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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. First, NEVER post the logs in the forum. Upload them to a file sharing sit, Dropbox or something like that and post a link. Second, I’m using this with GPP without any problem. Third, bugs are always possible, if you found one, please let me know what it is, and how you found it. And fourth, if you do come up with a fix, I and others would be grateful for it.
  2. Like, did you read the post right above yours? I mean, really now. Try reading a little bit before posting
  3. Hold off a day or so, next beta has major internal changes
  4. You do know that you are supposed to provide the source for everything you put links here for? While you do have the source for your 1.4.2 version, you don't seem to have put up the code (even in a git branch) for this dbg version. Since people have been having problems with it, would have been nice to be able to look at the code to see what was going on
  5. Start off with a log file, and a description of how you installed it
  6. The code for the 1.4.3dbg version is not available on Github. I would offhand say that it's a bug in his debug code, since the 1.4.2 works fine
  7. Sizes, I believe, are hard coded Sounds like some assets need to be rebuilt, I assume you are using my version?
  8. New release, Fixed constant message of Abort Sequence Canceled
  9. Well, start off by telling us what you are trying to do, and then provide the config file.
  10. Thank you. I'll merge and get out a new release New release, 3.7.1 Added Snacks compatibility, thanks to forum user @Pleb
  11. New release, Fixed bug with decoupling and undocking. After decouple or undock, new vessel had a mission time of 0, thereby sometimes reactiving the mod in deep space Changed min version to be 1.4.3 My apologies to anybody on 1.4.1 or 1.4.2. The fix for this bug required a new method which was only added for 1.4.3 @Waldwolf This should fix your problem, please let me know
  12. Nice, but they need a license. Especially since you say that you didn't make the decals themselves
  13. I'll have to look into how Snacks works, but it shouldn't be too hard. Not right now though, I'm just a bit busy
  14. There are lots of ways to solve this. The trick is to do it in a way which won't impact the performance of the system. If I start tracking each part, it will get slow very fast. But, I do have the problem identified, and hope to release a working fix in the next day or so
  15. I've identified the problem, and it's what I thought. Fixing it is a little tricky, but I am testing it now, hope to have it out in the next day or so
  16. It turns out that the callback GameEvents.onVesselsUndocking does work, but it does NOT fire if a couple of docking ports are together during the launch, in that case, when you separate, it is seen as an uncouple event. In order to catch that, you need to use the GameEvents.onVesselCreate This is a problem if the new vessel needs to know the old vessel. In my case, I need to know the current mission time of the original vessel. The following code seems to work. I'm not done with my testing, but it looks like the callback for the onVesselCreate is called before the VesselModule.Start is done on the new vessel; or maybe it's not being called. I'll update this as I proceed with my testing Edit: I know the code has a problem, the currentVessel is totally incorrect for now. [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] public class BPB_Flight : MonoBehaviour { Vessel currentVessel; void Start() { GameEvents.onVesselsUndocking.Add(onVesselsUndocking); GameEvents.onVesselCreate.Add(onVesselCreate); currentVessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; } void OnDestroy() { GameEvents.onVesselsUndocking.Remove(onVesselsUndocking); GameEvents.onVesselCreate.Remove(onVesselCreate); } void onVesselCreate(Vessel v) { var vm = v.GetComponent<BPB_VesselModule>(); vm.missionTime = currentVessel.missionTime; } void onVesselsUndocking(Vessel v1, Vessel v2) { var vm1 = v1.GetComponent<BPB_VesselModule>(); var vm2 = v2.GetComponent<BPB_VesselModule>(); vm1.missionTime = Math.Max(v1.missionTime, v2.missionTime); vm2.missionTime = vm1.missionTime; } }
  17. The mod is broken, I haven't yet figured out what's wrong
  18. But only for one of the parts, not for both of them. I need to be able to know both vessels, the original, and the new one which was created via the undocking. Edit 1: A bit more info: I tested these three both in a vessel module and in a regular MonoBehaviour class.: In the VesselModule, the Start() is called and adds these three callbacks for all vessels and objects in the system,. Then, when an undocking is performed, Start is called again in the vessel module to add the callbacks for the new vessel which is created. But, the callbacks are never called. In the Monobehaviour class, the Start is called once. But the callbacks are not called when an undocking is done. Code for the regular MonoBehaviour class: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] public class BPB_Flight : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Log.Info("BPB_Flight. Added Undocks"); GameEvents.onPartUndock.Add(onPartUndock); GameEvents.onPartUndockComplete.Add(onPartUndockComplete); GameEvents.onVesselsUndocking.Add(onVesselsUndocking); } void onVesselsUndocking(Vessel v1, Vessel v2) { Log.Info("BPB_Flight.onVesselsUndocking"); } void onPartUndock(Part p) { Log.Info("BPB_Flight.onPartUndock, part " + p.partInfo.title); } void onPartUndockComplete(Part p) { Log.Info("BPB_Flight.onPartUndockComplete, part " + p.partInfo.title); } } Code for the VesselModule class: class BPB_VesselModule : VesselModule { Vessel lastActiveVessel; BPB_VesselModule vm; bool timeoutInProgress = false; void Start() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { Vessel v = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; var vm = v.GetComponent<BPB_VesselModule>(); if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.missionTime > vm.disableAfter) { vm.armed = false; } Log.Info("Added Undocks"); GameEvents.onPartUndock.Add(onPartUndock); GameEvents.onPartUndockComplete.Add(onPartUndockComplete); } } void onPartUndock(Part p) { Log.Info("onPartUndock, part " + p.partInfo.title); } void onPartUndockComplete(Part p) { Log.Info("onPartUndockComplete, part " + p.partInfo.title); } ... } Edit 2: Apparently "uncoupling" isn't the same as "undocking". I've been testing with two vessels docked together in the VAB, I just tested by undocking and redocking, and they seemed to work better
  19. I have been trying to catch an undocking of vessels. I found the really cool callback called: GameVents.onVesselsUndocking(Vessel, Vessel), but it doesn't appear to be working. I added the following to the Start() of a vessel module: GameEvents.onVesselsUndocking.Add(undocking); ... void undocking(Vessel v1, Vessel v2) { Debug.Log("undocking"); } I know it was added to the event list, I had a debug statement right before the Add. But the function never gets called
  20. This presents a window for docking. The one I'm maintaining puts a marker on the navball, hence the "Navball Docking Alignment Indicator" Here is a link to the one I'm maintaining:
  21. Just download the latest version from Spacedock, it should work
  22. You said that you installed ALL the mods via CKAN? Are you making any local changes to the files?
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