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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You should have said: Wish I weld have more time Anyway, not planning on taking ANYTHING over. It just happens
  2. Not difficult, but some of what I did was to remove the config file and add standard settings using the system setttings page. I still need to get a hard-coded version out of one of the files. I wish I could get the floating boxes and cars out of the scene when the buildings are being shown, but other than that, it's working nicely.
  3. You're welcome Hee hee. I have my secrets (which includes a full copy of Kerbalstuff) You're welcome
  4. @Tokamak was last around about a week ago. Give him some time there is no code, it should work without any issues
  5. Here you go, log file and image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcyuv33gya9m9xp/logfile.zip?dl=0
  6. I'll check again, but I didn't see it (which is why I was asking about tweakscale, which I don't like that much) Thanks for responding, I'll be able to check later
  7. Ok. Then, I may have missed it, how do I adjust the scale?
  8. May also have been related to other mods; and did you have the latest RPM installed?
  9. Curious, can the wheels (specifically, landing gear) in KF be adjusted using TweakScale?
  10. What happens when you do a normal screenshot? I suspect that when BOSS is doing the supersampling, it probably isn't allowing whatever mods you have installed for the sunflare to actually do their flair code. What other mods do you have installed?
  11. It should be, just don't try to use both at the same time
  12. Took a few minutes to figure out. The way the version numbers changed, so I had to update the netkan file. It's now available in CKAN
  13. Ah. Ok. Regarding the first, I meant in the description og each part. Sorry, I guess I wasnt clear.
  14. What about small values of 2?
  15. From the changelog (which is earlier in the thread): v1.3.8 - Fixed K-35B engine/wings, thanks @TMasterson5 sorry I didn't call it out in bolder letters. And, regarding your mod tweaks, that's fine, but you need to put a license into the zip files which you provide for download. I see the license in the README, but I'm pretty sure it needs to be in the download files themselves. And, I'm curious, since @MeCripp so nicely provided you with a MM patch, why are you still providing the full cfg files in the QuicTechAero download file you have? Why not do it as a patch? Unfortunately, what you are doing is still going to cause me headaches.
  16. I actually wouldn't recommend this as a stock thing. It's somewhat advanced, and can cause issues if you misuse it and then ask for help. But, thanks for thinking of me.
  17. Take a look at EVAFuel. Let me know when it is complete, I will make sure they are compatible.
  18. Be my guest. I notice that you haven't taken me up on the offer.........wonder why?
  19. [snip] Here is what is going to happen, I've seen it before: Player installs mod Player installs your cfgs, replacing the cfgs in the mod Player has a problem Player post in thread asking for help, without saying that he installed your cfgs (expletive-deleted) So: Do you want to take over the entire mod, and provide ALL the support for it, for two different sets of cfgs?
  20. You can put the MM patch into the same folder as this mod. It doesn't need it's own folder. I'm maintaining this, and 70 others, and I've written about 10 of my own. I think I have a right to be concerned about support. I don't do 3d modeling, so for that, rely on other. But. Enough of this. I offer this mod to you to maintain and support. I use it myself, but don't need a hassle of wondering which set of cfg files someone has installed. I have one mod with that issue already, and am working to get rid of the problem by writing a MM patch file for it.
  21. By replacing files, you make it impossible for me to support this anymore. If you used a MM patch, then it's supportable. In order to support this, I will now have to ask which set of cfg files they are running. And frankly, I don't have time for this. You're right, I can't stop you. But I can stop supporting this. Given that no one else had stepped up, to support this or about 70 other mods that I'm supporting, I'm not confident that someone else will pick it up. A MM patch doesn't need another folder. It's a config file, just like anything else. And maybe, if you asked, someone might be willing to help you with the patch.
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