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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Refering to 99 percent of the planet on this elitist nerdish site is cheating.
  2. The air decides. https://www-normacs-info.translate.goog/answers/887?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Also imagine hot lamps right above your head.
  3. ... but was beaten by secretly survived Sergei Kirov leading a fleet of atomic zeppelins of his name.
  4. That's when they started using ceramics. 13 000 years ago they were probably grilling in charcoal.
  5. Btw, does it all mean that KSP-2 will release very soon, or vice versa it will be delayed again? If there were so many cheap graphic cards on secondary market, on one hand it will immediately make any KSP-2 video requirements possible for everyone, but on the other hand it can motivate them to revamp the graphics.
  6. It launched all three first Sputniks, up to 1327 kg (the third one), so it was able even to put a megaton warhead in orbit without an upper stage. Or Mercury.
  7. That's now, when it's known and usual. But somebody should be the first one who tried to add a handful of dung to someone's barbecue. And his counterpart was probably enough hungry to ignore.
  8. Ok. sandcoin snowcoin But we still have a bag of lentil and peas to process chain sequences. peacoin!
  9. Iirc, the random generation was the key part of blockchain?
  10. Why not found a sandcoin or snowcoin, using the pattern of desert... sandcicles or snow... snowcicles as a random generator instead of GPU, for free. One just grabs a handful of snow, looks in an tells to others: "Hey, look. I have generated 23.54645654 snowcoins".
  11. Cheating? This can be called "cheating"? It's real flagellantism, not cheating.
  12. Flying tankette / attacker LT aka SAM-23 (the first of its name). Designed by the constructor of landing gliders A.S. Moskalyov in 1942. The pilot is protected by 3 mm thick armor (4..5 mm at front). 2 x 20 mm (200..500 rounds each) + 2 x 7.62 (1 500 rnd each) + 4..6 RS-82 rocket (82 mm) or 400 kg of bombs. Main combat mode: run-flight at 4..5 m attitude at 150..180 km/h. The special foldable truss follows the ground landscape allowing the pilot to precisely keep the altitude. In same manner can covertly follow the roadways for sudden strikes. The truss can also destroy lightweight fortifications and wire fences. Mass empty/full = 534/1128 kg Span/length/height = 5.57 / 7.20 / 2.0 m Wing area = 7.75 m2. Engine = 1 x 100 hp (73.6 kW) Max speed 188 km/h Ceiling 1 200 m. Real flights are unknown, but was tested on ground. P.S. UC now, where did the Star Wars get those ground fliers from.
  13. The R-7 ICBM testing would keep going on like it did previously, and one of them would be spent on the satellite launch. Not so much hype would happen, as the first American sats were too tiny to be useful in military sense, while R-7 was designed to carry a megaton-class warhead or a spysat.
  14. The metastable metallic hydrogen would probably reflect the laser light. It's shiny.
  15. It's a former Jool moon lost when the gods got mad devs stepped with sphere of influence sizes.
  16. The thing we will never know is what troll first decided to throw the found dry gazelle dung into the campfire where others were cooking food.
  17. Classic pill. Was Neo just a stupid loser who failed his perfect Matrician life and tried to escape together with same misfits?
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