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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, 0.5.29: Thanks to github user @a21621107 Rp-0 tooling integration Disable TestFlight during simulations Ignore RP-0 tooling costs in sim cost calculation Only update ship cost on editor modifications Removed Blizzy option from settings page Updated to latest ToolbarController, now registers with the toolbar
  2. According to the latest log file, the ToolbarController is NOT there. You can look at the file yourself. The following line is what you should see for Fusebox: AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\FuseboxContinued\Plugins\Fusebox.dll If Toolbarcontroller was installed, you would see something like: AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ToolbarController\Plugins\ToolbarController.dll and it's not there
  3. I understand that. The problem is that you are missing the ToolbarController, therefore Fusebox doesn't load, which causes all the problems
  4. That version was for KSP 1.3.1. I'll look at the log files, thanks for posting them I see the problem, something is missing in the Fusebox dll. AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Fusebox' has not met dependency 'ToolbarController' V1.0.0 You are missing the ToolbarController, which is a dependency
  5. According to the log file, you are running Fusebox: Fusebox v0.1.15.4 you are also using KSP 1.3.1 So it is the correct version for the KSP version. I have no idea what's happening, except that in the log file, all the parts are deleted because of missing "NEEDS" of a variety of mods, but none of them Fusebox. For some reason, ALL of the part modules seem to be missing Assuming you are doing this by hand, try download this: https://spacedock.info/mod/1263/FuseBox Continued/download/ It's a slightly older version, and let me know how it goes
  6. New release, Fixed paths for shaders and icons to reflect new directory name
  7. No, they are supposed to have one unit of fuel: I'll have to look at this. Did you get any sort of popup dialog when you saw this? Also, is it totally zero, or is there possibly a teeny tiny amount there? Also, did you change the EVA propellent type?
  8. Please answer the question. In response to your question, dx11 is NOT supported by KSP. Neither is OpenGL on Windows. It not a big, just not supported
  9. New release, Fixed shaders, thanks to @Kerbas_ad_astra
  10. @CobaltWolf I did notice that the category for them is set to Propulsion, Squad depreciated that category and uses Engine now instead, you may want to fix that. Also, i saw in the zip that your "Gamedata" directory has a lowercase "d", which can cause problems for people on Linux and Macs, it should be "GameData" They were recognized as engines perfectly well. I made a test of two BACC Srbs and two Prometheus SRBs, and they both worked fine. See the following Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/Sh3vs7c
  11. I don't use that mod. What kind of engines are they? And in the config, what engine module are they using?
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