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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87546-0-25-Rovers-And-Roadsters-v0-3-Additional-Parts-for-Ground-Vehicles
  2. I think the only way to do this, ignoring the "physical bubble": 1. Clone any engine you want. 2. Set its fuel consumption to zero. 3. Combine this cheated angine with a command pod and SAS. Btw, KSP 0.21 old TARDIS mod is great for lift cabin, though it's a phone box. 4. Imagine you have a cable: it's very-very long and very-very thin (as it would be in real world) and due to this invisible. 5. Start. 6. ... 7. You're at 1000 km altitude! For better perception you can use Romfarer Lazor System which shows you a thin beam you can treat as a cable highlighting. As far as I know, all other ways were not successful. You can watch on youtube.
  3. Yeah. "In the Hall of the Mountain King" smoothly by-passing to "Old pop in an oak".
  4. I have a primitive but enough efficient way to calculate this. It is simple, but enough long to tell, so I've created a post about how I solve this problem  to easily find it in future. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101697-A-silly-method-of-payload-mass-estimation-and-launcher-composition?p=1570959#post1570959
  5. Sorry, if this looks too primitive to be a thread. It is simple, but enough long to tell, so I've created a post about how I solve this problem  to easily find it in future if ever tell all this again. It's an answer to this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101459-Payload-to-orbit-mass?p=1567857 The method is: Assumptions: 1. We have a desired payload mass. 2. Acceleration would be 2..4 g (less means less efficiency, greater means a structure crash). 3. So, any subrocket would have TWR=2 when full and TWR=4 when empty. 4. Any launcher would be designed only for one purpose: launch a payload to 80 km circle orbit. 5. Any other orbits: use additional stage inside you payload. 6. In KSP a launcher has 2..3 stages. 7. Delta-V for Kerbal launch ~4.8 km/s. So, designing a launcher from top subrocket to bottom. 1. Estimated thrust ~= Mpayload * ~1.25 * 4 * 9.81. 2. Choose an engine(s), according to this value. 3. Summarize their thrust values and get a total thrust of subrocket. 4. Empty subrocket mass ~= (Mpayload + Mengine) * 1.1. 5. Full subrocket mass ~= Total thrust / (2 * 9.81). 6. Subrocket fuel mass = Full subrocket mass - Empty subrocket mass. 7. Collect fuel tanks for subrocket according to fuel mass. 8. Calculate exact mass of the subrocket. 9. Calculate a subrocket Delta-V = ISP * 9.81 * ln(Mtotal/Mempty) 10. Calculate rest of total Delta-V = Total Delta-V (initially 4.8 km/s) - subrocket Delta-V. Calculate the previous subrocket in the same way. Of course, its payload mass = next subrocket mass. If possible, split it to use the next engine to (i.e. use a parallel stage scheme), in this case you would subtract the thrust of the next subrocket engine from the total thrust. In this case always put fuel pipes from the previous subrocket to the next one. If the rest of Delta-V is yet positive, do magic with extending fuel tanks or adding launch boosters. When you have this finished, you would test your LV. Collect a set of fuel tanks of total mass equal to your desired payload mass. Place these tank on your top stage instead of a payload. Do not use decouplers, just extend the last stage, allowing it get the fuel from these dummy payload tanks. Launch this to 80 km. You have an orbit launch guaranteed due to these additional tanks and no real payload. Calculate the rest of fuel when your tanks are on orbit. You get a precise value of your launcher REAL payload mass. Now you can decide: - either to change your launcher composition to tune your payload mass. - or to let it be so, as the a real payload mass is OK for you. That's all.
  6. Usually 50-70. But I intensively: - delete unused (by me) details, including stock ones; - set plugin MODULE declarations from one mod in details of another; - reduce textures with tiny ones (for example, have reduced BoatParts from ~60 MB to ~10 by replace of native texture with a metal-gray one of several kbytes size). So, on 32 system with 4GB I had ~1.4 RAM usage. But several weeks ago I've upgraded to x64 with 16 GB, added more mods and now I have ~2.5 RAM usage.
  7. Yes, on Sunday I have done a test. All looks great. I have created several toy facilities using Roverdude's plugin and a "Hydro-Gro" detail from "UDK Lethal Dose" mod (the same for all of them) as a test 3rd party model. They were well distinguished visually due to these decals and working fine.
  8. Also, a KSC++ mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-18-6-15NOV2014-KSC-v3 As you are at the very beginning of your attempt, probably you would first have a look to Kerbin-Side *.cfg files. These STATIC clauses look enough clear to be edited or cloned. Probably, you would start with defining new instances of these details ("kerbinsideflatlaunch", "ksidefueltank3") at custom positions. Then you would play with other cfg-mu from other mods you have. Why to invent a bicycle when you have a ready customizable solution?
  9. Yeah, this is very close to my vision, and highly appropriate! I have seen this mod, but thought it is something to change a whole part texture. Thank you very much!
  10. Jool is just a piece of gas. Why it needs its own station? What to look at? For me, Laythe station is enough.
  11. Get a chance. Backspace ejects Kerbals, Space+F opens all chutes. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-25-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-24!-25!-%28Dec-30%29 Just a nice capsule to eject. http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221811-eterno-rest-2000-space-coffin-continued
  12. Maybe this one would be useful http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91582-24-2-ESLD-Jump-Beacons-Dev-0-3b-2014-09-21
  13. Wouldn't you use the same physical radius settings all the game session  both in space and KSC?
  14. Wall Plaque. Currently there are two common problems with KSP mods: 1) Mod textures eat RAM too much, that makes either to limit mods usage, or to use almost similar models for different parts. (For example: USI MKS parts distinct mostly in inscriptions on their walls). 2) To edit a cfg file and to attach an existing 3d model is much easier than to create a 3d model from scratch. Especially without any artistic talent. So, looks like a special (detail+plugin) mod would be useful: a Wall Plaque. I.e. like a flag, but a plaque. Basically A simple 3d-model and a popup window where you can edit description text and maybe (and would be cool) select an image or texture  as Procedural Parts textures). Placing in VAB/SPH (but maybe also with KAS  no matter). Editing content as a flag text or a procedural texture is being edited. Hovering it with a mouse you can see a tooltip with description. Looking from aside you see either image/texture, or text, or at least a color  and can quickly distinguish them. Purpose 1. Distinguish similar modules. "A long, long time ago there were three little piglets: Jeb, Bill and Bob. And they had built three cabins". So, you build three similar cabins, placing a plaque on each of them, then write "Jeb", "Bill", "Bob" and select some image or color. You can see by image, text or color which cabin belongs to which piglet. 2.Creating custom modules Say, you use USI and its really useful converter plugins. You want to add some ingenious technology. For example, convert Biomass to Whiskey, and then convert Whiskey to LqdFuel. Or to convert Compost into PlasticBricks. No problem adding a Whiskey resource. Conversion also is no problem: you can add Roverdude's modules in cfg. But your hands are too wry (as mine are) to create 3d model. So, instead of asking: "please, make me a Biomass-to-Whiskey plant model", "please, make me a Whiskey-to-LqdFuel plant model" you just: - Create cfg files for any part you need; - Write a path to, say, a stock ScienceLab model  so no additional textures used; - Write into cfg all (conversion) plugin modules you want; - Invoke you part in VAB/SPH; - Place a plaque on its wall and describe there, what this station module is: "Whiskey plant", "Compost bricketing facility", etc. And select some visual sign as an image/texture or at least a color. So, you have added to stock just a plaque model & textures, but your station has gotten a wide set of technological modules. Ugly? No, a standard. Compare this to, say, USI MKS/OKS design. As I can see, there used almost the same way: one basic model&texture + wall plaques integrated as textures. But whit such mod that would be also customizable.
  15. If the RAM economy is the only purpose, you would just choose some lovely engine and clone its *.cfg file (new file name don't matter). Then change "name" parameter to be unique. To change size change "rescaleFactor". Set any thrust/ISP/mass you wish. Some trouble will be with "node_stack_top", "node_stack_bottom" and other "node_...". They define color balls where the parts are being attached in the in-game editor. Of course, it is cheating. But if you don't say anybody, nobody knows. Other parameters are almost clear.
  16. Octavianus Long list of Roman Emperors till Romulus Augustulus, through Constantine I, as they have either met -ne another, or there were patricians who met them both http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_emperors --Romulus Augustulus ---- Flavius Odoacer. (Met Romulus Augustulus, he-he.) ---- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odoacer ------- Long list of Kings of Italy (see above about Roman Emperors) ------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_Italy --------- Carolingians --------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolingian_dynasty ----------- Long list of Roman Popes ----------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_popes -- Long lists of Byzantine Emperors and Patriarchs -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Byzantine_emperors -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ecumenical_Patriarchs_of_Constantinople ---- Long list of Roman Popes ---- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_popes So, one of Popes (don't know exactly which one, but of course at least one of them) -- Queen Victoria
  17. Kim Jong-Un http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Jong-un --(grandson to) --Kim Il-Sung http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Il-sung ---- ("and Beria met Kim several times") ---- Lavrentiy Beria ------ (subordinated to) ------Josef Stalin -------- (met in Moscow,1934 with) -------- Herbert G.Wells http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells ------------ (Fabian Society) ------------ Bertrand Russell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell -------- (co-operative political activity) --------Vladimir Lenin ------------ (met in Moscow,1920 with) ------------ Bertrand Russell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell Anyway Bertrand Russell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell -- (grandson to) -- John Russell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Russell,_1st_Earl_Russell ---- (prime minister to/of/don't-know-how-is-correct) ----Queen Victoria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Victoria So, now you would build a chain from Julius Caesar IVLIVS CAESAR to Queen Victoria.
  18. As I can understand, NEAR is a lite version of FAR. Do you use Procedural Fairings or KW Rocketry to protect you cargo? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-25-Procedural-Fairings-3-10-payload-auto-struts-%28October-11%29
  19. It sounds reasonable for me, but I'm not sure so reasonable for KSP engine. Even a multi-part base can turn the game to a slide-show. What if KSP will evaluate all physics 100 km around KSC - with all rovers, landed ships and other daily stuff? So, I presumed vanilla physics. Agreed. The only way I have yet found for making some sort of combat.
  20. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-0-25-Plugin-WIP-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-181 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91363-WIP-Planet-Randomizer-0-2-4-%282014-09-21%29
  21. Who stay alive  he/she is worthy. Old and young HR officers looking a large pile of candidates' resume letters. Young HR melancholically says: "This pile of paper is too large! We'll burn out while reading them all." Old HR takes a top of pile and drops others to a trash can. Young: "What are you doing?!" Old: "Why would we need those loosers?"
  22. Indeed, it is very actual for effective usage of this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91835-Reliant-Robin-and-Pinkie-Pie
  23. Daily routine expendables as tapes, caps, cushions would be kept ready-made anyway  not to print them every minute, but to take from a box as many as you need. Screws, nuts, nails  would not be printed plastic. Some special non-standard details anyway would be designed and issued on Earth, so not are a one minute-readiness thing. So looks like just as "we have a 3d printer - why not test with it on orbit?".
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