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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I have a new beta of this, which hopefully fixes the problem: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SelectableDataTransmitter/releases/tag/
  2. The Foundations, you just want it recompiled? I can do that, but since there is no license, I can't release it, but I can get it to you and the tank looks fine, thanks If you could do one more, same tank, but with the biohazard symbol Thanks I'll see if I can get you the foundations tomorrow
  3. I've been working on this. I found a couple of small issues, but nothing is failing for me now. This is a beta: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SelectableDataTransmitter/releases/tag/ Just download and replace the current directory with the contents of this, and please let me know if it solves the problem. If it doesn't, then I'll need specific examples. Thanks
  4. For all interested, I'm getting ready to look at this bug I'd appreciate examples of how to reproduce it, save files would also be helpful I'm (finally) getting some time to look at this, thanks for keeping it around.
  5. I look forward to it. I haven't paid much attention to the contract packs lately, getting confirmation that it works would be nice
  6. New release, 0.6.6 Added proper checks for eclipse, rather than relying on fixed numbers, needed for planet packs Now displays which body is doing the eclipse
  7. Your log file has 99 dlls listed. then I suggest you do. Only install OPT and see what happens. The error is exactly what happens when an old mod (ie: a 1.3.0 or earlier) uses the stock settings code. I looked at your log file, but there are just too many things installed for me to even begin to figure out what's going on, other than by going with past experience. You can install several at a time. It is most unlikely that all the mods are bad, so install 10 at a time, start up, and if/when it crashes, you will know it has to be one of the last 10 mod installed
  8. Did you start with a completely fresh install? It's quite possible that there is a rogue file somewhere which you aren't aware of. Do you see the main menu, or is it crashing when trying to switch to the main menu?
  9. Ok, I had to ask. Ill look into this later today
  10. Sounds like a 1.3.1 install with some old 1.3.0 mods. If you are running steam, check to see if the game didnt update
  11. You must be thinking of some other mod, sorry Anyway, there is a bug which makes this not work, I hope to be able to work on it sometime in the next few weeks
  12. Update - Alpha 4 Renamed Basic to Classic life support Added some tooltips to the settings page Rewrite the status page Added color coding matching toolbar button Changed gui skin to KSP's skin Changed display of slurry and sludge rate to days to process I'm pretty much done with new features, now it's just a matter of testing and fixing any issues My Sunday night stream is going to be devoted to this mod
  13. Hi, I'm aware of the bug, sorry. I've been busy with some other stuff. I hope to get to it in a few weeks
  14. You forgot the unlicense It basically says that you can do whatever you want with it.
  15. The beacon needs to be brought out before the drives can be used, so putting it into an earlier category makes sense, IMHO. That way a player can research it, and get it on it's way before. The biggest drives should be the hardest to get, which is why I think they need to be in the Ultra High Energy Physics
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