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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Is there a fix for the funky nodes which got inverted?
  2. Except that I don't have those, it's the 'grand tour' stock contract type shown in the CC settings window in the KSC screen.
  3. Are the 'grand tour' contracts supposed to duplicate or at least have multiple of the same contract, just different order of the three bodies listed? Not sure if it's a CC thing or what though, and whenever I decline another contract, it reshuffles the order of those three.
  4. @Nertea You didn't answer my question from yesterday asking about the boiloff. Thought you were including some sort of patch for that. edit: The tanks don't seem to have any of the boiloff descriptor things in the configs, but I went and deleted the boiloff dll, so it's disabled anyway.
  5. Is there a patch in there that removes the boiloff? Or I guess I'll just remove it manually (and delete that simpleboiloff dll thing).
  6. @RoverDude I'm finding that the kontainer tanks are in need of some weight/fuel volume rebalancing because while they're fine for storage and stuff, the weight really kills the deltaV if you try to use them as fuel tanks when you use them for a LH2 powered engine, or any engine actually. Though the difference is less with denser fuels. Just made a github issue on it.
  7. Actually, having the Duna program include Ike as a bonus and optional side to it sounds like a neat idea. Also, when a strategia mission is active and CapCom is on the active missions tab, the debug readout spams [warning] null texture passed to GUI.DrawTexture. I suspect that it's because the flag is blank or a placeholder. I did post about it in the CapCom thread, but DMagic didn't say anything about it.
  8. I've been using Porkjets Atomic Age, the Lightbulb engine especially. Novapunch has two inline (a 1.25m and a 2.5m) LF powered nuclear engines (no idea what type they're supposed to be) which I use a lot. Theres of course, your own engines in Near Future Propulsion. I was also wondering when the LF patch would be out for these engines.
  9. I'm having a wierd bug involving the Space Camp contract. For context here though, I've already launched the Space Camp module ship which is currently in orbit. When I launch a new ship that has seats available, the load tourists dialogue comes up, only problem is that the tourists are already launched and there aren't any other tourist contracts active. And then, heres the strange part, when I switch to another ship and back, any kerbal that was on the first ship suddenly goes MIA and disappears from the ship on the pad. It happens regardless whether I click load or don't load passengers. Haven't tried in flight yet.... edit: Just tried in flight and it's fine, so, it just happens while on the pad/runway.
  10. @rbray89 With the latest UKS, DTL is breaking the texture for Ore kontainers and is making the MetallicOre, Uranite, and Substrate skins low res. Along with making the texture for the supply readi-pack low res.
  11. The missing ore texture turns out to be a Dynamic Texture Loader issue, theres also a couple other textures that it's making low res, but the texture issue isn't this mod. As for the cylindrical tanks, I tried looking at the spherical tank configs vs the cylindrical tank configs and couldn't see any differences like a typo or something that would make them not have liquid fuel and LH2. edit: Github issue logged a moment ago.
  12. Actually, the spherical ones did and still do, but the cylindrical ones did as well, but now don't.
  13. The 'wet' kontainer tanks have lost their ability to have liquid fuel only, that's no longer an option, plus I think a few other options may be missing. Edit: Also, the Ore texture has gone missing, that option gives a textureless model.
  14. It's just a graphical glitch where two sections of map intersect. It does make you feel like you want to stay away from it though, because kraken.
  15. Is it possible to have the generated waypoints take into account the slope of the terrain? Because I was forced to cancel a survey contract (I think it was the stock one) because I was having trouble getting to a cluster of waypoints that were on a very steep hillside.
  16. I'll check it out, though it'll be a while before I'm sure that it's fixed. Edit: It appears to be fixed from what I can tell. There is a slightly annoying though harmless new thing where if you have them sorted by contract and have some of them minimized, when you complete a waypoint, it causes all of them to open.
  17. Had it happen again after reverting after having trouble getting to a cluster of waypoints that were on a very steep hillside. Want the savefile from that one?
  18. Theres something very wierd going on, either something's wierd with the slot machine strategy or the capcom and contractwindow + mods are being confused. Whenever I change craft or change scenes, the numbers in both contractwindow+ and capcom keep changing. The numbers in mission control also appear to change as well.... edit: Yes, the amounts in mission control are changing as well. I've tried it with scientist focus II only and the numbers don't change there, tried it with contract slot machine III only and it changes there. I like the strategy, but it really shouldn't change the contract on every scene change. You know, I wonder if this bug is also breaking waypoint manager as well. Output log: http://sta.sh/0n786y7uqyv
  19. I tried the save and reload and all that did was make two of them duplicate. Quicksaving and reloading after they duplicate doesn't help either. Heres the persistent files, the memleakcheckstart thing is while in orbit before I landed, quicksave 2 is after I landed and found the contract wasn't triggering for the waypoint, post-quicksave2 is after the attempt to save and reload via quicksave 2. Output log is in there as well. http://sta.sh/0jh2l5cm2dm Also, the ones that duplicated are 'conduct seismic surveys of Minmus near area J-6K' and 'conduct biological activity surveys on Minmus near zone 8T-L'
  20. Actually, my mistake and apologies for sending you in the wrong direction, it's actually a DMagic Orbital Science instrument, not in the Otter submersible mod. There is a sample net part in the 'otter' mod, but that isn't used for any contracts. The experiment is called bathymetry and it's using the part of the same name (it's inside the RoverScience file inside DMOS). Not sure if the restrictions are non-stock, but as you can probably infer, it can only be used underwater, the instrument itself has to be submerged. The contract, um, I forget exactly atm, but it was the 'biome study of Kerbins shores' one. The contract had the required situation correct. Also, there's two types of bathymetry experiments you can get, shallow water and deep water, that might cause the contract to be confused.
  21. It's like the contract isn't sensing that I got the data or recovered it.
  22. I did try deeper water for shore and that didn't work. Had to force complete the contract.
  23. saving/loading as in making a quicksave (or doing alt+F9) and then loading that? I'll try that the next time I run into it. Meanwhile, here's my current persistent savefile before I boot KSP up again: persistent savefile Edit: Could the use of the CapCom mod have anything to do with it?
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