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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. If every sapient race in the Universe pressed their green button, all sapient races die. If every sapient race in the Universe pressed their red button, all but one sapient races die. For the sake of sapient life in the Universe, we must press the red button before somebody had done it for us.
  2. First make cats sapient. Only then think about buttons.
  3. @Ben J. Kerman https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/08/20/1660985768277615003_960x1706.webm
  4. It's not an anthropic principle, it's an observer.
  5. Quantum physics needs an observer to resolve the indeterminancies. The only observer we know is a human. No humans - no witnesses observers, no quantum physics. Save the Universe, press the red!
  6. Banned for not having it anymore.
  7. ? It's ramming one of them right now. Since May. https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-s-voyager-1-is-sending-back-strange-data-from-beyond-our-solar-system-puzzling-scientists
  8. Banned for discriminating the clone persons.
  9. Contracrastination A syndrome of labor hyperactivity. The patient can't focus on anything but job.
  10. And the distance between the inner and the outer doors should exceed human arm span. 2.5 m or so.
  11. https://www.etymonline.com/word/caterpillar They made up it for us.
  12. Also the green buttoneers have killed almost all domesticated species immediately. So, several years after, it wouldn't be a garden full of fruits and flowers with happy cows, horses, pigs, and so on. It would be a place of dull feral plants, feral wolves, and feral goats and hares. And feral grass instead of the crops, so even mice and rats would be wild, ill, lousy, and feral. No humans - no food for mosquitoes. So, much less food for frogs and fishes.
  13. The plasma layer could be heating the air molecules and blow them back to the room. At the same time, the crew could be having a sunbath near it and grill chickens. But it needs a power support, while a usual door doesn't. Also any solid body consists of atoms held together by the electromagnetic forces. I.e. any solid body is a shaped electromagnetic field with captured atoms. So, you can treat any solid door as an ultimate case of a self-powered plasma airlock.
  14. I've read even greater trilogy by M. Kharitonov (The Golden Key, or Buratin*'s Adventures) (the extreme, the ultimate case of post-human multi-species civilisation, with a genetically and technically modified cat-persecutor as one of central heroes), but it's only in Russian, fully satirical, totally grim, absolutely 18+, and full of local cultural allusions and word play, so unlikely readable for anyone else or translatable .
  15. Back in my days dragons had three heads and no bleached "blondes" on their back. Fake blondes on fake dragons.
  16. (Also, Napoleon is banned by Mr. Bernadotte).
  17. Banned because it's currently summer.
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