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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. He would just detach the plane from the back.
  2. Of course it is. Banned for being unaware of that. Banned for adding the ace to three of a kind.
  3. The more I read about their NDAs in the movie and game industry, the more I feel that I read about a secret Soviet project from 1940s, with its secrecy, spies behind every tree, and probably some Holy Wood GULAG camps on Alaska with prisoner development bureaus for those who had made a wrong step. The best: It works in KSP, why shouldn't irl.
  4. There is also a strange psychological effect when you concentrate your attention at an impressively looking distant object and see it in details, like there is nothing more around except it. Who knows, maybe not exactly psychological. Maybe it's a joke of the Matrix. Maybe the snipers are actually cheaters of reality.
  5. Calling 911 to download the Matrix update.
  6. Banned for not noticing the triple three.
  7. Granted. Now you are programming with music, flowers, ice-cream, and soap bubbles around. I wish to see++.
  8. Don't you want to say, that all this people lie, and they had never seen this Moon? It's a special lunar fizzix. Works with huge spaceships as well.
  9. Mice. They are hiding under the snow, making tunnels, and melt the snow from below with their warmth. We need to know the mousification coefficient of the snow before starting the calculations.
  10. These were their kids from previous (gravitational) relations before Triton was kidnapped / cheatingly escaped.
  11. Less than twenty years passed between the Elite: Frontier and its Encounters to the Elite: Dangerous, so no problem to wait twenty years more. Of course, some Elite players have reincarnated between them, and lost their original achievments and records, but is it first time?
  12. Then the coding AI will get the Jebediah Kerman personality, and self-declare itself the leader of all Kerbals ever harmed by the human players.
  13. I would say, the idea was before KSP-1. The KSP-2 would improve the reality.
  14. It would mean that someone is doing something, albeit to a game that won't see anything major happening to it. The last dev standing.
  15. About three-four its masses. And ten-twenty times more to lift this fuel to LEO.
  16. Wait a moment, I'll pour gasoline from it. Herr Burgermeister! Two burgers and cola, please.
  17. Not granted. Its bugged, but it's debugged. Another Earth can't even start. I wish for a world debugger.
  18. We don't care how should they return. Let them call taxi.
  19. Floor 5089: The explanation why the floor count is not divided by the posts per page number.
  20. Banned forforcing intremism instead.
  21. Hot mess like the oatmeal warms the nasopharynx, and makes the snot be produced less. The snot stops flowing down into the throat, stops infecting and irritating the throat, the coughing gets more rare. The more snot stays inside the nose, the less snot gets produced (as the dry mucous is irritated and causes the snot production as an antibacterial lubricant). The baby cream, been put into the nose, works like artifical snot with antibacterial properties, it replaces the snot production and thus excessive coughing. Also, the wet carton sheets with mustard, been put on the back of torso, and covered with towel, make the skin burning red, but help to stop the dry coughing. (Warning, don't forget to take them off in time to prevent the burns, and them clean the skin with wet towel, and don't put them against the spine and against the heart or big vessels.) And the essential oil balm like the Vietnamese "Golden Star" onto and into the nostrils. P.S. Notice the first two photos. The mustard carton also make the beard grow big before you take them off.
  22. Are you sure you have read the episode with St.Peter and sword? It was a plan. The first thing the empowered Native Americans would do would be crossing the 4 km of water between America and Chukotka, and rush to the south. Instead of the countless Ninja Samurai vs Shaolin Monks documentaries from 1980s, we would be watching Ninja Samurai and Shaolin Monks vs Red Devils From Beyond The Ocean. Or Hairy Legs and Three Knives In The Captured Land Of Boiled Ant Eggs And Funny Bamboo Grizzlies, depending on who wins.
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