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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Naming every Cleopatra with its local diminutive, Klyopa, is cheating and funny.
  2. Then you could film the fireworks with a smartphone, and publish the video to show it here,
  3. It's better to don't... if be→being, then am→aming? "a living aming" = "the me"?
  4. Because a letter is something what lets. They let it happen. Who puts a stamp on the time, to make a timestamp?
  5. 3. Having them, wanting to shoot them off, having someone to do this with, but living on an oil rig or being on duty at gas station.
  6. Because the competent researcher would draw numbers from the Wikipedia sources, linked below, lol. They call it citation index, lol2. The more scientific guys have read a wiki article, and then quoted info from the links below, the more citated authors are citated by wiki, lol3. Interesting fact. The more often wiki is citated itself, the more it beomes the most citated and reliable source, lol4. *** Btw, the wiki diagram is not 0-based, it starts from y~=80. The water stays on the Earth. The mass is constant. And the more water in the ocean, the more water should be falling on ground with rains. Arer they sure, they got it right? Lions... Sea tigers. They are already putting tigers in boats, because of global warming and ocean level rise. Poor janitors, it should be so scary. [snip]
  7. I read the "Rewind" caption without "re-". Does a twin propeller contain a co-peller or a contrapeller?
  8. Floor 3492: A cinema shows a movie about Finnish cannibals.
  9. Because of fortune. Why did they call the guy Guy?
  10. Granted, but others can hear only hip. Is "ping-pong" named after doppler effect?
  11. Because in the previous post there was no question to answer. Why not answer several times at once?
  12. Xenophobia. Xenophilia.
  13. When jokes are for a jokester, tricks are for trixter, whom is job for? Jobster?
  14. Look at the Moon. There are lunar seas, which can see the Earthseas from above. I wish for the lunar fish.
  15. Cleopatring both Caesar and Antony was cheating. Auggie didn't like cheaters.
  16. Any of it. Just leave it for several days in a warm place. Why do they name unicorn after corn?
  17. If you are interested in birds, but are indifferent to horses, unlikely you would prefer to read horse nomad sagas rather than bird catcher stories. When I'm indifferent to the Argonians and Khajiites, and never focus on them in Skyrim, I'm definitely skipping the stories of the Argonian Maid, just from pure human racism. (Thank you, Divine Divinity, you have killed the hobbits, dwarves, and elves for me, as after this game I can't percept them other than needlessly excessive, caricature version of humans. On the other hand, I'm really glad for this, as in ZX Spectrum era I was trying to imagine a dwarf submarine or a dwarf tank, which was appearing to be weird and needlessly excessive). When you don't want to read another snots-and-sugar story about human relations, and prefer bloody art of magic of WH40k, you don't want a ten-season "pony" saga, and vice versa. So, you actually just don't want exactly repeated stories, and it"s just a question of randomness interval width.
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