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Everything posted by pTrevTrevs

  1. Huh. I was not aware of that. upon actually checking my facts, I now see that the F-14 was actually designed as a multi-role aircraft, capable of acting as an interceptor and air superiority aircraft. Variable geometry wings sure do have their benefits. After all, some of the best aircraft from the 1980s had variable geometry wings ( Tornado, F-111 Aardvark, B-1 Lancer) Too bad it's so hard to replicate in game.
  2. Lucky for you, I don't think the F-14 was designed as a dogfighter, but rather an interceptor, so maneuverability isn't necessarily paramount in designing this plane.
  3. It looks good, although I'm wonderingwhy you used that cockpit instead of the one with the bubble canopy (damn, I forgot what it was called). I also think the delta wings are a little out of place, although I think I understand why you chose them. My suggestion would be to make two versions with more accurately shaped wings. The first would have the wings in extended position and the second in swept back position. The F-14 is a pretty hard plane to replicate, but it's worth the effort for such a great plane. Just kidding, all hail the MiG-31!
  4. Would you mind posting some pictures too? Videos are nice, but it isn't always convienient to watch a video, especially for those of us on mobile and not connected to wifi.
  5. The drop tanks are really meant to be used for course corrections or the orbital insertion burn, I just happened to have enough fuel left over to use during the descent. I did nearly run out of fuel during the descent, but that was because I realized that I was going to land short of the target and had to adjust accordingly, spending more fuel and time. Here'a an album of the next phase of the mission. it included the EVA, SPR activities, munar liftoff, and docking with Orion. I promise to not post as many pictures this weekend. I feel like I'm dominating this thread, since I've probably uploaded at least 30 images today. I still have a few things to fix, but my pack will be released soon. Then I can start thinking about doing the Mars portion...
  6. Next phase of the mission has been completed. Surface activity photos will follow shortly.
  7. Oh boy, I have more pictures to share and I'm too lazy to edit them into the post above, that means I get to double post... I decided to use Orion to perform the Munar Orbit Insertion because ever since the first landing attempt where I ran out of fuel just before an abort became impossible, I've been paranoid about not having enough fuel to make it down. Of course... this does mean I might not have enough fuel to get out of Munar orbit, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. How could I do this mission without an obligatory Kerbinrise photo? It's even more obligatory now that Scatterer is working fine (well... almost fine) on my computer!
  8. After making several revisions, modifications, and tweaks to both Ares V and Altair, I have the second crewed version of Altair in orbit waiting for an Orion to arrive. If everything goes well, this one will land next to the cargo lander , in a medium sized crater on the Mun's near side. I should probably mention that I've never made an accurate landing on the Mun, I don't have the benefit of Apollo's precision landing procedure (because I forgot how they did it). If I remember correctly the closest I've ever gotten to landing next to a target is about 2 kilometers. And one for the bloopers reel:
  9. Right now I have a small monopropellant tank and some RCS thrusters on top of the rover and I'm planning to use that to slowly lower it from the lander. I want to keep the number of landers at a minimum to make flying the mission simple. I am considering making another version of Altair to carry living quarters to the landing site, but I'm not sure yet.
  10. I've managed to land a Cargo Altair on the Mun with an SPR. Once the crewed lander arrives I'll figure out how to get the rover down.
  11. I've heard several different values, but it seems to me that a craft needs about 2,300 m/s of Deta V to make a flight to Duna and back. I suppose this number could be reduced somewhat by aerobraking, but it seems kind of cheesy to have such a fragile craft as the MTV aerobrake (after all, it uses an inflatable habitat and giant solar panels. You could probably cut the round trip number in half to get the amount you need for a one way flight (for the two landers).
  12. Let's just say that in case one of the crew develops cancer during the mission we have a contingency plan. Can't really say anything else without breaking the rules anyway.
  13. Prototype of the Cargo Altair, carries a single SPR, high gain antenna, and solar array in place of an ascent stage. Let me tell you, getting all those struts to connect the way I wanted them to on the descent stage and rover was a pain. I can't hit CTRL+Z or detach the descent stage from the rest of the craft because the strut connections will break. I'm not sure if they behaved like this before 1.1, but it sure seems like struts are a lot more unruly now.
  14. I was about to launch another Orion and Altair and force myself to do another manual rendezvous and docking (it's not hard, just tedious), but I forgot a crucial part of the Mun mission; the cargo Altair and SPR! So here's my SPR, unfortunately I apparently forgot to take screenshots of the rover's side during the test drive... Front Back Interior. I tried to keep in mind that the SPR was designed for long expeditions, so I added a small table and chairs to the back as well as a few screens to watch TV or view satellite maps for navigation or something. The bars on the back of the radiators also added some nice greeble to the inside and made it look even more cramped and full of stuff. Top speed is 10 m/s, and it can zoom down hills at that speed without breaking. Unfortunately it has trouble climbing those same hills (at least on Kerbin), probably due to the wheel overhaul.
  15. *shuffles feet* Oops, sorry!
  16. I remember my first LOR-profile Mun landing in Kerbal Space Program, it was exhilarating. If you're interested in improving your design, I would encourage you to take a look at these two Saturn V replicas I'm not entirely sure whether these work in KSP 1.1 (In fact, I highly doubt that the Munbug is still compatible with the current version), but maybe by looking at the pictures you can gain some inspiration. It's been a while since we had a good Saturn V on the Spacecraft Exchange, maybe you can make the next one!
  17. "America did everything important in World War II, Britain would have lost without the USA."
  18. Here, let me embed them for you. Once you've got the images uploaded to your website of choice (Good, you used imgur, it's probably your best choice), you want to right click on the image and click "Copy Image". Then you come over to your reply, move the insertion bar where you want the image and press CTRL+V to paste it. You will know it worked right if you see the image in the text box. By the way, welcome to our project. You will soon notice a considerable drop n the amount of free time you have, and may feel that your very soul is being consumed by working on this. Just saying...
  19. Photos from my Kerbin orbit testing of Altair. I'm trying to decide if the next mission i fly with these should be a Constellation copy of Apollo 10 or just go for a landing so I can actually tell whether they're ready for release.
  20. I hope I don't sound like I'm shrugging off the blame here, but I think your problem with the torpedo is probably due to the BD Armory warhead just not being powerful enough. After all, I don't think it was made to go up against Real Ships Hull Plating. I think there are probably two solutions. You could either clip a bunch of them together and hope it doesn't crash your game, or you could tamper with the part's values in your game files and also hope it doesn't crash your game.
  21. If you want you can use my Altair, Orion, and their respective launchers, although I think other people here have made better versions of Orion and Ares I than I have. I'll post the craft files when they're complete.
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