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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You are very impatient! 1. 6 was just released 2 days ago, and you are now demanding a 1.6 update for Kopernicus. Be advised that these mods are written by people who do not get paid for it. They do it in their spare time for fun. So be patient, and 1. 6 will be ready when 1 that 6 is ready.
  2. We are going to miss you. Good luck in the future
  3. Minor release, Updated .version file Updated README with correct links
  4. @HebaruSan I just opened an issue: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/2620: During updating my career game to 1.5.1, I came across this: SXTContinued has this: "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 1 } and this is recognized properly by AVC. However, for some reason, CKAN is not recognizing this mod as 1.5.1 compatible, and is refusing to update the mod. I looked at the meta data, and it looks correct Edit: This seems to be something funny on my system, no one else can reproduce it
  5. @SuicidalInsanity While testing my game in 1.5.1, I got a MM error in one of your file: 1 error related to GameData/Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS.cfg Looking at the file I see the error is in the first line: @PART[M2X_SmallLab]NEEDS:[USILifeSupport]FOR:[Mk2Expansion] Actually, the error is for an unnecessary part. The FOR has the colon on the wrong side. However, since this is part of the Mk2Expansion, you don't need the FOR, FOR is actually used to tell MM that something is there (ie: if it said FOR[xyz], then MM would process patches as if xyz was actually there). This error occurred with ModuleManager 3.1.2 Edit: I just noticed the same error was done on the NEEDS, the line should be: @PART[M2X_SmallLab]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport
  6. Can you replicate this? In this case, I would need to you create a new install and only put the minimal mods in to replicate; ie: KRASH (and it's dependencies) and Colonists (and it's dependencies). Then send me a list of the exact steps you did to replicate it.
  7. Not really. A trick is to make a totally clean install, delete most of the parts from it, then add this, your reload times will be much faster
  8. While not expecting an answer, Ive PM’d him to see if he would be willing to change the license
  9. Not this mod. These are gasses venting on the launchpad, once launched, it stops pretty quickly. Look at Real Plume, although I dont know if it is being maintained anymore
  10. I hear you, not sure what I can do right now, but might be able to look at this during my stream this evening
  11. Ummm, well, you are running a simulation, it costs money and time to run a sim on a computer. If you don't like that, then just don't use the mod, and play by your own rules regarding reverts
  12. Are you sure that the funds are deducted in KLF? KRASH essentially does a revert, so any fund deducted should be restored (not counting the sim cost)
  13. You have to make sure you have the right transform (cameraName), and then you will have to play with three camera values: cameraUp, cameraForward and cameraPos
  14. If you write it, I'll certainly consider adding it to the mod
  15. Does anybody have a patch which will update any tank that has LF/Ox to be able to switch between the following: LF/Ox only LF Monoprop Thanks in advance
  16. This would be as simple as a MM script which deletes all parts with a ModuleCommand and crew =0 IMHO, this isnt adding anything to the game. If you want to play like that, you can without needing a mod for it
  17. Attach the decouples to the bottom of the tank, then use the tools to slide them out to way you want them to be. You might have to put one decoupler below another and then slide them out, you will have to play with this period but this way they are technically attached to the main tank, and will therefore float in space the way you want it.
  18. Very serious issues. I'm going to wait until 1.6 is out with the new models before I try again
  19. This is why snippets of logs are useless. In the line directly above the lines you posted is the following: [LOG 16:40:27.977] [KCT] Start called [LOG 16:40:27.983] [KCT] Attempting to take control of launch button [ERR 16:40:27.995] [MagiCore] Tried to parse a non-double value: [SN] [ERR 16:40:27.997] [MagiCore] Tried to parse a non-double value: [SP] [LOG 16:40:27.999] 12/12/2018 4:40:27 PM,KerbalConstructionTime-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types... [LOG 16:40:28.007] [KCT] ClickOn which shows that KCT is active in some way, and is most likely where the problem is
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