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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. So you found a bug regards the window, but if Blizzy isnt available should be shown on stock regardless, I’ll have to fix that and add some supporting text to the help window. Regarding AMP, its buggy and quirky. The overlap is there, but AMP runs after this (in a manner of speaking) and shouldn’t interfere.
  2. I think I'll be adopting the following mod, which does the same thing: Its gpl, no no license issues
  3. Thanks. Could you open an issue on Github, it's aminor enough bug that I'm not going to fix it until I get all my mods updated
  4. No Thanks for the suggestion. It took a week, but is now available. Once I finish all my mod updates, I'll be go8ng back and updating the ones I did earlier
  5. Why not just install the Munar Industries mod? It was made to work with this mod
  6. New release, Added: [assembly: KSPAssembly("ToolbarController", 1, 0)] to assemblyinfo to allow other mods to check the load order Not CBT, and until someone needs something like this, I'm not doing anything. Too many other mods still to update
  7. So, a silly question, why not just fork OPT and release a full update? The license is CC-BY-NC-SA, so it would be allowed.
  8. To a certain extent it depends on the craft, but somewhere after 45km is usually safe
  9. some more info, this is rather sparse. What button, how do you click, what scene are you in, log file, etc
  10. You download the wrong files. Delete the directory, then download this: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BetterTimeWarpContinued/releases/download/2.3.10/BetterTimeWarp-2.3.10.zip and install it
  11. New release, Removed log spam when textures are loaded by mod and not from a file
  12. It actually isn't, and i've added an additional message to the log to verify. Explanation: Since most mods load their icons from image files, the toolbar first tries to load the image from disk. Failing that, it then checks the game database. Here is the output from my log file with the additional debug statements: [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:R:/KSP_1.4.1_dev/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0020 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) [Toolbar] [ERROR] Texture loaded from game database: ScienceAlert/textures/flask0020 And I got the flask on the toolbar. @jefftimlin if you are taking this over, you may want to look at the ToolbarController. I noticed in th ScienceAlert code that there was a log of code related to controlling the toolbar button, most of that can be removed if you replace it with the Toolbarcontroller. So, @Gordon Dry, all of these messages in the log: [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0093 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0094 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0095 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0096 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0097 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0098 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0099 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0100 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0001 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0002 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0003 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0004 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0005 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0006 [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0007 If this is the log spam you are referring to, I'll see what I can do about reducing it. But, I just released an update which removes that log spam Removed log spam when textures are loaded by mod and not from a file
  13. I wasn't, thanks, will be updating with this immediately, will also update the OP. Greatly appreciate it New release,, The Nightingale Update Added KSPAssembly to AssemblyInfo.cs, will help with load order of DLLs Mod authors should add the following line to their AssemblyInfo.cs to control the loading order: [assembly: KSPAssemblyDependency("ToolbarController", 1, 0)] Thanks to @nightingale for the information about this
  14. Make sure you have the latest toolbar installed Also, make sure you don't have multiple toolbar DLLs installed
  15. I spent the past week working on a support mod, the ToolbarController. I've added functionality and also made it simpler to use. I'll now be able to get back to my regularly scheduled mod updates
  16. Well, I suppose it could be done, but it doesn't make sense. The material for the Ballutes need space, they have a lot more material (which is denser and needs more volume than) a parachute. I'm not doing any models, so if you are looking for a new model, I'm afraid you may be disappointed.
  17. Not really. I spent the last week adding some additional functionality to the ToolbarController, will make it easier for modders to use (ie: me, for now). All current mods should continue to work, all I really need to do is update the version information, which is a lot easier than what I'm currently going through
  18. New release, 0.1.6: Added code for mods to register with the toolbar Controller Added functions for mods to set and get the setting for the Blizzy toolbar Added window to allow users to change setting without having to go into the mod Added following methods, see the README for details: public void toolbarControl.UseButtons(string NameSpace); public static bool RegisterMod(string NameSpace, string DisplayName = "", bool useBlizzy = false, bool useStock = true, bool NoneAllowed = true) public static bool BlizzyActive(string NameSpace, bool? useBlizzy = null) public static bool StockActive(string NameSpace, bool? useStock = null) public static void ButtonsActive(string NameSpace, bool? useStock, bool? useBlizzy) public void UseStock(bool useStock) Cleaned up old commented-out code Current mods which use the previous version will remain compatible, but as new mods get updated and released, this version will be required
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