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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. When you have an extra compass, and wish to reduce the number of eaters. The vampires don't reflect in mirros. The vampiric shotgun doesn't have a recoil.
  2. Rarely. The forum takes too much time. Who's the generation 1?
  3. The aliens don't have a chance to look pleasant and cute for us. Exactly like humans for them. Look at the extinct species. They look ugly and deformed, and only for this reason exotic. And the aliens would be same. Not a noble humanized appearance of human actors with "alien" make-up, but looking deformed and disproportional, with disgusting chemistry, smelly or slimy, and with habits we would consider terrible. And the same would be their impression about us. Do many people prefer frogs to kittens? We got used to treat this specific kind of apes beautiful, and love similarity. While an alien would see a former four-handed creature, walking on rear hands and trying to not fall while standing vertically. Covered with formerly sensitive antennas which became useless thin threads hanging down from the body top and for unexplainable reasons growing around the input and ouput ports, And what's the most weird, in armpits. At least one reason to have hair in armpits? But they have. (Let's refrain from detailed description of the output end which is literally turned inside out and thus dual and consists of various separated parts). These senseless threads (aka "hair") ar so thin everywhere except several bunches that even don't protect from cold. So these humans are at the same time slimy ("sweaty") and "hairy" on touch. Ask the cats about what do they feel when you are hugging them to bare chest. Their rear hands (aka "feet") have so thin surface and weak ligaments that they can hardly walk without attaching plates below (they call it "booting"), or have it even more deformed than usually. More of that, some of them attach so-called "stilettos" to make the former rear arm (aka "leg") look longer, and the former rear hand (aka "feet") more strenuous, considering this beatiful, and totally forgetting that the sole purpose of this limb is to climb on branches and skin bananas. These human permanently drink water and immediately excrete it with all body surface, becoming wet from liquid whose composition is mostly the same that their urine has, but also dissolve and wash excessive fat from their body surface. They pee with skin, what can you add more? They fall inactive for several hours in a day, usually making weird sounds due to weak and badly constructed breathe system. Their eyes are turned inside out as well, and thus they see everything overturned, but used to think it's straight. And the light gets to the sensitive layer after passing through the whole eye body, thus they can see their own blood vessels. Their body is full of useless rudiments like a New Yesr tree of toys. Their input end is almost a bit of horror. With separated entrances ("nostrils" and "mouth"), and just don't look at their mouth, with a weird restless tentacle (aka "tongue") and calcinated... what do you think?,,, yes, taste sensors used as a mill. To prevent water and food falling back from this mouth, they have alway wet or cracked "lips", for unknown reasons bright red. Look at their clowns. They don't try to look like another species to look ugly and funny. They enhance the natural colors of the own humans body! The humans find the accented human-like view disgusting themselves! And after all of that they basically need about one third of their ration to be a meat of killed animals. Some of them try be "vegans" but finally just make things worse. Even their children schoolbooks are made of cellulose from killed plants. Their pets are usually even more carnivorous than they are themselves, and they kill huge peaceful grass-eating cows and birds to feed a swarm of cats, dogs, and others. *** After all of that, can we expect from a random alien race anything but hate and disgust? No. Any alien race would like to wash the Universe from such ugly species like the humans are. And we, in turn, also won't be hugging them to chest like kittens for same reasons. (Well, actually some will, but it's a topic for another forums (Actually it's hard to understand those furry and lizard fans. What can look more weird and alien than the human itself?)). *** So, what do we get in the dry residue? The first wave of human colonists' fleet should consist of The red button is an easy way for that.
  4. This! Now we have the way to utilize spent plastic!
  5. In warm climate it's hard to keep milk fresh, it anyway turns sore. But on the other hand the cheese has time to mature. The same about grapes and wine. So, the Southern people make a lot of cheese and wine but feel bad after fresh milk. In cold climate the cheese has no time to mature before it gets frozen, but the fresh milk doesn't get sur immediately, and hungry peasant don't want to wait, and drink the milk without cheesing. Also they boil the sour milk and make quark. Thus, they eat quark and drink milk rather than making cheese. The same with wine. It doesn't have time to mature, and the grapes have low sugar because of poor insolation, so they prefer quick-made drinks like beer and moonshine. Thus, while the Southerners are hitting their kidneys, the Northerners are attacking their heart.
  6. Extrakerbestrial. Maybe even no planets. Giant caves instead. Kerbal crawlers as crafts. Because there is anyway nothing useful in space, while in rocks they can mine.
  7. Solid planets. To dig tunnels instead of that empty, silly space.
  8. And then the poll would make no sense, because humans get extinct anyway.
  9. When your kids are whining for lego. And all you have is stones and peasants.
  10. Banned for not translating in English, Red Mill.
  11. Reasons are for weaklings. Brave men ban cuz they can.
  12. RUJ Rapid Unplanned Jumanji When it's easier to broom the scrap than describe,
  13. Eating pizza is a laziness itself.
  14. Hum(o/a)nkey. Human as the greatest of monkeys. Humans evolutionally, biologically.
  15. Just one alien species of infinity, selects the red button, and it's a total game over for others. Though, maybe we have already pressed it? And this explains the Fermi paradox. As humans weren't able create it, we should have a look in Ancient Egyptian graffitti. Maybe those "gods" already had given the choice. Maybe they pressed the button. Btw Sphinx. Isn't it a perfect manifestation of what the humans should go to? A cat-human symbiosis, the ultimate expression of which are catgirls. The alien pyramid builders have built it for reasons. (Btw is Sphinx boy or girl? Can't see, it's lying.)
  16. Using files for data is a cheating. Files are for metal.
  17. The default picture had banned GIF, so I had to reupload a static picture.
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