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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launch_window if SpaceX is still limited by physical laws.
  2. But was there at least one story when a dog was barking at the UFO before running away?
  3. Cats. They distract attention and occupy the imageboards and blogs. They are in cahoots with UFO. Interesting, do the cats (or at least the non-cat animals) see the UFO and react on them? Do the survived UFO witnesses ever mention the animal reaction?
  4. Yes, it would be meatato. Pomeatato if you prefer meat and potato in tomato sauce. The prototype is already ready. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomato
  5. What do you mean, "conquer"? Search for the files containing "PotatoRoid" string in your KSP setup folder. There is 25 of them. Kerbal world is made of potatoes.
  6. I'm not among that Dozen of Chosen.
  7. Oh, remember it. Together with the Phoenicians we use 22/7 for calculations in head. ( a * 2 = obvious ab * 11 = a{a+b}b a / 7 = also not something specuial, and also = *sqrt(2) / 10 )
  8. Granted. You order the pizza with anchovies and giant squid brains. It's deethought, as these beasts are pretty submersible I wish for rare bullsquid steak.
  9. Of course it's cheating, because nobody can just take and copy your 3.5" Verbatim diskette.
  10. Reusability. All potato devices are reusable. An eaten potato just becomes the next year potato.
  11. "The fact that AI learned to paint is yet nothing. Think, what will happen when it won't get accepted to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna." (c)
  12. The new maneuver GUI is called "non-impulsive" because it's made so much better, that you stop impulsively hitting the buttons with fist, exclaiming "What the thing does it mean?!"
  13. If it's about the bootlegging, it's Herbin, as herbs are required.
  14. Don't you know this name etymology? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyrieus#Orion P.S. Yes, the things are that sad...
  15. Banned for calling the banning meaningless in the banthread.
  16. The shown results tell us that the nerd herd is showing off My 1 was #1.
  17. Potatential energy from potato electric battery powering a cloud of potato computers makes reminds that the consoles are useless, as they always were.
  18. In the n-dimension space-continuum continuity we are same but 3d.
  19. Don't most of the KSP solar panels follow the Sun? (It's coded in the Unity properties of the solar panel details.)
  20. It directly receives the microwave energy. If it sparks or no, doesn't play a role, it's heated.
  21. Banned for such an outrageous prejudice. P.S. I know what's "dice", but I have no idea what's "preju". Probably, something bad, I guess.
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