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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Thanks, would be helpful if you remember which one of the auto-collect mods uses it.
  2. @DMagic I'm looking to add these science modules to the All Y'All mod. Stock uses the ModuleScienceExperiment, do all of your parts in this use the DMModuleScienceAnimate module? If so, then will the call to DeployExperiment() properly deploy the experiment?
  3. @Mecripp I've added this patch to this mod using PatchManager. I won't release it until the weekend, let me know if there is an update for it
  4. Take a screenshot, post it to a file sharing site, paste the link in here
  5. I'll take a look at it, thanks. Will probably put it in as an optional patch
  6. This is.....I am speechless Awesum? Im not sure that is good enough. what language is it written in?
  7. New release, 0.6.13: Updated Gvt Button display to show all buttons in multiple columns if they don't fit Made change so if specified budget is > 1, then it is assumed to be an absolute budget rather than a percentage of the GDP Needed to fix value for North Va'aar
  8. Minor screen revamp in progress It's a bit crazier than that, but I'll have an update out this morning which should fix it.
  9. Wow! I didn't realize I had gotten so many submissions that it would go off a 4k screen That's very odd. On my screen, which is standard HD (1920x1080), I see all 9 buttons for the 9 included governments I guess I should have asked what is the resolution of KSP when you are playing it
  10. Patches which fix obvious bugs are always welcome. The Tweakscale patch mentioned above is not absolutely necessary. Do the tank volumes in a separate PR please, I did a lot of work with that in KWRocketry, and have a spreadsheet which I can use to get the correct volumes.
  11. Windows by itself needs about a gig. When you change scenes, memory usage will go up and then come back down. Which, given the amount of memory you have, wood get you an out of memory issue.
  12. New release, Localization I'm having a problem with Github and my Jenkins server, so here is the new release: Fixed https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp_toolbar/releases/tag/
  13. I see you did a PR, thanks. Here is the latest build: https://jenkins.spacetux.net/job/G-L/job/ksp_toolbar/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/000_Toolbar- Please let me know if it is good, if so, I'll release this
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