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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, looks like I missed a statement. But, it's a 1/2 second, and if you move the mouse onto the popup, it will stay there until you movr it away. Thanks, I'll get it fixed
  2. New release: 0.1.1 Fixes control surfaces bug reported above Wrong thread, sorry
  3. I assume this is with the new version I released yesterday. I see the problem, thanks. Next time you report a bug, please include the log file
  4. New release: 0.1.0: Added info functionality for the editor Added disable of control surfaces when not fully extended
  5. Ignore it. there will be an update this weekend, so for now, delete the .version file in the directory to stop the warnings
  6. Recompiled for 1.2.2 seems to fix the problems: Get it on Spacedock for the full version, or Github if you want specific parts
  7. I have no idea what would be involved Mostly useless. Are you in flight? Are you in an IVA? What other mods are installed?
  8. BUG FIX, and full release: 0.2.2 Fixed popup and autohide of toolbar Fixed issue where some buttons were causing odd behaviour Removed log spam from mod filter Possible fix for blank line in Mod filter list
  9. Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the line like: stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR Squad still uses it, but its possible something changed. Whinh ones did you remove it from?
  10. This is what The JanitorsCloset was made for. You can hide those parts you never use, and even PermaPrune the so they don't even get loaded
  11. Welcome. May the number of your deceased kerbals remain low
  12. You should contact the ckan thread, seems like your version numbers are confusing ckan
  13. Huh? This changes the game resolution. Super sampling is for images, screen captures, etc. There are other mods which do that
  14. I've accidentally hyperedit edited the mun to an orbit 70km high. Game was fine, it looked rather funny.
  15. Ok, I've been able to replicate one of the problems. I hid Chatterer in the current scene (Flight), and now clicking that button hides all the other windows I have open. I see the problem both when doing a hide, or just moving it to a new button folder This may end up being an incompatibility in the way the mods set up their toolbars. If it is, I'll be creating an exclusion list for these sorts of mods
  16. Also, for the people having issues with the toolbar acting funny, I need to know which scene you are in. And finally, I need log files. I've added some of the mentioned mods and haven't seen the issue yet. Also, it would be helpful to see a screenshot of the toolbar, both before and after you set up the button folders Thanks
  17. You don't want the mouseover to pop up the menu? Both work, the click essentially locks the popup in place. I'll add this as a feature request, but need to fix a bug first: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/JanitorsCloset/issues/4 Please add any comments you feel would help CKAN isn't getting the latest version because the latest version is a BETA. Once I get a toolbar button bug fixed, I'll release it as a final version, probably by Monday Are you hiding the buttons, or moving them to a new or existing folder button? Which buttons are you hiding? I know basicly what's happening, but need to replicate it here first, am working on it now Which USI mod is installing Servo Controller?
  18. Recompiled for KSP 1.2.2: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TimeControl/releases/tag/ The only change made was to the .version file, I upped the build number from 0 to 1 to differentiate it from the release (needed for AVC). Please note that I'm not really sure this was needed for 1.2.2, I haven't had a chance to test the 2.4 version (built for 1.2.1) on 1.2.2. @westamastaflash I'm going to do a PR, but since there weren't any code changes (yet), there isn't a dying need to merge it. If anyone finds a problem with this, please post and reference me so I will get notified. I'll do what I can until @westamastaflash gets his system back. Only bug reports please, no feature requests
  19. I'll respectfully disagree. I'm not going to touch his stuff, just going to update the dependencies, which are covered by different licenses. It won't be a derivative since I'm not going to change his content. However, I will (as I've done before when questions like this come up) ask the forum moderators for a ruling and go along with what they say.
  20. That will be difficult, the cfg files are generated from a script. Here is what I'll need to do a specific version for Galileo's planet pack: List of bodies, with a maximum deadline (in days) for each. Necessary because bodies further away take longer. For each body, the antenna needed for RemoteTech to work Once I have this, I should be able to generate a contract pack for you, but you are going to have to test it
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