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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. Some of them drop quite slowly on earths surface, overtaken by earths orbitpath at morning hours...
  2. I am hanging beneath the locomotive, don`t tell Gregrox pssshhhh
  3. Perfectly colored gasplanet!!! Wonderfull cyclone(s)!!!
  4. Mikki


    Hello Kongoon Be prepared to encounter some real nice and nutty people!
  5. Scotius writes exactly what i think. Weldinggoogles are go! I love the bright radiating plumes yeah!!!
  6. Same experince here, without mods or with very few mods. I have lots of contracts responding correctly after a certain scenechange or restart, i don`t care anymore it is somtimes late to refresh status.
  7. OH. MY. GOSH. How did... why you... is that... does it... *faints* I heard rumours about a epilogue of that specific movie... the guitar guy is pretty much apocalyptic... Amazing kerbal remake, stunning...
  8. Beautyfull! You buildt the much awesome K-72/5! Finally! Errm... Does it fly ? The shape looks such ... enormous and balanced!
  9. Wonderfull! I see ducks! And many other birds. There is actually a turkey. Time to put my refurbished tinfoil hat. The kraken is a bird in disguise, confirmed!
  10. I decided to skip all mods and restarted a 100% stock KSP with default settings. No KJR, no KER, no whatever. Feels real good. Jeb is still alive.
  11. You might be able to find meteorites by naked eye in the nature. You just have to know exactly what you are looking for, sure it takes some time.
  12. Mikki


    @Hendryk Greetings Mikki, , and welcome to the forums!
  13. Done: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128332-105-hermes-shuttle-lifterdeorbiter/&do=findComment&comment=2331091
  14. Mikki


    @Hendryk Glad to see you in this forum, i suggest assume you`re still in school and therefore you cannot afford the purchase of KSP yourself, and/ or your parents are not willing/ interested to buy this PC simulation. Did you asked them allready?
  15. @KosmonautwithacapitalK Hello there, you`re good. Landing on the mun in KSP is a major achievement! I`am about to start again from scratch, with some custom difficulty .
  16. Hi @Superman I made once a Kerbvette. Launched from a Space Husttle Shuttle. Landed in the desert. Jeb is nuts. Look:
  17. I have like no time to play KSP sadly, so i tried FAR for the thrills, and i discovered that my stockparts Space Shuttle flies! Thanks to @ferram4, awesome man!
  18. "I am no expert." 1. Mars equator, lowest elevation, depends on soil/ rock/ resource prospect. 2. Alloy (BAUXIT), silicon for large scale glass production, and clearly, Dihydrogenmonoxide 3. Underground nuclear powerplant, able to seal itself in case of meltdown. Underground habitation under glassroof at surfacelevel. (One surface to maintain, control, seal) Underground greenhouses and artificial mini-ecosystems under glassroof at surfacelevel. Minimal surface buildings for landingstrips/launchpads (mars weather risks) 4. Depends how well the system performs. 100 years make mars a nice place to live, maybe 200 years.
  19. @Geschosskopf I really enjoy your writing, my own playtime went to zero recently due to heavy RL workload... I guess my plans to go OPM vanish, therefore it is mere fun to see your crews going nuts up there . The authors life experience (yours) is undoubtly messing up the protagonists destiny... The white eyed Kerbal in the fridge is terrible, most scary Kerbal i`ve ever seen. For science err no... for thrill! EDIT: Your "Kerbal genesis" canon should be stock. Just great!
  20. "A expensive boot touches mars for taxpayers delight."
  21. Mining and Tunneling Equipment Engineering. People drive through my work, by car and train. Powertransmissions, custom gearboxes, hydraulics, pneumatics, userinstructions, customercare. Need a hole? Or a Robot? https://youtu.be/20Y2SX6UIr4
  22. ...well... i remember the physical status of some Kosmonauts with extended 0g experience at their return to surface. A zero g environment for a manned (and lightly planted) excursion to mars is nothing a mental sane astronaut can be convinced to, literally suicide. Any male or female, Kosmo- Taiko- or Astronaut boarding such a vessel must be convinced leaving earth probably forever due to lethal events, which is hard to manage and broadcast back to earth. The technology must be safe and healthy. Anything else doesn`t make sense.
  23. Where i live (europa) we call this system "Communism". Congrats.
  24. @Evanitis I just had a good laugh while reading your truely horrif errm... encouraging descriptions of your excellent vessels. The "Space Husttle" is one adorable gem in Kerbal engineering history. It is gorgeous in any common sense, the shockcones shine so nice it is freaking koddish. All Duck are belong to "Space Husttle"!
  25. I am no expert but i think there is no way for higher developed biology travelling interplanetary distances without artificial gravity (spinning habitat) and a "large" miniscale artificial ecosystem to support a kind of natural (in fact heavy supported partial) nutrition chain. It might end up unbuildable and a desaster for all invited corporations, i see no chance the next 50 years. How should we propell a gigantic "insert weight of final megastructure" metric ton construction to a destination like mars? Is it worth the efforts if even doable? Any random instability in this system might end lethal for all participating entities, kind of a experiment without revert or emergency exit. Building such a habitat in space should be the main next step for human kind. However, investments in wars and other resources are still more "economic" for some people, sadly.
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