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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. http://www.astronautix.com/n/n11962.html
  2. Yes, the SpaceX fans were eating from this plate before you. Waiter! Why do you need tips? Are you an archer?
  3. Banned because the post counter is not that should be a guidance.
  4. Granted. You are now a Hogwarts librarian and have to create an index of all spell words from the books. I wish.
  5. The scientifically realistic interstellar ships will be one-way generation colonist ships with active crew of hundred. But you wouldn't be wanting to be among them. Unlikely a real tech can survive more than 100..200 years (currently ~50 years for Voyagers and 20+ for habitats). No known physics allows greater than 5..10% c velocity, and that's good, because otherwise the ship would become a radiation hot chamber. This limits the progress with 10 ly long colonist trips, separated by new planet industrialization to build next ship. *** This means 100..200 years of flight duration. As the cryonics is a kind of magic to the known future, no cryonics. And yes, it's a military mission with the aim of the humanity backup creation. So it's a war time and war laws onboard, and everyone onboard is willingly or unwillingly sacrificing himself, it's not a ST/SW comedy, it's deadly serious. The fleet costs so much that hundreds of thousands on the Earth would not die if spend that money on medicare and other. It's a beachhead capture, with numerous victims onboard and on the Earth. It's to let the humanity survive a supernova burst or an alien attack in unknown future. It's an assault fleet to deliver the descent of unborns, plant the Earth flag, fortify the land and turn it into an expanding military outpost of the humanity, turning it then into a civil colony. No romantics, only ministry and hardship. Not a thing a young space fan is dreaming about. *** As the space radiation is still there, the crew gonades would be irradiated and mutate, giving birth only to ill, weak, and ugly mutants, unable to perform their duties. And finally failing the Mission. So, all crew should be sterilized to prevent this. The colonist fleet should consist of ships with industrial equipment and ships of frozen fertilized ova from physically and mentally perfect donors. Millions of them. They should be grown to quickly raise the planet population from zero to millions who can effectively develop the industry and make the planet inhabited. So, the main and precious cargo of a colonist transport will be the refridgerator with ova and an the incubator to grow the beings from them, And the main duty of the crew is the maternity home operation and its technical support. Other systems of the ship will be so massive, complicated, and radioactive, that no humans could service them. The new crew members onboard should be grown same way, from the frozen ova, to keep the crew count constant, and by default later sterilized, too. Because the radiation will be mutating them, too, so their descendants would be same unviable. But the things are not that grim due to some circumstance. A totally-female crew can't reproduce without male crew members, so no need to sterilize them. At the same time every female crew member is a backup option in case if the incubator fails. They just have a backup cryostate of male donor material from the Earth as an emergency option. Of course, they will be producing mutants in this case, but: 1) female gonades are several times fore resistent to radiation; 2) the male donor material is compact, protected, and not mutated; 3) the obviously unviable infants could be sorted out; 4) it's a last chance to not fail the mission completely. In any case, it's better to keep the incubator intact. *** The crew size of 100 is not just random. It's a typical size of a tribe able tor survive. Another backup option in case if the fridge gets broken, too. They will be able to reproduce naturally (as the females aren't sterilized, while the newborn males will stay unsterilized). *** On the other hand, the actual crew is ~50. They are on watch in four shifts (three actual shifts, one backup). A dozen per shift, three on every post: incubator and fridge, incubator support, common systems, enforcement team. So, they need 50 to watch. But the newborn person intellect and skills are unpredictable. Some will be too low-skilled to become engineers or biomedics. So, the other 50 places are reserved for them, as a team of janitors, 12 per shift. The crew habitat is large, it needs a lot of janitors. *** Obviously, the ship should have an artificial gravitation. Say, two counter-rotating ring of parallel cylinders, constantly adjusting the CoM, with electromagnetic clutches. Single-use, like the ship itself, but able to survive 200 years before fail. 300..400 meter in diameter, but that's not a problem because the magnetic nozzle and radprotective shield will anyway be 500. It's a kilometer-long ship of half-kilometer diameter. After expanding the magnetic sail, several kilometers in diameter. *** So, in the middle of the flight they should be unfreezing and growing only female ova. And not sterilize the grown. Vice versa, care about the crewwomen fertility, as they are backup incubator. The women are known to fulfil long monotonous duties better than men, so the female crew is an advantage in the midflight. But the men are better in non-standard and quickly changing circumstances. Like the departure and the arrival phases of the flight. So, they should have a 50 f /50 m crew on launch (all men sterilized, women - not). Then, as the crewmen getting gone from age, the ratio will be changing to 100 f / 0 m, and keeping so most part of the flight. About 40 years before the arrival they should start growing male ova to change the ratio back to the 50 /50 the the moment of arrival. On arrival, the crew, consisting of 50 fertile women and 50 sterilized men, founds the colony, unboxes the industrial equipment from dedicated uncrewed ships of the fleet. Then they start unfreezing and growing the colonist ova of both sexes, populating the colony with fertile people. After getting ensured that the process runs normally, and no backup incubator option is required, the female crew members should be sterilized as well to prevent the mutant birth. *** Thirty years after arrival thosands of locally born colonists (from the Earth donors) keep expanding, reproducing themselves, and growing other ova from the fridge. A century later the planet is populated by many millions of humans, which are turning the planet into New Earth #438. (Most probably living in orbital habitats, but with agriculture and industry on the planet surface). They are communicating to the Earth and other colonized planets, exchanging with scientific data and running scientific experiments. Once they can, they build similar colonisation fleet and send it to the next habitable star system, so the expansion continues. *** At some moment they discover long-range physical phenomena allowing them to exploit the precious gems of the universe, the neutron stars, and collect the monstrous elementary junk, thrown by the neutronium geysers, and orbiting in the terrible magnetic field. Using that stuff they will build portals which can be delivered by 5..10% c slow ships to other places to perform the material exchange between the colonies. *** The crew obviously should be motivated, as most of humans of board will not just see a planet, they will never see any motion otside of the ship at all. Because the drifting ship is hanging far from any visible object but stars. It's absolutely motionless. They aren't flying, they are just existing in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the new world coming in its time to their replacement, who is even not their child And they weren't asked if they want such fate. So, a female monastery is the closest equivalent of the interstellar crew. And they should be fanatically loyal to the aim of the mission. *** But on the bright side, to the moment when the interstellar ship gets possible (probably, 200 years later or so), the computerization and DNA engineering will make people equally perfect physically, mentally, and living 24/7 in virtually augmented reality. This will mitigate any kind of personal attractiveness, as it will be a society of uniformly perfect persons with no personal preferences, which will be organized in local social teams groupped around their local community hardware, including the server containing a cast of their average personality and reproducing this personality in every new child of the commune. So, they will have a collective personality, cloned in their cloned perfect bodies due to thei education. They will have a collective personality instead of individual ones, treating other members of commune as other instances of their "me". So, the interstellar ship will be actually a commune spore, with 50 male and 50 female clones, then with 100 female ones. Maybe not exactly clones, but 100 of closely looking perfect women with same personality in head. And the board computer will be a clone of their terrestrial commune data center. In terms of "Alien", Mother, and in this case almost literally. So, it will be not that dramatic for them to spend their lives onboard, because it will be same personalities of theirs who will arrive to the new world. *** At the limit, the expansion speed of the human will get close to 5..10% c, as new colonies will be permanently supported with supplies from their parental worlds, so new fleets will be being built almost immediately after arrival, compared to the travel time. This will allow to fill the 1 000 ly local possible endemic life zone in ~20 ky from this moment. Then cross the Galaxy in two million years. Then reach and colonize Andromeda galaxy in 60 mln years. At that moment the Earth will be hardly habitable by high animals like humans, but this will play no role already. The human shape and biological nature will be customized long ago, so probably to the date the former humans will be biocybernetic high-protected clusters, forming temporary bodies of required shape and utilizing them after usage. The hive psychology will have nothing common to the ancested from monkeys. They will be interstellar nomads due to the technology which doesn't require a planet to live and no actual population onboard. Only a flight datacenter with hive personality and an incubator to form custom biobodies and learn them in hours to use as temporary sapient bots for dediacted purposes. *** Obviously, the interstellar ship described above is at once a backup copy of the humanity to restore the terrestrial life if the Earth falls. Packs of them will be hidden at various celestial bodies and in deep space.
  6. Granted. You have become a neoluddite and now you can enjoy the real-color, natural-resolution video around. I wish for laythecoins.
  7. Because it's a bowling,not Hogwartz. Waiter! Expecto pepperonus!
  8. You must keep your bookcase. Bookkeeper Hill ** P.S. Unexpectedly. Which English word contains "ookkee" inside?
  9. B-47 using the water-methanol injection for short start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_B-47_Stratojet
  10. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/799157?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui China has put in LEO a grabbage garbage collection experimental sat. What do we call "garbage"? What we can't use for our needs.
  11. Banned because I wasn't explaining, but green-underbridge-humanoiding.
  12. *** Looking at these tiles, I hope SpaceX provides good insurance to pay the dentist after the flight. Why spend something beyond the exact test aim?
  13. Yes. They did it this way instead. Sure, you can do it without, and? And no need to spend an expensive full-featured thing when you can use a cheaper mockup. Ares didn't.
  14. Here's you mirror. You dropped it into the soup plate. Waiter! Why these wooden boards instead of normal plates? Is it a restaurant or a hut in the forest?
  15. Titania comes and wants her hill back. Elvish Hill
  16. Banned because he doesn't have 35 posts, he's just posting in senseless threads which don't modify the counter.
  17. You can't. That's the real realism overhaul from the real world. I wish KSP didn't require 16 G RAM
  18. You do good deeds, people start respecting you, so your reputation grows. Or just get moar money. The reputation may fall, but you won't care. How do they distinguish the first "to" and the last "to" in "tomato"?
  19. Why build the catching tower before even having tested the first stage of the thing to catch? What can go wrong? Vibration test doesn't require the static fire. Put more glue? What if next time another tile unsticks?
  20. Its radius of destruction is just (1250 / 58)1/3 ~= 3 times greater than the 58 Mt one's. Its mushroom height would exceed the 58 Mt's 64 km much, because it's limited by the atmosphere presence. 64 km was almost at the Karman line. So, its fireball would be visible only in ~1200 km radius or so. This means that it could be tested a little closer to the North Pole, or maybe even there. Theoretically, none. Physically, while the material strength allows. 1 000 Mt charges were researched not once by the parties in the atompunk era.
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