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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned because that's his nature, see the user name.
  2. A half of the 25 Q&As is a labeling. While still no explanation about the 10kya ocean level raising by 20..100+ meters, 1 km-thick glaciers melting, and why has the Earth not been devastated that time, compared to the modern centimeters (from the link, ~4 cm), and how did the hunter-gatherer fires caused that climatic change, as the mentioned researches prove that there can be no such dramatic climatic change without the human activity. So, the total human industry can cause just centimeters of the ocean level raising, while 10 kya, with no industry but campfires, it raised by a hundred of meters because the ice shield had melted. As well, the Viking vs Rembrandt epochs. First when Greenland was somewhere green, next when the Dutch were skating at home. The 30-year long chart is good, but it took about 500 years to make the Northmen skating, so the short straight line can be a short part of a sine wave as well. Dynamically balanced, and permanently changing. So, not just the input has grown, but also the output has reduced. What about the forest cutting to make new plowlands for the human population having gotten increased from 2 bln in XIX/XX to 8 bln now, mostly in low-tech regions? And as the population has grown for 3..4 times, it needs at least 3..4 times bigger industry and plowland, doesn't it? A word juggling. Volumetric 0.2..0.5 % of the atmospheric water vs 0.03..0.04% of carbon dioxide means at least ten times greater warming input from the water steam. And the CO2 concentration is a same feedback mechanism named "carbonate-bicarbonate buffer" (and btw where is it mentioned in the green alarms?) And all 7+42 papers were equipped with same accurate charts and numbers. Let's vote! Science means democracy. 7:42, they lose. Brilliant. We were wrong previously but fools doubt our word in advance. The overwhelming majority was sure that the continents don't drift just a half-century ago. Also funds. Any scientist needs food. Food means money. Money means grants. Grants mean those who are ready to give the grant. The mainstream always rules in scientist feeding. Kepler was being fed by the astrology, not by the astronomy. (This is also about several next "bad arguments" in the article).
  3. Raza is much more perfect than Millenium Falcon, more comfy than Rocinante, and is piloted just by a single android making silly face, unlike the Enterprise, crowded by slackers in colored suits making clever faces.
  4. So, youtube gets positive. https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/update-to-youtube/
  5. He has no chance. So. "Oh hey llok new page" Alternatively granted. You have read "The Da Vinci Code" and the wordly currencies don't disturb you anymore. *** I wish for a stock clock lock, whatever it means.
  6. Banned everyone who didn't new about my "location" field, which was ' ', what means "space". And as it was in both upper and lower case at once, it was the space of Schroedinger.
  7. Banned because a KSP fan is also a KSP fan, as KSP is cool and cools the CPU. A forest caretaker. He has planted a row of tree-like structures made of nested spoilers.
  8. A methalox rocket is cooler and brighter than a hypergolic one. But the latter gives a beautiful orange smoke when both fall.
  9. Musk keeps playing with his Tesla shares, but never - with the Space X ones. I believe, the Tesla ones are his own.
  10. The lunar months are based on the lunar phases which are easily distinguishable and allow to have a visual tip, to synhronize the time counting of distant people. The week more or less follows the visible quarters of the monthly phase cycle. Just had a look in KSP-1. The Mun crosses the Sun disk every 6.5 days. The Mun passes near the group of five stars next to the Milky Way every 5.25 days. Every new moon there is a solar eclipse. Because of no equatorial and orbital tilt. The mentioned group of five stars doesn't significantly change its position. The Minmus phases are hardly recognizable if visible at all. So, in KSP-1 the Kerbals would have a "solar week" (about 6.5 days) between the Mun appearance before and after the Sun, so the Mun phases and a 5.25 day long "stellar week" between the Mun passing by some group of motionless stars on the skybox. Also there is a longer period between the eclipses when Mun is touching the Sun and then crossing it on sunset and when on sunset it stops touching it and drifts away. Probably, they could have a month as a combination of the solar week and the stellar week, 35..40 days long or so. The "year" hardly makes sense for them because of no seasons, but probably they can count the Sun passes by some group of the stars.
  11. Technically, a steam turbine of a nuclear powerplant is a kind of windmill working from sea breeze at 1 000x speed...
  12. I don't sell it to the locals. Why return from the Mun instead of owning it?
  13. Just some videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxV8JseLCWxRwLVd1ykivvg/videos
  14. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/802173?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=25730 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Chinese_anti-satellite_missile_test
  15. Granted. You suddenly have realised that if remove all content from GameData/Squad/Parts, the game loads much faster. I wish for paraglider parts in KSP.
  16. I believe, in the school they tried exactly this, as it was called "Oxford dialect"... Not that anyone of the teachers had ever been to Oxford...
  17. The cabbage and the tomatoes have growm at the krakensoup lake coastline. Krakenborscht Lake
  18. Because it's lonely, and noone likes it. How do we know that there are no underground rivers on the Moon?
  19. In school they taught me that shall is for the first person, "I shall", "We shall" vs "You will", "They will". When the internet had appeared, it appeared that any person is "will", while the "shall" is like "must will". But Gandalf explained that "shall" is "will" but for "you". Now I have finally stopped understanding what is "shall" for at all...
  20. They painted her vertically because somebody foresaw the vertical smartphone videos.
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