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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Juno lost recent pix... https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasas-juno-team-assessing-camera-after-48th-flyby-of-jupiter *** ... while JWST is missin NIRISS https://www.space.com/james-webb-space-telescope-niriss-glitch
  2. Probably, they confused the "nitric acid" and "toxic rocket fuel, making you mad". R-12 fuel was not hypergolic, it was just a pseudo-kerosene.
  3. KSP has biomes. They can shift their parameters on climate change. No need in running dinosaurs.
  4. It's not about the realism, but about a playable approach. Spore has a simplified model of climate conditions (there is a window with temperature, humidity, etc.) It provides (say, a DLC) a set of magic/hi-tech devices to run a volcano to bring more water and make the oceans deep, iirc frost to make it melt, and so on. No. The surface details could self-adjust themselves on display. Like they do on biome. The biomes could self-adjust. The mentioned volcanoes.
  5. Fifty years old code. Still being learned and partially used. *** Let alone the FORTRAN math libraries. *** But of course, any legacy project is a torture for creative people. It's always better to rewrite.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tired_light The Tired Code theory. The old code gets worse every year, even if it isn't changed. More than ten year old one is just insultingly disgusting and must be rewritten in any case. The Elder Scrolls https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_Computer_Programming A half-century obsolete scratches on the cave wall. It's nuked and turned into glass (trinitite). Or has passed too close to the Sun.
  7. With pusher plate of clay. *** The laser beam is still a cone, not a line. The energy per cross-section area is ~1/distance 2
  8. So, the ballistic rocket was seen as a large fiery ball, then suddenly fell down without explosion and sprode around the acidic fog cloud... Sounds like a theory...
  9. We know and like the chicken-warmed nuke mine project. The Pigeon project. A homing glide bomb using a pigeon as an internal homing device. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pigeon
  10. Granted. Now your life looks like a piece of Swiss cheese, full of holes. I wish the Moon was.
  11. Insolation,, W/m2, 5 times farther from the Sun (thus, requiring > 25 times greater solar panel area) compared to the total heat capacity of the ice depth, leaves no chance without a good nuke.
  12. Granted. Frodo wakes up in bed all rested and such. He looks around and realizes that he is still in the Gollum's cave. Gollum jumps to him... The End. I wish Sauron had made a thousand of fake rings.
  13. A proper, normal city. The curve is called "normal" for reasons. What's not normal, is not normal. P.S. And it should be fractal, but that's obvious itself. Normality and fractality. So, basically, something like that.
  14. Granted. You open the game map and click. I wish to write in Tolkien runes.
  15. John Doe, Jane Doe, and their Dawge.
  16. https://babylon5.fandom.com/wiki/Babylon_Project This makes to think that the similarity between the Babylon stations and Nauka module is not just a coincidence. Destroyed, reused, upgraded. It's not similar. It's the same.
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