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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I understand and am very aware of some of the issues which happened with CKAN many years ago. However, those have been resolved and it's working very well now. I'm curious why you still don't like CKAN? I won't be offended if you don't want to answer. I have all my mods indexed with CKAN (except 1 which can't be installed due to certain requirements) and, except when I make a mistake, it installs them perfectly well. That's over 270 mods, so I think I have a bit of experience with it. Also, I regularly install over 200 mods into local games with CKAN, and it doesn't have any issues
  2. Just heard from @HebaruSan, it's in the queue for review
  3. Ok, thanks for looking. I will look into it, this will be very helpful
  4. Ok, I'll follow up with them. Usually if it doesn't get added quickly, it means there is a problem
  5. Yes, due to the way this and the other mods which change part stats work, they essentially conflict with each other. No easy way around it
  6. You can't change the sizes, frankly, lifting something like that is not what this mod is for. Maybe look at the Hooligan Labs Airships mod (look at end of thread for new Spacedock link)
  7. Can you add to CKAN??? The older version is still there, but only good to 1.11
  8. minLift is the minimum lift, I believe for the smallest balloon. max Lift is the maximum,so you probably want to change that.
  9. That's the problem, you have two DLLs installed. I looked at the log file and saw this: AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at E:\temp\Kerbal Space Program RO\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\Plugins\AdvancedFlyByWire.dll AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at E:\temp\Kerbal Space Program RO\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\Plugins\ksp-advanced-flybywire.dll There was a bad DLL file there, delete this file: E:\temp\Kerbal Space Program RO\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\Plugins\ksp-advanced-flybywire.dll
  10. You would need to edit the file: KerBalloons/Parts/UniversalBalloon/universalPayload.cfg Look for the section which looks like this: MODULE { name = ModuleKerBalloon recommendedBody = Kerbin minAtmoPressure = 14.2 maxAtmoPressure = 110 minScale = 1 maxScale = 5 minLift = 390 maxLift = 507 targetTWR = 1.5 speedLimiter = true maxSpeed = 5 maxSpeedTolerence = 0.02 speedAdjustStep = 0.01 speedAdjustMin = 0.65 speedAdjustMax = 1.25 CFGballoonObject = Balloon CFGropeObject = Rope14.2 CFGcapObject = Cap CFGliftPointObject = liftPoint CFGballoonPointObject = balloonPoint } and modify the minLift and maxLift
  11. New release, store old far plane so it doesn't get progressively shorter
  12. Ummm, solve what? You are new to this discussion, I don't know what you are having a problem with. Please be more specific. Also, pretty much any part that can be Tweakscaled will be incompatible with this mod, it's the way things work internally
  13. Yay, another chapter in the saga Thank you for continuing
  14. That is curious. Looks like it happens when you get into physics range. I'll take a look, but it's not going to be right away. However, you are using a few mods which might impact it, FAR, SSTU, CameraTools and InfernalRobotics. And I'm seeing some very odd exceptions in the log file. I'm going to ask you to do the following: Make a new install, only install AirPark and it's dependencies Make a totally stock vessel as your carrier. Put something on it to lift it up, doesn't have to be strong First test, just put the carrier out on the launch pad. Enable the Cheat Gravity, then lift the carrier up into the air, about 5000m high Park it Restore Gravity Launch a plane Repeat the same tests you did above This will demonstrate if it's any other mods interacting with it. If it still fails, then send me the craft files you used so I can test the same scenario.
  15. Not without some work. However, you _can_ disable the keys and just use the toolbar button, go into the Settings->Difficulty Options->Lights Out and uncheck the radio button. Radio button looks like this (first is not activated, second is activated):
  16. I feel conflicted. How can I "like" a post which announces such sad news as that. I grew up watching her and the rest of the Enterprise crew. I know it happens, but still sad to see them passing away
  17. Not sure what you mean. In general, in the Kerbol system, light from other stars is so dim as to not be able to generate any ec. If you are going around other stars using Kopernicus, then I believe that Kopernicus modifies the solar panels to accept light from alternative sources
  18. Not possible, sorry, at least with this mod. You can patch them directly if you like. Your issue is with parts already instantiated. I suppose it could be possible to write something that would look at a part and adjust it's values based on it's current size, but that's beyond the scope of this mod
  19. Should pick it up in a few minutes, it checks an online site for the version, I wasn't able to get that updated until now
  20. Patch link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tu7qmjk4o48wek/KerBalloons_RO.zip?dl=0 If you update it to get the mass and other values reasonable for RO, I'll include it in the mod
  21. New release, Reverted disabling the KSPAssembly number (had to modify build server to support this) Sorry about this. This one mod is a special case when building, it's been so long since I had to do anything I forgot about it Fixed and released, and yes, I tested the build file before releasing it.
  22. ah, nuts, I'll get this fixed. I'll get this fixed soon, working on it now
  23. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1k67kg7lzk7qiw8/FlexoDockingPatch.zip?dl=0
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