus emmisive and normal). This texture has all 9 variants as parts of this texture, transforms FS01 to FS09 So, here is the MM patch which removes the previous Module as the @ thing wasn't working for me. @PART[KD-T????FS|KD-ST????FS]:HAS[@RESOURCE[KDVolume]]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch&!Firespitter&!InterstellarFuelSwitch]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] {} MODULE { name = ModuleB9PartSwitch moduleID = fuelSwitch switcherDescription = Tank Type baseVolume = #$../KDV5$ SUBTYPE { name = MetalParts tankType = KDRocketParts TEXTURE { texture = AngleCanMods/SimplexResources/Assets/ACStationTanks transform = FS01 } } SUBTYPE { name = CustomParts tankType = KDMetal addedMass = #$../../mass$ TEXTURE { texture = AngleCanMods/SimplexResources/Assets/ACStationTanks transform = FS02 } } etc. This doesn't work. I get the 9 original transforms overlaid as such. But if i add the texture code to the first Subtype as such: SUBTYPE { name = MetalParts tankType = KDRocketParts TEXTURE { texture = AngleCanMods/SimplexResources/Assets/ACStationTanks transform = FS01 } } SUBTYPE { name = CustomParts tankType = KDMetal addedMass = #$../../mass$ transform = FS02 } then the first works well, but not the second and third etc. where the stuff gets overlaid again. Any thoughts?
  16. Das Valdez found a DV calculation bug - not a biggy? at around 1hour 57. Apparently its temperamental
  17. @SQUADdoing a not so great job letting us know? I'm pumped for this release! Are they worried about the streamers finding bugs perhaps
  18. Hi @blowfish et al. Is there a way to MM patch a different texture .dds file over a model that utilises B9 switches to create a different look for different resources. I'd like to use the Keridian Dynamics mod with different reources. But i can't seem to find a way to point the models (using the stock retexture method) so that my own file is used. Is there a way to get B9 to use a different texture .dds so that I can make my own for other's parts. As this is for a release it would be cleaner to not have to get installers to overwrite a file. Thanks. Peace.
  19. Stream on twitch via ksp twitter. This why I don't like multi platform things.
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