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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Floor 2750: The rest of Starks' private restroom.
  2. Granted. But your wish confused me. A confusion reactor. I wish the antimatter costed antimoney.
  3. Rum-running bootleggers boot a cake/cookie with rum. Rum Cakookie,
  4. Optimisim is important itself. Other things get applied to it.
  5. Nobody can recall what the party had turned into after first doses of Royal Alcookie.
  6. The world is too chaotic to be ruled. Pyro raises a rebellion.
  7. Granted. You have a (new) curtain and can now to clean your hands with it after feeding the cat. You are programmed so, it's normal. *** I wish for a KSP cats mod.
  8. It was another one, fallen in Crimea.
  9. They call it "revolver" because
  10. Banned for making me set a like.
  11. Just icen't. Why there is no positive abbreviation like "y's"? Do not = don't. Do, certainly = doy's.
  12. The Sturmbanzer from another thread strurmbans you.
  13. I read books. They are a cheat of reality.
  14. A 40 kg shaped in 80 kg hull sounds rather strange itself. A shaped charge needs a thin hull, otherwise why shape it.
  15. Banned for making him start talking also about TF3.
  16. No, sir. It's filled by Barney's Bear. Waiter! Why are you giving me the bill? Am I a lawyer?
  17. Just do odle. So, the past form of spring is sprang. Does it mean that "sprang" is "last year spring"?
  18. It doesn't have a solid background, and falls on the floor. But The Saurus eggs give chickens.
  19. Using accidic substances is a cheating.
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