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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Are you sure? Look in the main KSP directory of a 1.8.1 install, you will see a directory called: UserLoadingScreens Put your files in there and the game will use them during the load However, if you want, go ahead. There were problems when I tried to get it working in 1.8, and since the game had it as a native solution, I decided to discontinue it at that time
  2. New release, Added AssemblyFileVersion Updated version file for 1.12
  3. Use this mod to see your FPS graphically:
  4. New release, Added AssemblyFileVersion Updated version file for 1.12
  5. Be aware that the currently in included Kronometer doesnt work on 1.12, you need my updated version. Not sure how you will address support of older versions of KSP vs 1.12
  6. Yes. At the top right of each post, there is a little menu. Sel ed cut the Report option, and you can enter a message
  7. You need the Blizzy toolbar, also, a log file is always helpful. Finally, the bin files are from a very old version, not used anymore
  8. No, you probably have one of two things going on: One or more MiniAVC.dll files still around Two duplicate DLLs Log file would help
  9. Not Gravity Turn, sorry. Looks like it's in Serenity, and the message is: " Cannot Deploy Part as it is not on the surface of a planet." (got it from the Localization dictionary) For situations like this, when you are looking for text, you can get a free program called File Locator, easy to you and pretty fast
  10. One of your problems is that you have JNSQ installed on 1.12.2. JNSQ includes an older version of Kronometer, which doesn't work on 1.12. Another is that there are two copies of Kopernicus.Parser, also included in JNSQ. Delete the files: JNSQ/JNSQ_Plugins/Kronometer/Plugins/Kopernicus.Parser.dll JNSQ/JNSQ_Plugins/Kronometer/Plugins/Kronometer.dll and (by hand) install an updated version of Kronometer, get it from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kronometer/releases/latest CKAN won't (at this time) install the correct version due to some old data, it's being worked on, but not resolved yet
  11. is fine, it is a working version. I'll look at the RecoveryController. Regarding the Trajectories mod, try deleting the toolbar.dat file in the GameData directory. Also, did you configure the Toolbar to actually show the Trajectories button?
  12. Never heard of this, but my guess is that the two are incompatible with each other
  13. Well, there is a bit of history here. The Blizzy Toolbar was made before there was a stock toolbar. It is highly configurable, you should read its thread. I wrote the ToolbarController to make it easier to manage both the stock and Blizzy toolbar. It removed the dependency on the Blizzy Toolbar, making it optional. The Blizzy Toolbar won't do anything until you configure it. Sounds like you haven't done that, which is why it is just a button on the screen
  14. A log file might help. It's rather difficult to help when all you said was that it's not working You must have changed something, or updated something.
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