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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. Hold up, why did you post in this thread? Post in the thread you got the Saturn V from. Regardless, advice:
  2. @Warsoul I was referring to where you had posted a link to where you could purchase plugins for blender. This violates the Forum rules as you were posting a link to a product to be purchased. Edit: it appears the link was removed by either you or a moderator so nevermind
  3. Ok, @Warsoul, I don't normally give people trouble for grammar/spelling problems, but your last post was so full of them that I literally cannot understand what you said. Would you please reiterate what you said in a coherent format? Edit: You also violated forum rules by promoting a product, please remove it before the mods do.
  4. "Low-Cost" Sketchup: free ($0) Blender: free ($0) Maya (student version): free ($0) Wings 3D: free ($0) 3ds Max: free ($0) ZBrush: $795 (according to the website) Heck, even Inventor has a free edition available to students. And considering Inventor is the only one on this list that is used by actual rocket building companies(like SpaceX).....
  5. It might be loading, just taking longer than normal. If you click around it will crash it. K.
  6. You're free to make your own configs if you so desire. Or you can use it with Quarter Sized RSS.
  7. Nah man I'm not offended (despite myself being half hispanic). But some people are, and it doesn't help that the joke was also about a very sensitive topic. It helps to just steer away from that type of humor on public forums, to avoid arguments and whatnot. You can't make an "organization" as in "im da CEO and u my minion" But you can collaborate on things and designate people to be "in charge" (I think this is meant to prevent "clans" and such from forming, at least on the forum) Edit: you can't openly collab? Wat? As I posted earlier, a lot of mods do that....I think you may have misunderstood whoever PM'd you.
  8. This is most likely for legal reasons, same as requiring licenses and whatnot. You can collaborate, but you cannot claim to be a buisness or whatever (although I've never seen that be enforced).
  9. Ummmmmmmmmm....lemme split this into chunks. What? I mean, you can't use profanity, you have to stay on topic in a thread, you can't spam, and you have to (for legal reasons) post certain things along with your mods. How does this hinder learning? Do you want to get banned? Because that's how you get banned. Not going to go off-topic and explain the truth, but needless to say it's not because of the rules on some internet forum. Well, (a) you live in Canada and (b) probably because you regularly either disregard or don't read the rules, and you repeatedly start fights with people. Where does it say this? There are plenty of people who do this. Take this guy, for example: He regularly posts on the forums and *he* roleplays! Or what about Project A.R.E.S.? Or all the fanfictions? Or the people who do the BAD-T tournament? Uh.... This mod is made by a collaboration of people.... So is a mod I help with, below: lolwut? What, are you guys based out of Hawaii? (EDIT: Apparently, when not capitalized, pacific does indeed mean pacifist. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  10. It's not just advice, if he doesn't add a license and source code he'll be in violation of the forum rules. Don't want a conflict with the mods.
  11. Don't forget to include a license and source code lest you get shut down by mods Also, obligatory "no pics no clicks"
  12. Well Pak did say he was going to give Buran a pass to make it less of a texture set and more of an actual, seperate part set once he's done with Shuttle C (and once Beale makes Energia) Edit: also, what do you mean about the flaps? They appear to be working as intended in your screenshots.....?
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