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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. If real Han knew who are his passengers, he could exchange them for amnesty or sell them to Jabba. Not so insightful for an experienced smuggler. See the end of Spartacus Spartacvs story, for comparison.
  2. If start adding the salt to the petrol, every car will be spreading it with the engine exhaust. Так победим! This way we'll win!
  3. They're professionals. Nothing is too fine for the Maxwell... hmm... agents' skills. Atom to the left, atom to the right... Switch it when you can see green traffic light.
  4. Banned, because exactly you exactly now are wrong, as one of my software applications was named "Tabloid". (Because it was displaying information on the tableau).
  5. :haillunalunalunaprobe: (Why not just add a button "Hail probe!" next to "Submit" ?.. It would be very devout.)
  6. My notebook melts the cup of ice-cream faster than my desktop. This looks ambiguous. The same about cars.
  7. I wish to know, why this Courtney Love photo would annoy @Akagi?
  8. :haillunatheprobethethirdofitsname: P.S. Btw why is this still not in the emoji button?
  9. 1. They forgot to involve Heavy Angara and Heavy Longmarch. 2. As SLS, SS, and NG are kinds of antimatter for each other, they should annihilate on contact. 3. No problem with NTR as anyway none of the three LV is already flying. The Martian launch window opens once per two years, and the overall flight takes three. What are they going to achieve in a month what a robot can't, and how many decades are they going to be hanging in orbit for a month-long stone gathering every three years? Humans are needed only for mining and building. No mining - why need people? Surface = gravity and rad protection. Do they already have the best place for a permanent settlement taking several decades for building (if fly once per two years)? The Starship is a teaspoon where buckets are needed.
  10. I guess, this time they will avoid throwing steel balls in the window?
  11. It's in your bowl, you have answered yourself. Waiter! A handful of sublimated solid soup, please.
  12. Banned for being not a Han. (One of them.)
  13. Even the Ancient Greeks were aware of the Kessler syndrome calling it Lernaean Hydra.
  14. Every time I was trying Orbiter, I dumped it because the ship started unexpectedly and unstoppably rotate on the time warp.
  15. Banned for not speciying, which exactly "Indian" fleet do you mean. From India or Ticonderoga?
  16. And btw about the nutrition. Do the adepts of the "paleolythic" and other "natural" diets together with the "rare steak" lovers realize, that when you are a semi-sapient pithecanthropus, who just got to know the fire from eating the semi-burnt animal corpses after the wood fire, it is much more obvious and natural not to "stick the meat onto a stick, set it on fire, and eat semi-raw because you are too hungry to wait". but to "bury the killed piglet under the smouldering embers, and wait until they get warm" ? So, the most natural and healthy steak is the "well-done steak", while all those "blue", "rare", and "medium" ones are just a fancy kink. As well, did the medieval kings eat wrong, by cutting the sheets of meat from the impaled piglet on fire, instead of eating it whole semi-raw?
  17. They should not feed it after midnight, or strange things will begin. (Though, even gremlins couldn't add much to the Tatooine freak show).
  18. No problem, some UFO are doing this irl. If a giant purple lizard with horns had suddenly appeared in your room in the night, started dangerously talking to you, but once you attacked it with a laser tag, disappeared like a cloud of smoke, this doesn't mean that it has vaporised. This means that the beverages from the Mos Eisley cantina are too strong for you, and sometimes not just this. The worm living in one of those asteroids just proves that. Looks like irl they were driving away from the Tatooine road police which was trying to stop them .
  19. If attach the grav-inhibitors to the nuke charges, they can shoot them up from the ground instead of carrying, and the orion gets much lighter.
  20. Sirens attack the banned @Akagi location.
  21. These modern time systems are just annoying. Why not just say "The 8th day till kalendae of mensvs maivs"...
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