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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It doesn't require it, but does work with it and is recommended
  2. Spacedock is having issues (as said before), but you can also get it here, from Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/QuizTechAeroPackContinued/releases/tag/1.3.31
  3. I just updated it to I removed the .git directory, and reduced the file size from 110 meg to 49 meg Just waiting for SpaceDock to finish upload
  4. That IS a bug, and IMHO is a big problem. It also showed another problem, that the controls at the top weren't locking (You could also hit the Launch button, etc) Fixed: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/
  5. Yes, but the following makes it not worth it:
  6. No, sorry. I compiled it as a courtesy, but the mod in total cannot be continued because of the license in the original.
  7. Science mode and sandbox now working properly: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/
  8. I think you are the first person to try it in Science mode. That being said, I'll have to think about it, almost doesn't make sense since there is no money. That line in the log is harmless, more for me than anyone else. Thanks
  9. 1. The delay is KSP keeping the kerbal on rails for 1 2/3 second, nothing I can do about it 2. When on the ground, no need for rails, which is why it is instantaneous 3. Divergence is dangerous. It is designed to eject the kerbal directly away from the hatch/ladder, to avoid hitting anything else. 4. Multiple ejections are not doable, again, due to the rails issue. Also, the hatches issue which you mentioned. Thanks for the sounds, I'll see what I can do.
  10. I've gotten the code written and tested, all I need are the additional models.
  11. The edge case is fixed here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/ I was unable to replicate this last one, it's possible it was the same issue, please try it again thanks
  12. Pretty sure this is an edge case, only occurs when funds are exactly 0 Working on it The issue was that I was testing with funds = 100, now testing with funds = 0
  13. Is your starting funds = 0, or something a bit greater? Also, are you sure something has been added, or are the funds negative? I noticed that there is no way to tell the difference between positive and negative numbers on screen, you need to look in the file
  14. Those were tough ones, but I got it: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/ Known bug: Saving a customized config doesn't seem to stick around between game sessions
  15. @Three_Pounds Looks like we are getting to the end of the bugs, thanks to you, the mod is now more reliable than ever. In honor of your contribution to this, while I normally don't name releases, this release will be named after you. Thank you!
  16. Fixed: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/ Have I said what an amazing job you are doing? This particular issue was a bug in the original mod, not related to the 1.2 upgrade. Also, no log spam. I think that was because you got a debug version instead of a release version. There was a missing file, I've added it and also added checks so that even if it is missing, no messages will be spammed
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