It's a culturally quoted classics of late 1990s/early 2000s, shown by TV for years.
Much more known here than, say, StarTrek, whose characters are unlikely recognizable by name.
Also I have probably watched more parodies than original episodes.
The same about Harry Potter. Was never going to watch it, but after twenty of amateur parodies I had finally done it, just to compare.
(And one more youtube video makes it reasonable to do this again, just from interest. At least the first episode of HP has numerous masonic references almost in every scene: numbers, statuettes, phrases, things, images, and so on.)
Hercules is a part of Callisto arc from Xena. This character is trolling them both.
LOTR & Hobbit by Jackson.
Never watched them in original or serious translation, only in joke translation, which is by order of magnitude better for me. Less pathos, more common sense and sense of humour. Plain rude guys, making their dirty work, rather than epic heroes.
Also, LOTR with Rammstein is much better than the original OST.