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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The log is for more than crashes. Sometimes things don't work quite right, and data is recorded in the log file which can indicate what happened. For example, Exceptions are errors in the code, but don't cause a crash. In fact, a crash is one of the few things in KSP that a log file is mostly useless for. You don't know "all of this", if you did, you would not be replying as you do. You are frustrated. That is understandable. Keep in mind that no one on this forum is paid. It is all done literally out of the goodness of our hearts. Now, getting back to your recent posts, you said the following: So what do you expect us to do? We asked for information, and you insult us. You didn't even provide any information. Sidebar: When you go to a doctor, do you tell him where it hurts, or do you wait for him to guess where it hurts? Next, where does it say that this is supposed to be a realistic simulator, as you claim here: This is a GAME! Based in part on real physics, but still, a GAME! If you want a simulation, then go try Orbitor. The way to find your problem, if you don't want to provide any information, is to start with a totally stock game, and then add in your mods one at a time, starting the game and playing it after each addition. Eventually you will find the problematic mod. Good luck!
  2. I'm not sure, but I think that if the max temperature is exceeded, the part explodes. So all parts will need to be modified with a MM script to increase that, and then obviously a module would need to be written which would do the heavy work (ie: figure out whether it explodes or not). Not too difficult to do, but right now I'm too busy to do. Also not sure what it would add to gameplay, other than a bit of randomness.
  3. LOL. Those values make the parts essentially unbreakable. I'm resetting them to more stockalike settings, I'm using the stock parts as reference. But lord, there are a lot of them
  4. Please keep in mind that modders are people too, and have real lives outside of KSP. If you post a message, be patient, give the modder a few days to respond. Bombarding a thread with 10 large messages in one day will only get you ignored
  5. Great. Re the large safe, one mu works, ill have to figure the syntax for the part switching, but that shouldnt be too hard
  6. @Tiberion I just finished updating all the fuel amounts and part masses. It was an interesting experience. I calculated the correct amounts based on the actual volume of the part. Many parts were only off a little, but some were way off. I'n now working on the breakingForce and breakingTorque, they are way off for many of the parts. Not sure when they got changed, it seems that Padrone increased them greatly without knowing what they were for. There were some set to 50000, which would make them unbreakable (almost)
  7. The word WARNING is there for a reason. It really depends on the mod and what it's doing. For all of those mods, it's fine. You can agree or disagree, that is your right and opinion. I'm the one who is supporting more than 163 mods. Even if no one else uses it (and others are), it was my decision to use TC to make my job easier. You may not realize it, but every time I adopt a mod and convert it to TC, the number of lines of code usually drops, and in a few cases, rather drastically (ie: at least one mod lost more than 1000 lines of code). Just like the original Toolbar made it easier for a mod to have a button (remember, it was made before stock had a toolbar), TC makes it easy to have a button in either or both toolbars. You are free to take any mod, strip out TC and put back in whatever code you want to support whichever toolbar you want to use. Try it, and you may realize my point of view
  8. Welcome to the Forums. There are at least two mods that I know of which do that, but according to your list, it's not installed. Please provide a log file (output_log.txt), see my sig for a link as to where to get it. Also, the file ModuleManager.ConfigCache would be useful as well
  9. Whatever you can find would be helpful. The problem is with thecolliders being too detailed and concave. For that matter, if you have the models for the other stuff, I could see if I can get them retextured; they do look dated Good to see you back
  10. It was actually a bug in the ToolbarController, which only was obvious in the debug exe. Please update to the latest version of the ToolbarController
  11. Move this over to the AFBW forum, but would need a log file, please
  12. When you use Github, you are accepting Github's Terms of Service, which give permission for repos to be cloned and forked if they are public. Anything beyond that is covered by the original license.
  13. Including a mod in a mod pack where you have unpacked the original mod means that you are going to make a new zip file, which turns it into a derivative, which would mean it's violating the no derivatives license.
  14. This discussion is giving me reason to consider changing the licenses on my mods (the ones I wrote) to an ARR, with some sort of clause in case I disappear. I just found out that a m ou flack on the forums is including 3 of my mods, and I could have sworn that this was resolved months ago in favor of giving the modpack owner get permission before including them. This is a good time, I'll make my decision before 1.5 drops.
  15. What's the difference from a practical point of view, if the license was CC-BY-NC-ND and they were ignoring your license, what makes you think that ARR will change anything? Not challenging, but curious Silly me, I got confused with No Derivatives and no distribution
  16. Same here. This thread started because I said it would be nice to contact the author first, not that it was required.
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