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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I wasn't meaning that, but feel free to move it to a new thread if you feel it's best
  2. One more thing about CKAN. And I may ruffle some feathers, but please read the whole post: CKAN isn't perfect. But it's a lot better than anything else available for KSP. Anytime I read about an author who doesn't like ckan, I get the feeling that the author just doesn't want to take the time to be consistent. Whether it is constantly changing file names, directories, or anything else. Even changing the version ingredients method. All of my mods that I have written and maintain are CKAN compliant. Even KW Rocketry, which has two different modes of okay, is done in ckan. I actually have more trouble with people doing manual installs than with CKAN installs. I challenge any mod author (other than Roverdude) to show why a good ckan file can't be made for their mod. I support the CKAN project, not only with my time, but on Patreon as well. So I am putting both my time and money where my mouth is. I have found that CKAN is more consistent in installs than doing it manually. And when you have over 200 mods installed, it a big time saver. One more thing is the AVC .version files. People need to keep them up to date and correct. It helps both CKAN and the AVC mod keep things correct.
  3. That is easy to address. Allown mod packs which are ONLY the CKAN file. That will allow people to create a bundle, but also addresses the problem of the mods being uptodate
  4. First, regarding the tool tips, we don't have control of the layers, those tool tips are in the game itself. Second, KIS Tools should only very there if KIS is installed, I'll have to double check that. And it should only be green when at least one tool is availanle. Finally the KIS being green when checking a selected part of the ship IS a bug, I'll get it fixed, probable Sunday evening I'm also going to change the name of that check from KIS Tools to KIS Tools in Inventory. I'm also going to add a simple settings page which will control whether it is active or not upon entry to the editor One more change will be to allow a checklist to be available in flight. The final change I need to make is to have the checklist scrollable, in case a checklist is too long.
  5. Or, maybe you could and send them to me for inclusion??? oh, and you forgot a few. all of the following countries have launched rockets into space: China National Space Administration (People's Republic of China) European Space Agency, (Various European Nations) Iranian Space Agency, (Iran) Israeli Space Agency, (Israel) Italian Space Agency, (Italy) Korea Aerospace Research Institute, (North Korea) Korea Aerospace Research Institute, (South Korea) Indian Space Research Organization, (India) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, (Japan) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States) National Center of Space Research, (France) National Space Agency of Ukraine, (Ukraine) Russian Federal Space Agency, (Russia)
  6. I'm making progress, actually using this to develop a library module for me to use elsewhere. Would it be ok if I make a change to have the settings loaded in a class, rather than directly in the mainline? This way I could have everything use the same loading code, rather than two different ways of loading data from the file.
  7. No, for that you want Stage Recovery. This mod is intended to have you land each staged section. For all, I'm going to be out of town until Sunday evening, with little or no access online. If I don't see any error reports by Sunday, I'll be releasing this as a full release at that time
  8. So, a log file would be useful to see if anything is not working properly Log file from the debug-beta would be best
  9. @gabyalufix, PLEASE DO NOT POST THE ENTIRE LOG FILE IN THE THREAD, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO USE AND MAKES MOBILE UNUSABLE Instead, put the file on a file share (ie: Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other file share site) and post a link to the file. Also, please post (the same way) a copy of your ModuleManager.configcache file
  10. A launch is a launch. Parts are parts Yes, it does
  11. So would I. Are you volunteering to make one? This whole mod is a community effort. I can't do it all
  12. Well, if you get it set up, I'd be happy to include it in the mod @Enceos I actually got it set up, and then found that the mod doesn't scroll the window :-( I need to add the scrolling, and will add your checklist at the same time. It is currently only for the editor, I'll look into seeing if I can make it work in flight as well
  13. Thanks. Not pushing, any idea of an ETA?
  14. Nothing. Try increasing the time before the save is done. That's why I put the option there. It defaults to 0.2 second, try increasing it to 1 or two seconds. You can set it globally in the settings (called Save Delay), and then adjust for each launch in the options
  15. Regarding the new icons, I'm thinking about using the following colors: White: Available, not visible Green: Visible Red: Not available Comments?
  16. Thanks, I need to think about how to use the green & white. Right now there is a bit of confusion between the Blizzy and regular toolbar Also, for all, I've created a new thread for the upcoming release, located here: Please move all future discussion to this new thread. Thanks
  17. This is a continuation of the old FMRS mod, written by @SIT89, and originally continued by @Omegano. Original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72605-110-fl The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. The Flight Manager for Reusable Stages FMRS lets you jump back and forth in time. It generates save points after separating controllable probes, ship, landers, ... So you can launch your mission into space, then jump back in time to the separation and have full control over your dropped vessels. You can do SpaceX's Falcon 9 style launches and fly your first stage back to the launch site. Or launch a space plane on the back of a normal plane. Bring the space plan into space and then fly the launch plane back to the runway. Drop scientific probes out of flying planes. Let them descend to the ground and do research. The separated vessels will be added to your main save after landing, or automatically recovered. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1251/ Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS) Continued Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FMRS License: MIT https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer Thanks to all the people who tested the upgrade to 1.2 Thanks to @EmbersArc for providing dumps, logs, craft files and some new icons Video Scott Manley made a video about recovery mods, including FMRS! (FMRS starting at 5:20) Forum user @Get Ricemad eht following tutorial: Instruction Every vessel which should be listed needs to have a probe core, command pod or a RealChute on it. Go to the launch pad or runway and arm FMRS. Launch you mission as usual. Separate your boosters, probes, ... Every separated vessel which is controllable or has a RealChute will be listed in the window of the plugin. Now you can jump back to the time of separation and have full control over these vessels. After you have landed, jump to other dropped crafts or go back to your main vessel and close the plugin. Features Creates save points after separation of controllable vessels and lets you jump back to the separation and control these vessels. After you have landed, these vessels will be added to your main save or recovered. Recover function. You can recover the landed vessel by clicking the in game recover button or use the auto recover function. The costs of the vessel will be refunded including a calculated recovery factor. All stored scientific data will be added to your main save. You will get a message which lists all recovered values of your craft as soon as you jump back to your main vessel. Automatic recover of separated and landed vessels (can be enabled in the settings). Recovers the landed vessels automatically, before jumping to other crafts Automatic engine cut off of separated crafts (can be enabled in the settings). FRMS will cut of the engines of separated crafts immediately after separation. Killed Kerbal tracking. If you kill a Kerbal during flying a dropped craft, you will lose reputation in your main save. Toolbar support. FMRS supports the stock Toolbar and Blizzy78's Toolbar Plugin Known Issues Science done on separate stage AFTER separation can be lost if you do a manual recovery The Scrapyard mod does work with this, but you have to disable the auto-recover feature in the in flight window first. If you don't, you'll still get the money, but not the parts. Brand new is integration with the RecoveryController mod. RecoveryController provides better integration with Stage Recovery, so you can now use both mods together on the same rocket. Requires sarbian & ialdabaoth's ModuleManager plugin. Installation Copy the FMRS Folder into the GameData Folder of your KSP install.
  18. If someone would like to spend some time balancing the parts in KW, I'd be happy to review and either merge or a minor fork, depending on the changes.
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