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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Schoolastics Long and dull arguing between the teacher and the student, when both want to finish asap, but noone wants to be the first.
  2. Crawfish, jellyfish, etc. Looks like the medieval British knew a lot about the piety. Btw, a pig likes to sleep in a pool. They could call it porkfish. P.S. Bacon is a philosopher.
  3. More versions: Someone's employer payed a local freelancer analysis of his employee visiting living at this forum, and the freelancer's utility is doing a brutforce sorting of the information. Or somebody has read this thread, and decided to bruteforcely make a backup copy of the whole universe just in case.
  4. It reads my posts as a training set, and is going to post under kerbiloid nickname everywhere around... Forgive me, people!!!
  5. Banned for also scaring banrogs.
  6. No hablo inglés, señor. Waiter! Where is the next page of menu?
  7. Jeb 01:234: "And once the man called @Vegatoxi came to their town, and started teaching them that no renegades of the First Game would see a success, the success won't come into the home of untrue Another Game, and they should not follow blindly the way of heresy, as that uncertain trail would fool them, and lead them into the swamp behind the rocks, them will lead there. But they were laughing at him, and throwing stones at him, and made him run away from their town from the stoning, from the town of those who had left The First Game to delight their eyes and hearts with Another Game, which wasn't given to them, but was made by people who were competing the First Game from their vanity. And @Vegatoxi left their town with sadness and sorrow in his heart, sprinkling ashes on his head, as he was seeing that his word can't touch the hard hearts of the False Another Game believers, their hearts can't be softened by his words of exhortation." Jeb 23:456: "And the people of the town which had fallen into heresy started crying: Look, N-TE S-N, we are left by everyone, and we are thirsty for water and supplies, and we need the colonies to live there, and the multiplayer is not connecting us in the desert, we are alone, and nobody helps us! But the rocks were keeping silence, and the swamp was silent, and nobody responded their cries and complaints, because the First One, The Harvester, left the worldly needs for His Own aims and paths, and the true believers of the First Team, making the First Game, didn't respond, because they were scattered around after the Heresy."
  8. It worked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power_in_space (once the Canadians even got one for free, right in street) and is going to continue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEM_(nuclear_propulsion)
  9. Floor 5223: The floor numbers dedoubler... undoubler... disduplifier... I.e turns two 5222 into one.
  10. The Chosen Farmgirl of my childhood, from one of if not the most backbone book of the Universe setting. Ellie Smith from the Soviet rework of Wizard of Oz (not Zardoz). Initially (in 1930s) a translation of the first Oz book, since 1950s an absolutely different story with some same characters, much more straight and brutal than the Baum's sadistic sugary original. At the same time one of the most mystic books, if know what to look at. Almost an initiation path of the magess in the afterworld.
  11. "The Apollo mission control center starts receiving strange system messages."
  12. Every ruthless dictator is a chosen one. The pathetic plebeians can't get this without careful guidance.
  13. A nuclear tug with ion engines and laser. Evaporates small pieces, partially evaporates big things to create a gas jet pushing it retrogradely.
  14. Jeb. 12:345: "And when the weak men left us in despair, the only man standing kept praying for all of us in the desert. Where the Kraken remains were lying, he kept praying."
  15. Banned for banning from revenge.
  16. Just don't tell that the magic indeed works like in Hurried Potter... In Tolkien's books there was no magic at all, only requesting Iluvatar OS via local providers. Arcanum, Nine Princes In Amber would be at least understandable as examples. *** Also we should not forget that thermodynamic Information is defined as delta-Info = - delta-Entropy. So, no Entropy change - no Information change, no thinking. And as mathematically the Entropy is a logarithm of statistical weight of the system, its stopping means stopping any states of any system.
  17. And the Lagrange points don't. And the precision error (real vs double) is non-zero. And to approach to the real orbital mechanics you have to install Principia. And Kopernicus doesn't calculate true planetary orbits. Let alone the engineless spacecrafts of the early KSP-1, consisting of air scoops only, able to reach the orbit without a droplet of fuel.
  18. At least for the real (floating point) numbers precision.
  19. "We decided to add microtransactions in the coming spacecraft UI standard."
  20. Ban flood from the opened ban source.
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