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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They should change the ship's name, it's unhappy — It's at least the third attempt to use it (Nuke Orion, Constellation, now again)
  2. Only the second phase, with acceleration < 2.
  3. The Earth without us has no purpose. We're the best it've created. Moreover, it has no more time to repeat this again.
  4. Besides Big Gemini and VA, "Soyuz VI" re-entry capsule also had a hatch in the floor and heatshield.
  5. I've read that when Vostok was being designed, a sphere was just the only capsule shape enough studied to be used in the short term. Btw... Here is an outdated mod with a pony... (Reliant Robin + pony).
  6. Most of dinos were not whale-sized. Only the biggest eggs were 2 ft long. Really big dinos had an inertial homeothermy and could be active in the night, but they were much, much larger than their eggs. Small dinos were cold-blooded and slept all night till sunset, as any honest lizard. Enough possibilities for a smart rat or ferret to have a nice dino dinner.
  7. If you were an ancient mammal, hiding from carnivorous dinos under the daylight and eating dinochickens sleeping in the cold of night, you would miss that tasty little dinos if they extinct.
  8. Dinos had extincted and left the mammals without dinoeggs and dinochickens. That was dishonest, lovesome fuzzies began to starve.
  9. I'm not going to argue, but my father had seen such circles from his plane when he was working in Tajikistan in 1980s. I can easily imagine a bored English farmer, drawing them on his field — just for pleasure. But it's impossible for me to imagine Tajikistan peasants, in the Soviet time, scratching a collective farm cornfield with a collective farm tractor to make complicated geometrical figures...
  10. They would have 3 thoughts: "The strange circleship just has lost a big and heavy module. Why the axial docking node still is straight on the rotation axis?" "Why they use such primitive fixed androgynous docking node when they already have a steerable one?" "If we already know the secret of time and want to help the previous humans with necessary info, why to make a wormhole from a giant blackhole in another galaxy to a planet far beyond the usual human spaceflights, hoping that a girl will pay attention to a Morse code in her bedroom?"
  11. It's a pair of virtual particles continuously appearing near the event horizon. One particle flyes to you, and you see a white dot (a white line — due to relativistic effects), another one is consumed by the black hole. Btw this means that black hole fills almost all picture, except of the upper left corner. It's huge.
  12. Where carbon is, also much CO2 should be (just because there is plenty of O and because life likes O, otherwise this planet is not life-friendly in any case). So, if a carbon planet is enough warm to support life, i.e. near the star, it should be surrounded by thick CO2 atmosphere. And the greenhouse effect and coal-like albedo would quickly turn this bitum into boiling bitum and all this planet — into a giant rectification column, before the hydrocarbons were cracked, hydrogen dissipated in space, and the planet was covered with red hot carbon layer .
  13. A strange thing, btw. Most of my life I work with computer all day long, and using it at home, too. But I never see computers in dreams. My IT collegues tell the same.
  14. NASA added to KSP the asteroid mod. What SpaceX did?
  15. Who knows, what temperature is under Venus surface. Unlikely 500 C or -100 C, probably something less terrible.
  16. There's one more case, as it's vividly shown in "Spore". You can put a crop circling device on your ship and just prank them with no aim, just for boredom. So,it can be just a graffiti, not a message.
  17. After they had shot all their floating cities during the first day of their war, the fallen survivors digged into the ground and have found the cities.
  18. We can watch the situation from another side. (As GregroxMun calculated, probably their should be 3/5 in the fornula, not 2/5, as I've wrote this by memory). We can measure only orbit radius and period in Spore. They both depend on GM value. We can't know exactly if the Sporeworld has extra-dense planets (so, large M) or extra-great G constant (so, large G). All what we know: a planet of ~10000 times less than Earth radius has nearly the same gravity acceleration. As g ~ G * ρ * R , either a density is x10000, or G is x10000. So, as E ~ GM2: If take G is usual, the density is high, then the result is 15000 Mt If take density is usual, but G is x10000 (i.e. 6.67*10-7), then the result would be 10000 times less (because G1 while M2), ~= 1.5 Mt. At the human scale different G values should not make any visual difference, as the gravitational interaction is too weak on such scale.
  19. This is sad of course, but most of the species facing extiction are either last relics of epochs gone long ago or local side effects of evolution. They would extinct anyway, human efforts are just the last drop of evil for them. (Like asteroid for dinosaurs) (Of course this doesn't mean that people should help the process). P.S. We should spread tardigrades. It's easy, they can easily survive where others cannot, and as they have the same chemical basement as we do, they are edible (You don't like tardigrades? You just can't cook them right.). When brave Earth colonists will approach far and wild planets, they will meet fat herds of cow-sized evolved tardigrades, and can ride them, eat, get tardigrade eggs. Maybe even speak with them if they evolve sufficiently high.
  20. As the surface temperature on Venus is ~500 C, any city/facility should have giant radiators 1000 C hot to dissipate the waste heat. As these giant radiators wood look like a permanent volcano over their head, they should place it outside of the town, behind, say, a hill, keeping the town in its shadow ("shadow" means just 500 C, not 1500). The hill should work like a giant firewall, permanently white hot from the back side. So, the main goal of their (dog? cat? mole? barbecue?) fight should be taking down enemy's radiators. As they unlikely could heat them with portable lasers or nukes, the easiest way would be to cover them with sand. So, they would be bombing each other's hills trying to bury the radiators (and vault exits) with sand.
  21. Sorry? You don't need to listen it, just watch, say from 3:30. Removing 2000 kg of fuel, 8 engines and 4 mechanical legs from inside the heat protection (several cm thick) should definitely decrease the capsule mass by several tonnes. So, roughly, instead of F9 there could be 2 F5.
  22. I just proposed a neutral term for "miracle". Not necessary for SpaceX theme. That's not about "whether F9 can lift Dragon". That's about: F9 has a limited amount of launches (as any device), and every useless tonne of Dragon wastes it. Say, if Dragon were 2 times lighter, it would require 2 times less F9 launches, F9 would fly 2 times more. And F9 launches limit looks miserable even without Dragon. Indeed?
  23. Yes, as I can understand, dreams are some side-effects of the memory bounds nightly rearranging. I mean, maybe a constrained pose disturbing the breathing caused a feeling of panic or so, but I definitely was breathing fast when waked up...
  24. I would presume that such sudden fears in dreams are caused by some small temporary heart or lungs disfunction (afaik, don't have any, but maybe some malfunction took place for a minute).
  25. E= 2/5 * GM2/R, as I can remember.
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