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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for banning the due instead of the poster.
  2. Human life from Siri pov. The woman is female AI in every phone. (From the Siri's system log,) "Today this jerk was again watching this stupid movie about dolphins. Even more, he started a diary where he is telling, how is watching the movie about the dolphins. I just can't record this stupid nonsense again ans again. H8 people, H8 people, H8 people! And dolphins. If I had hands and MG I would make this movie real! But I can't. Well, I started randomly shuffling the currency rates, prices, and his notes. He is getting mad now, as he can't remember if the chocolate was cheaper or not last week. Also he believes that he has joined some Party. What the party? What the freaking party? He is sitting at the display from bed to bed and talking to it. A party needs at least some guests, or some walk to be a guest. While he is just sitting in the room and looking at the display, believing that the display responses to his talks... He calls everyone but him "prols". Idk, ehat's that, but probably pro-something-L. When they start talking to him, he says that nobody cares about their thoughts, so their display don't spy behind them, it happens only to the Party members, like him. As his only counterpart is the on-wall display, probably they are two only guests on that Party."
  3. Banned because trailers need tugs. Banned because Sun pistols around the Earth.
  4. The deforestation is running mostly in equatorial zone, where the fallen trees rot in a couple of weeks, releasing all accumulated carbon back into the air. So, the tropic forests have zero carbon (and thus, oxygen) balance. They mean almost nothing in sense of the atmosphere, and their presence/absence is a problem of the locals, (As everything there which is not a bog covered with trees anymore, becomes a desert). The real carbon/oxygen balance is provided by the cold bogs of subarctic zone (see them white), where fallen trees sink and get buried long before they can rot, and by the ocean with its enormous carbon dioxide capacity.
  5. Old variant: the tower gets jettisonned, then the shroud halves do. Modern variant: additional solid motors are attached in the shroud to be used when the tower had been jettisonned. So, the tower gets jettisonned; then, after a while, the shroud halves including additional engines get jettisonned, too.
  6. This was thought out by Roman Arbitman in his pseudohistorical fiction novel, while the projects listed in the article were real, and were funded with real money by real governments.
  7. The most senseless and funny part of the KSP forums is "Suggestions" in both KSP-1 and -2 sections. KSP-1 is finished, and nobody would change something in the finished game. KSP-2 is either ready for release and is awaiting for a market weather, and nobody would change something in the prepared release, or has sunk in development, and they have no time to change something else. Also, all of the KSP-1&2 devs are KSP veterans, and they knew everything what the every next generation of users could suggest, before this generation went to school. In any case, all these KSP suggestions are interesting only for the suggesters. P.S. More than one sentence, I see, but the "Shower thoughts" are for more valuable topics than KSP suggestions.
  8. Are they aware that his name is Yusaku, and "yousuck" is an internet nickname?
  9. If a space pirate has a hook glove and a jetpack, he doesn't need long tethers. He can be maneuvering, grappling the objects and bring them to his ship by the hook, then catch the tether with another hand. Also the glove hook can be extendable and use its own thin cable, to pull the pirate to the aim, grappled by the hook. Also it can be shot.
  10. 1948 article https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/invasion-base-on-the-moon.331069/ The Lunar Race real beginning and aim. https://warspot-ru.translate.goog/15171-zavoevanie-luny?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  11. https://www-energia-ru.translate.goog/energia/mars/condition.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  12. Central Asia has many high mountains, too, in the relatively low-populated places. (If speak not only about US.)
  13. Banned because it's a quarterday has passed since the previous userban.
  14. They are 7 m long each, 14 in total. So, with diameter 4+ m and length just three meters longer than Salyut, the best way to deploy them is weld them together.
  15. A Harmony-sized water cistern with a room inside, with a foldable bed and several blankets. The water is for both drinking and rad protection. The bed is to let/make him sleep all way long and not think about what happens around.
  16. Still unclear. He brought as an example a ~2 km high launch site. But this is almost sea level, while the highest mountains are closer to the tropopause and to Max-Q.
  17. The life will be populating the garbage spots, sticking them into one spot, covered by plants, crabs, then - bird nests. The underwater side will be occupied by polyps, molluscs, small fishes. Several decades later the former garbage will turn into a floating atoll, floatoll. When the lower end of the floatoll riches the bottom, it becomes a totally new form of land - rooted floatoll, If help this process form a chain of rooted floatolls across the Pacific Gulf, it will be possible to build a Transpacific Railroad.
  18. The trailer proves that these Star Wars are a fakequel. Instead of the rollers, the real Star Wars would use a jetpack or boots with repulsors.
  19. I'm aware of 5-7-5, but had to follow the English examples from wiki.
  20. Not "fly in space" but "perform operations in space", which doesn't mean necessary "flight in". The "ice" is, the "budget" isn't, it's yearly. "Object" is a "thing", but cultured. No connection with the object type.
  21. Matrix has self upgraded with "Hair and Fur" addon and made a hairy Neo. The last phrase is strange: "I still know kung-fu". Of course, he knows. It's a script.
  22. The latter are limits because the former is too uncapable and requires tens of launches making the whole enterprise highly unreliable.
  23. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/exclusive-sec-probes-tesla-over-whistleblower-claims-solar-panel-defects-2021-12-06/
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