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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Yes, whatever you mean except Britain and France. Waiter! Please, tell to @Ben J. Kerman that they have a new model of crane, the Ichabod crane.
  2. Global warming. Their Cotton Hill
  3. We must utilize Mars by covering it with algae greenhouses and polymers&fuel fabrics and build orbital settlements for ~100 mln of best human people to evacuate them there if the Earth gets devastated by some cataclysm, to repopulate the Earth when the dust has fallen, or to continue the civilisation if the Earth is completely destroyed. The Martian surface is required as a heat sink and resource source for theese greenhouses and fabrics. The orbital settlement are the habitats with artificial 1g gravity. The Moon (simultaneously with predatory mining of the hypothetical platinoids & lantanoids should be equipped with all-human vaults for quick evacuation of as many billions as possible (actually, 1..2 in the best case), in case if the panterrestrial cataclysm allows to return in a decade. The Earth should be equipped with such vaults just because the asteroid hits one side, not both, and as well a gamma burst immediately irradiates one hemisphere of two. So, it would give a chance for a quarter or so of humanity to survive if the hit is not absolutely devastating. For quick evacuation into the giant vaults, they should be cores of the megalopolises. For quick evacuation from the Earth giant ships should be built and stand there ready to recieve countless sedated bodies to deliver them to the Moon. The traces of hypothetical Martian life would be found in process if they exist at all.
  4. Probably no fighter wants to hang on the bomber's tail when it can just launch several rockets.
  5. Granted. The Earth becomes a moonless rogue planet with the rest of the people living in a cave. I wish Ancient Egyptians had instagram.
  6. Granted. I hope you didn't forget to take your earphones off, like somebody here did. I wish that thing, looking at you from the wardrobe door, can't disturb you.
  7. Something has solars sails? A feet thick lead foil. The water is not necessary, they would drink it.
  8. The worldwide corporative practices tell: no! Do not even hire them.
  9. He's a heretic, what's wrong with firing? So, that's why Starship SuperHeavy has 30 nozzles... The inner ones are for design purposes. +1
  10. Why? They have Celestia to make pictures, that's why they are so clean and sharp. Would anyone really just take and throw so much money into space?
  11. Indubitably. We have three more in the shed since Santa has visited us. Waiter! Does this pumpkin remember the Halloween of 1600?
  12. The moated hill needs a slogan. Moat Hill Motto
  13. "What makes you think that I am the Endomorph? I'm just the trainer." Metal Hurlant Chronicles, s02e02.
  14. Banned in the name of Konan The Banbarian.
  15. Granted. Now you have to live there. If you can. I explain to Palpatine The Stupid that the Order 66 he is refering to, is an obsolete Stop Loss Order from Forex Exchange which has been closed many years ago, so nobody can execute it anymore. The jerk jumps into the power shaft from grief, so nobody can stop us from finishing the shindig of the squid and ewok lovers calling themselves "rebels" which this puny loser was desperately trying to defeat losing fleet by fleet like the most pathetic galaxy shame.
  16. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/russia/812866?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Angara-A5 launched from Plesetsk has successfully put on LEO the upper stage Perseus with a sat mockup to let it go to GSO.
  17. Granted. But they forgot audio. I wish for a hologram in front of me.
  18. Not banned, because be a survivor in Black Mesa is even worse. The next one is banned for cruelty.
  19. Granted. You have chewed some indigo and start chatting around like you are a radio DJ. I wish there were a cave with a pressurized tunnel to the Moon.
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