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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. Take than barrel of rain water next to the door. Waiter! A frogburger, please.
  2. Decepticon Comic Con on the Hill.
  3. Strange. I counted, it's just 51 200 of them. Banned for misinforming.
  4. The best part of it is the small human-like service robot standing next to it with the hand up.
  5. Banned for typing so many digits of pi that one page was not enough.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias Others see what you did and do the same, because they see it's safe.
  7. Banned for the mistaken 34th digit.
  8. The Empire was right, the Rebels were left. A centrist position was too complicated for the authors.
  9. Banned for storming a lot of 3.14, based on the username.
  10. Granted. Now you have DDR5. I wish for HeOH. He(OH)2 is also appropriate.
  11. Lindemann ... & fiery show. maybe with blimps
  12. The solifugae have ten. And the arthropod limbs can be multifunctional, and even their jaws are limbs (while the vertebrates' jaws are former gills). The centipedes even don't know, how many limbs they have, but every segment can be equipped with a pair of legs and even its own genitals. The insects are the top of the arthropod evolution (the wasps and their descendants, bees and ants the top of the top), and they reached the optimum six legs, but their larvae like caterpillars in addition to their six may have several pairs of rudimentary false legs. But anyway all of them have a set of minor limbs, and some of them can use them as additional legs.
  13. The Marco Polo game will be modified. The facility team hides in a pool. The Chief Rocketeer cries: "Boca!" and turns the launch key, they cry "Chica!" and quickly dive. The one who dives the last and survives, wins.
  14. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quip equip equipment Things making somebody strong/fast like a horse.
  15. Equally. In a horse manner. Equivalent. Strong like a horse. Equatorial. Equator. 1. Of a toroidal horse. 2. The line separating the hemisphere with horses and the hemisphere originally without them.
  16. Granted. The last thing you can see is the world around, collapsing due to the bug in the code. I wish for snow melting.
  17. No problem. This is an unempty glass of thirst. Waiter! I ordered a bigPC, not bigMac.
  18. Granted. You are out of procrasts, but started listening podcasts. Podcastination. I wish for a better thing than the one I'm currently connecting to the pod.
  19. Granted. With Bruce Willis as the pharaoh, as you don't need to shave him, and his face describes everything what's happening in Alexandria without words. .I wish for Cro-Magnon cartoons.
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