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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed Nullref when Blizzy toolbar not installed and buttons were selected to be on the Blizzy button
  2. Look in the original thread here: Hmmm, looks like 1.2.2 was skipped edit: First 1.2.2 version was my release
  3. No, you will need to buy it from the store. One thing , if you bought it before a specific date, they will transfer it to Steam, you need to contact them for details. Try sending a message to @Darth Badie
  4. New release, Updated for all 1.4 Updated to use updated ToolbarControl Removed blizzy options, now controlled the ToolbarControl
  5. You need to disable the fields and events. cant help much more than that right now, sorry
  6. You need to install the ToolbarController and the ClickThroughBlocker
  7. I'm also asking for an official reply to this. It is disturbing that all we hear is the sound of silence
  8. I'm not sure why it is showing on the MainMenu, but regarding the other, you need to either rename or delete the file: GameData/toolbar-settings.dat and then start the game again. This is an old quirk with the Blizzy Toolbar, sometimes it gets confused, and stops showing icons. You will have to reenable any icons in the toolbar that you want, since this file contains all the icon and position info
  9. A few problems to report in 1.4.3 The .version file still says it's for 1.3.0 to 1.3.99 The attachment point for the LES MK2-X is off, when attaching to the Mk1-2 pod, it is buried inside the top of the pod Same goes for the LES Mk2 It may be that they moved the attachment point on the Mk1-2 pod, but either way, isn't working well. If you add two TR-2C stack separators, the spacing is good, but that's obviously not ideal. Also, using a Clamp-O-Tron docking port also does the spacing ok. I think I know what you did, but I think it would help if you added a second attachment node for attaching to the capsule without any spacer. Also, it might be nice to add a decoupler as part of it, so that it can be jettisoned when not needed anymore Edit: I watched the video again
  10. Space shuttle, Columbia, 1981
  11. There is this event which notifies whenever a vessel is modified in the editor: EventData<ShipConstruct> GameEvents.onEditorShipModified = new EventData<ShipConstruct>("onEditorShipModified") static Event called whenever the ship in the Editor is modified in any way But this is called whenever the ship is modified, and give no indication as to which part in the ship was modified. I've tried using the onEditorPartEvent, but it doesn't get called when a value in the right-click menu is changed (either button or slider). I need to know when a value in a part is modified, so that the change can be propagated to other identical parts in the vessel. Right now I need to check the current value against an old value, and then do updates if they are different, but this is wasteful. It would be better if the part module could be notified if it had been changed. I've been through the docs, and I don't see any way to know which part was modified, which is sad since I don't want to create unavoidable overhead. I have a similar problem in flight, in that I need to know when a slider is moved, so that the change can be propagated to other parts. The following code: GameEvents.onVesselWasModified.Add(onVesselWasModified); or GameEvents.onVesselStandardModification.Add(onVesselWasModified); doesn't trigger when a slider is moved. Suggestions? Thanks in advance
  12. There's a new release for 1.4.x updated .version for all 1.4 Added dependency checks
  13. New release, Updated .version for all of 1.4 Added dependency checking for ClickThroughBlocker
  14. New release, Updated .version for all 1.4 Fixed errors in .version file
  15. New release, Added dependency checking Updated version file for all 1.4
  16. New release, 2.9.11 Updated for current version of ToolbarController Combined flight and editor buttons into a single button Removed Blizzy options Added dependency checking
  17. New release, 0.6.15 Updated to use latest version of ToolbarController Updated version to do all of 1.4.x
  18. New release, Updated to use latest version of the ToolbarController Removed settings page since it only had a single option for the Blizzy toolbar, now handled by the ToolbarController Updated .version file for all of 1.4 Updated release, Added dependency checking
  19. New release, Updated .version file for all of 1.4.x
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