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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's a product of the protostar ammonia buried underground and released. It appears not because it's neededm but because it's a lot of it from the very beginning. Much more than phosphorus.
  2. And that's wwithout Eyjafjallajökull. Together they would troll the green powerplants even more.
  3. The same people who put time, efforts, and money on this useless stuff, are laughing, when you say them that these small forms were nothing to do for another fishtank owners.
  4. Looks like you need two vans, for 2kW in total.
  5. I'm for Kerbals of human proportions, for more realistic vessels.
  6. Wait, is it that exact Germany which just contracted a new gas pipe?
  7. ON Europa there is deadly radiation. Underwater is under 100 km thick ice, in salty water, with no light. Not that it's what is required for industry.
  8. But the "patch" is not an island of bottles, it's just an area of higher concentration of invisible plastic particles. So, any junk they gather is unrelated to the Patch. Anyway, it's a time to state the obvious: the ocean will be more and more plastic-rich (especially if use the "green hydrogen" powered by coastal plastic installations, lol), so it's just a part of the inevitable change of biosphere coming by the end of the century. So, it's a task for the oceanic life to evolutionally adapt to the new normality and turn the junk into resource to compete for. Fishes shouls learn to grow plastic scales. Octopuses are already okay with plastic cups (we can see this in video).
  9. It's probably just a primordial simplistic explanation based on the lack of data, a folk theory of XIX. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Кислородная_катастрофа?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui It's very possible that actually the oxygen has accumulated due to changed composition of volcanic gases caused by the geological evolution. The amount of oxidizable compounds reduced, the excess of the oxygen remained. The nitrogen is critically important for most organisms at least because most of them dislike excessive concentration of oxygen. And because the active part of a life is proteins, and they contain a lot of nitrogen. Passing through and not activating the chain of the biochemical reactions. Only TV characters will live there virtually in TV trasmissions passing through. The keyword is "power". AC or DC doesn't matter. We have the powerest among the cheapest version of biochemistry, so any other exotic is so much less possible than unlikely deserves a notice.
  10. Alan Shepard was sitting in the rocket longer than they are going to fly. NASA is not the same...
  11. The aliens who actually have built the Pyramids, don't care if their pets believe in this.
  12. Terraforming is... making them as bad as here.
  13. It's a simplified 2d version for those who can't into 3d even with simple cubes.
  14. (idk, if it's alrready announced here) https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/799613?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui BO is going to found a business park in space by the end of this decade. It will be a LEO orbital station named Orbital Reef for crew of 10, including a hotel and a filming studio. (I would recommendend also a coworking openspace to lease seats in an inflatable module for freelaunchers. An openspace in open space.)
  15. Hrafn Gunnlaugsson is the only filmmakerm able to film realistic historical movies. Others are just at fan service.
  16. Being allowed, humans can easily reproduce the Earth atmosphere on any planet. The atmosphere of fear and mistrust.
  17. Replace the gas engine with steam engine and use Mars bars as fuel. How could the Watt's Steam Engine work without internet conection?
  18. Perhaps in other vessels aluminium was enough, and the steel was claimed as both structural and heat-proof?
  19. as the aluminium hull was enough, then the steel hull is excessive, as it still need the tiles. The original claim was: "The hull is made of steel, thus doesn't need tiles".
  20. Idk what had you gotten, but let it be so. For Gotten Hill
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