Object Class: Neutralized / Kether-Kraken
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ may be kept in containment similar to 3.5" Verbatim floppy disks with labels containing integer numbers of the disks made by pencil in random order.
The Read-Only latch must be closed.
Description: SCP-███ is a mockup of a rocket construction and spaceflight simulation game.
It mimicks a widely-known Kraken Space Program (aka KSP-1), trying to imitate its functionality, and using optical illusions to ensure the victim that it's real.
You can distinguish : SCP-███ from the real KSP-1 by toxic-green and rounded shapes of the virtual beings inside.
It's noticed for using magic numbers as a camouflage: 0.1.1, 0.2.2, ...
Also it can be detected by the resource monitor. If it freezes on the hardware where the original KSP just flies, it's for sure the SCP-███ .
SCP-███ is supposed to be an extraterrestrial or extraplanar form of life, possessing the original KSP at its nest, and having brought it to the Upper-Left Corner of the USA map, next to the big water.
Its first manifestations were dramatic events with three or four development companies, thinking that they were "owning" it.
The culmination took place in May of 2024, when the SCP-███ had taken several dozens of the development people.
To the date it is still not clear, is SCP-███ still alive or not, so the special measures of Securing, Containment, Protection should be being undertaken at least till June, 28, 2024.
To the moment no personnel units being in contact with SCP-███ is responding or showing any other signs of life activity. Their fate is still unknown.
The SCP-███ Project leader Prof. S███n had signed last time on June, 11.
It's still unknown if he did it as a free-will being, or he was under control of the SCP-███.
The Project official speaker, Dr. D███a made controversial claims, so h██ objectivity is questionned, too.
To the moment it is known about 70 dismissed personnel units of the project HQ, who are were presumably involved into the Project.
We may hope that the personnel units of Class D have been euthanized and utilized quickly and humanely.